Why Do We Live In A World Where We Have To Fight Violence With Violence

Why is there so much violence in the world? What can be done to eliminate it?

There is a growing body of research that suggests that, historically, societies that developed in environments with consistently abundant resources, low human populations and little competition (i.e. few predators or other humans who invaded the area), tended to be less war-like or aggressive, with less evidence of violent tendencies and an equal valuation of the contributions of men, women and the elderly.  Many of those cultures, however, did not remain peaceful when more aggressive populations migrated into their region, or when changes to their environment or their population density made resources less plentiful.  So there seem to be gross correlations between population, resource availability and cultural valuations of physical strength and the skills of violence.  These are broad generalizations, mind you, and there are plenty of exceptions and ways to interpret these correlations differently, but there is sufficient evidence over the course of human civilization to invite closer scrutiny and a few interesting hypotheses.  Personally, I believe that we can - and in fact must - morally mature as individuals and as a global society, so that how we view property, wealth, status, work and so on becomes more cooperative and communally-oriented, and less competitive and individualistic.  Capitalism will need to be replaced with more advanced political economies, human population will need to be stabilized or decreased, inequalities of influence, privilege and wealth will need to be diluted, and "us verses them" tribalistic groupthink will need to attenuate.  I also think that, when the population on planet Earth has interbred enough that distinct racial traits are more universally distributed, the artificial boundaries of nation states and their accompanying nationalism will naturally begin to dissolve.  It's a ways off, to be sure, but I can see how humans will learn to live peacefully with each other.  Well, at least until the violent, predatory aliens arrive from outer space....

Can there be a world without violence?

Negative.Have you heard of the concept of a Society of Saints?https://www.newenglandcollegeonl...There will always be deviance. Even if the deviance is something as small as not saying ‘God bless you’ when someone sneezes or is as large as someone going on a hatchet rampage in the town square.Now you might (correctly) tell me ‘Alan, you ignoramus, deviance is not the same as criminality!’But to an extent, these things are necessary.If Nazis (and Nazi occupied territories) had no deviants (criminals, by the standards of Nazi codes), many Jews who were able to escape by the Holocaust would be dead or have been held captive for the duration of the war.Deviance is a good thing (and, sometimes, even crime is) because sometimes laws need to be examined with a critical eye.Murder as a law is older than the United States (and it is likely older than the English common law that United States law began as), but murder has been examined and clarified a great deal since it very first became a legal concept.There used to be a law prohibiting ‘Sodomy’, which as we know is a law that would not pass muster in the modern age.And it was only deviance and examination of the law that got it removed from the books in the first place.

Why must violence exist in this world?

Well it has to hang out somewhere. Our world seems just
as good a place as any.
Lets look at it a bit. Violence is a control issue. Sometimes its
actualized as a means by which to control others by force and
sometimes its used as a threat weapon. Like "do what I say
or I'll kill you". Society in general seems to place violence in
one or the other of two basic categories. Unsanctioned violence
where a person acts violently in opposition to its best interest.
Sanctioned violence where a person acts violently in concert
with its interests. The same is true for the individual. Each of
us has a discriminating viewpoint of when we will use violence
as a means to gain control and when we will not. There is
another societal category where a human uses violence simply
for the feeling its gives them. They call these people criminally
Martial arts is an excellent example where violence is taught
with the discriminating quality of justified violence and
unjustified violence. Again, the point is one of control. In this
art form, a person is taught everything known to use
violence and is also taught that true control lies in the
ability to resolve issues without actually being violent.
Interestingly, there is very little in the area of philosophy
as it relates to violence. I am amazed that philosophy
deals with such an intrinsic characteristic in such a
delinquent fashion. Maybe thats for future philosophers.

Why is the world that we live in so violent?

There always seems to be so much turmoil on Earth. This is quite natural in the cyclic nature of events which are destined to occur on our planet. However, from our perspective this is quite unnatural, for we would seem to prefer that period in which all is as it should be. However, were all to remain as it should be, nothing should ever change. It would be as it should be forever. That is not the purpose of Earth. For Earth is a testing ground, a battleground, a playground, and many more concepts. So in order to accommodate these many varied experimental manifestations it is necessary to occasionally shift the realities such that the emphasis is less on one end and more on the other. Perhaps it will be less of a playground and more of a battleground and so forth. The priorities are simply shifted around when needed. And that which we perceive as upheaval is in fact merely the physical manifestation of the reshuffling of priorities.You should follow your own intuitive guidance while “temporarily” living on Earth. For that which is highly undesirable to one may in fact be highly desirable to another. There is no set or firm reality. No real truth, for all is in fact relative. So, one must be careful in assigning truths and realities, to see that those realities and truths do not impinge on another’s. Thus when creating realities it is important to always remember to include the disclaimer, that only that which is most appropriate will be manifest.

Why do men like war and violence so much???

I'm paraphrasing from George Carlin, because he had the best answer for this:

Men like war because they are basically insecure about the size of their di cks and so they go to war about it. You don't have to be a political science major to see the bigger di ck foreign policy theory at work. It goes something like this: "What?!? They have bigger di cks?!?! BOMB THEM!!!"

And of course the bombs and bullets and rockets are all shaped like di cks. It's a subconscious need to project the pe nis into other people's affairs. It's called ***king with people.

What did we do wrong in Vietnam? We pulled out. Not a very manly thing to do, is it? When you're ***ing with people you've got to stay in there and ***k them till the end. ***k em to death!

Why are there so much violence in the middle East?

cultural conditioning.

only with time and open minds will people stop defaulting to fundamentalist ideologies (of whatever kind) that endorse the use of violence to intimidate people into agreeing with them.

take europe, for example. europe was more violent than the middle east is today for centuries until people began to realize the error of their ways; like the inquisition and other acts of religious fascism, the constant wars, and the oppressive governments. it wasn't even until the middle of the last century that most of europe had finally learned to live and let live.

though there are still elements of various kinds of bigotry in europe, it's a minority mentality. most people have learned that we live in a world, not a bubble, and not all people behave or think alike.

if people in the middle east and everywhere would ACCEPT the same things, they wouldn't be plagued with violence.

Why would you want to live another day in a world with increasing violence, poverty and pains?

Because I hope to make it better.Because I live in a relatively peaceful, rich and comfortable part of that world and natural selection limited the empathic abilities of the human brain so that I can ignore what happens in the less lucky parts of the Earth and go on living and reproducing.Because in the Universe there are other worlds sustaining some intelligent life form and some of those worlds are much more violent, poor and painful than this one.Because if people living in violence, poverty and pain still want to live, why should I want to die?Because even if I can't improve the world, the amount of violence, poverty and pain cannot increase indefinitely: the resources to create violence and pain are limited and the human being can't be indefinitely poor without dying. This, if I just wait, things will get better anyway.Because even if I wanted to have “oh, the world is everyday more violent, poor and painful” as an excuse to kill myself, the reality is that this is not true: despite all problems, deficiencies, and evil, the world is slowly but constantly getting better, more peaceful, less poor and more enjoyable.

Why do we live in such a cruel world?

Well, what is your definition of cruel?That people have sinned? That terrorism is a thing? That drugs are still being abused? That sex trafficking is happening?Cruel can mean many things. But what only means one thing, are the following: Peace. Love. Nonviolence. Right conduct. Truth.All of the things that I mentioned above? They only happen because people aren’t willing to accept that, or they just haven’t realized the meaning behind those things. Even worse, they may not have even heard of these words in their beautiful meaning. What I’m trying to say is… they’re preventable.Maybe the world is “cruel”. But that doesn’t mean we have to accept that. As Gandhi once said, “Be the change you wish to see in the world.” Let’s not just acknowledge the world is cruel, but try to change it in any way possible. Simple things like being kind to people, standing up to bad things such as bullying, and just being a good citizen can really make a positive impact in the loving and peaceful world we can create.Personally, I do not think of the world as “cruel” but rather, “improvable”. Our world in NO POSSIBLE WAY is perfect, nor will it ever be. But it can definitely be improved, and as aforementioned, just by spreading the 5 universal human values…Love.Truth.Right Conduct.Peace.Nonviolence.

Is violence ever necessary?

doing a classroom debate..... topic is "are there times when you should be violent?"

i need some ideas because I am on the NEGATIVE side

this is an easy 10 points, i just need your opinion
please no rude or stupid answers