Why Do We Want What We Don

Why do we never get what we want?

Materialistic aspect:My mentor always used to tell me,WE DON’T GET WHAT WE WANT, WE GET WHAT WE ARE.We all want great things in our life, all of us. But we rarely get any of what we want. Do you know why? Because we are not ready to pay the price. Price, not money I am talking about. I read somewhere, if you want to have what the 1% of the population has, you will have to do what the 1% population does.The number one reason we don’t have what we want is we don’t work enough. Whatever it maybe. Six-pack abs, wealth, that one person that we want, luxury, happiness, whatever. Just work.Some of you may think what does work have to do with happiness? A lot. Happiness is an act of giving, providing, sharing and caring. You need to have it first to give, share and care.Now if I come to the Philosophical aspect:I do agree that there are certain things that we want but we never get. Even I wanted few things to have, and few people to be with, I don’t have them. Neither the things nor the people. What can we do about it? Learn to deal with it. That’s life, a balance between holding on and letting go.

Why do we ALWAYS want what we can't have?

We want what we can't have because desiring more is was drives our imagination and creativity. If humans were naturally content with whatever existed before us, we'd still be living in caves.

To address your actual situation... my advice to you is to stop putting up with people's crap. Seriously, what does N mean when he says he "doesn't know" if he still wants to be with you? You should be PISSED! What the hell does he mean he doesn't know, when you are such and awesome person and a great catch? Does he honestly think he can just string you along forever, like a lost puppy? Is he really that arrogant?

C is no better, because he wants to put you on some kind of time table that's convenient for HIM. He basically told you that he'll only get with you if he hasn't found someone else in the next 6 months. What a jerk! He obviously doesn't see your awesomeness, either.

As for Jay... well, there's a guy who sees your awesomeness, and it sucks that you're not into him. But that happens, and if he's really that depressed over it, he should seek medical help for it because his attitude is not healthy. Not your problem, though.

My advice: forget about N and C. Write them off. While it sucks to be single and lonely, it's better to be single and lonely than in a bad relationship. I speak from experience. When the right guy comes along, it will just *work.* You won't experience this drama like you are with N over trying to MAKE it work, when the pieces just don't go. And the right guy will recognize your awesomeness right away, and not put you on a shelf like C. It will happen... but it will take a lot longer if you keep wasting your time with these unnecessary guys.

Do you believe that you don't always get what you want, but you do get what you need?

You don’t get what you want or need, you get what you are . Yes, call it Law of Attraction, spirituality, meta physics or God, you are manifesting things that you have. If you are rich you’ll get more rich, if you are poor you’ll manifest more poverty. Sounds wrong right?You need to understand that we are a form of energy and we are vibrating at a certain frequency and whatever that frequency resonates with, we get that thing.So when you want something that “want” = need = You don’t have that = Lack and when you have lack of something you’ll experience more lack of that. Suppose you want a relationship in your life and currently you feel lonely and you are not happy where you are then most probably you’ll continue to get situations in life which makes you feel lonely and unhappy, and if you are happy where you are you’ll get more situations which will make you feel happy and fulfilled.Now you must be thinking that you should have the physical possession of something to to get that thing but that is not true, if you have that thing in your mind and you are grateful for it then it’ll manifest in your physical reality. in Bible book of Mathews 13:12 its written “Whoever has will be given more, and they will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what they have will be taken from them.” This was written 2000 years ago and its still valid.There are many wealthy people who are not grateful for where they are in life and they tend to manifest situations in which even while having a lot of money they keep feeling the lack.So to get what you want first feel as if you already have it and be grateful for it then that thing will start to move towards you. And learn to let go of them, understand if you get them that would be great and even if you don’t something better will come!!Be Happy, Try new things and live the life to the fullest…Stay Strong,Vishal JainLife Coach

Why do we want to protect the wolves?

All wild animals are a vital part of the ecosystem to which they belong. Wolves do not 'kill off elk' - they prey on them, yes, but there is a balance between predator and prey in nature, each regulating the numbers of the other. Wolves kill the weak, sick elk, leaving only strong, healthy ones to breed, which is important for the survival of the species. This is in marked contrast to the way humans hunt - they tend to kill the biggest, strongest males with the most impressive antlers, meaning that weak, genetically inferior males are left to breed. This weakens the species as a whole.

In areas where wolves have been exterminated, as was the case in Yellowstone Park before their reintroduction, the populations of prey animals explode. This leads to overgrazing, because the environment cannot support these unnaturally inflated numbers - the habitat is damaged, and eventually there is not enough food, leading to mass starvation. In the UK, where I live, we are forced to cull our deer to prevent this happening - all the natural predators were wiped out hundreds of years ago. It would be a much better, more natural solution to reintroduce the predators, but good luck trying to convince the government of this when so many people are uneducated about and needlessly afraid of large predators like wolves.