Why Do Weak Taurus People Think They Are Brave When All I See Is Weakness

Life: Why do some people pretend like they are heartless, when in reality they have a very soft and sweet heart?

There are two kind of people.First kind who recover fast after a heartbreak or have a natural tendency to don't give a damn shit.Second kind who have a soft heart and normally think and rethink about cause of heartbreak again and again.Now, these second kind of people are actually envy of first kind just because first kind of people don't get much emotional and forget everything that let them be emotional. Second kind are actually tired of getting hurt and can't get easily recovered. "The best way not to get your heart broken is to pretend you don't have one."By pretending those people think nobody can hurt them or judge them. Its like a conversation breaker. If somebody talks about heart tell them you are hard-heartened and don't care. Maybe they want somebody who can slip into their heart.They reach a stage in life when they think there is no need of impressing somebody. They are trying to be in self control by pretending.

Aquarius the weakest Fixed Sign?

I am just asking.

All descriptions traits that are told my proffesional astrologers describe the three power signs as strong-willed, determine, unstopable, and power-hunger (Wealth,Dominance,Fame) while it does not say those traits for aquarius.

Now aquarius are innovators, unique, and see the world from a humanitarian point of view, so is that the case they would not want power for themselve like the other fixed signs?

I read in an online article that

The first 4 signs care more about themselves, they represent the human stage of a baby(Aries,Gemini)
The middle 4 signs care about themselves and the people around them, the represent the young middle age person(Scorpio,Leo)
The last 4 care more about the world, they represent the wise older person(Sagittarius,Pisces)

Do you think this is true?

How would you list the strongest to weakest signs?

I totally agree with you that the fixed signs are on the top.

Scorpio <---- These b*tches are psychotic so they go on top XD

Why are Scorpio men are so insensitive toward cancer women?

^^ Cancer weak? Pls that's why this scorpio can't get enough of me and I want nothing to do with him.

You know I'd say to just keep it moving. Being a cancer I know you must not want that negativity in your life.Somebody better and appreciate will come along..a person who appreciates the person you are and doesn't want to break you down because ”he is bothered by weak people” Some people take our kindness for weakness and
thats just being ignorant.