Why Do Women Hate Direct Communication

Why don't women communicate directly?

There are probably many reasons for this. Off the top of my head: Women are taught to not be direct. Women find it easier to convince men something is actually THEIR idea, not the woman's, if hints are dropped. Also remember women pick up on hints and tone better than men. Women see when a man is miffed, men are not as capable of empathy, and by empathy I really just mean putting yourself in someone else's shoes. Because women pick up on hints, some women may think their man will pick up on them.

I am Southern though. We major in passive aggression at school, men AND women. It is a cultural thing as well, remember. some consider directness rude.

Don't you hate how indirect women are when they communicate? Why is that?

yes I hate it but what are you going to do . . .

Do taurus men have bad communication skills?

from my experience they r very good at it (i mean the men)..they r so polite and real gentlemen..very intellectual

As a woman (& INTJ) whose natural communication style is direct and blunt, how do I deal with female colleagues who accept this from men but reject it from women?

I think the two things that go a long way are—Establishing respect and value for your colleagues. When someone knows that you respect and value them and that you see yourselves as being on the same team, they will hear you out when you are direct or blunt. You can establish this backdrop for communication by giving a compliment for work you genuinely admire and aligning yourself with the projects or goals of others (asking how you can help, asking how something turned out, offering helpful resources, etc.).Nonverbal signals of respect. Body language and good use of eye contact can complement direct verbal language. Listening without interrupting is important. Nodding while listening, speaking in a softer tone, recalling something that was said, giving others credit publicly, etc. all communicate that you value someone else’s thoughts and work, thereby making honest feedback an asset to them instead of an attack.I did pick up on the part of your question that specifies female colleagues. Some environments are trickier than others, depending on your industry and office climate. It’s easy to get hung up on the injustice of being received differently by your fellow females than you might if you were male. Give this time. After awhile, you’re not Female Colleague anymore, but [Your Name]. People will get to know you and your style. If you establish a reputation as someone competent with integrity, workmates will trust you enough to start getting to know you as a person.And if all else fails, befriend an ENFJ (or INFJ), if your workplace has one. We’re xNTx allies and apologists and unwittingly find ourselves doing PR for our awesome, honest friends.

Why do women rationalize their attraction to tall guys and dislike of short guys, by using pos/neg adjectives?


No, you don't need to be excessively b*tchy and crude, and you also do not need to lie.

There IS a happy medium.

If a man shows interest, simply say "I'm sorry, you're not my type". If he asks why, say "well since you really want to know, I prefer my men a little taller". Plain and simple. You dont need to taunt him with the fact he cant get you wet. Lmao.

Again I'm tall myself but I cant help feeling guilt over all the girl Ive banged and how easy its been, and how very little shorter guys get any. You know? its almost unfair.

What is interpersonal communication?

Interpersonal communication is the communication that takes place between two people. It can include verbal, non-verbal and expressions.

Do women see directness in a man's character as a mark of manhood?

It’s more normally identified by the big Adam’s apple, the mysterious facial hair growth, and the oversized knuckles. Directness isn’t much of a guarantee, since there are plenty of direct women around and plenty of men who are, shall we say, diplomatic in their speech.

As a woman, what do you say when a man unexpectedly asks you out on a date?

Complete, total and brutal honesty is always appreciated by a male because males hate it when females play mind games, are too indirect, and too subtle with verbal communication. This means telling a male what he really needs to know, instead of telling him what a female believes the male wants to hear.In the real world most people are quite average with interpersonal communication, because people are not willing to be direct, and use vague and meaningless vocabulary, which leaves room for interpretation. Ambiguity and misunderstanding stems from room for interpretation, as a direct result of vague and meaningless vocabulary.A female can choose to tell a male he is not her type because she is not attracted to his height, weight, body shape, age group, personal hygiene, clothing style, social status, personality, occupation, profession, lifestyle, communication style, life orientation and philosophy, attitude towards females, relationship history, criminal record, career goals, interests and hobbies, personal values, personal beliefs, mindset and attitude, and lack of chemistry.This is called highly effective communication with no misunderstanding and no room for interpretation. All males appreciate this type of communication style by females because it demonstrates a female understands her needs and preferences, and demonstrates self awareness, and an understanding of the importance of open communication.Ultimately this demonstrates a respect for a male's investment of time, money, energy and effort, and emotional and psychological welfare. As a heterosexual male I really appreciate and value females who demonstrate this type of open and direct communication style.