Why Do Women Think Men Are Inferior To Them

Are men inferior to women?

Oh no, not this debate again. Well, want an answer, IT DEPENDS. DO YOU REALLY THINK KIM KARDASHIAN IS SUPERIOR TO EINSTEIN, OR THAT JUSTIN BIEBER IS SUPERIOR TO MARIE CURIE?!NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! All of women and men are different and it’s what they do with themselves that makes a difference.« yeah, but women are ‘statistically’ better than men in intelligence,stamina… NOOOOOOOO SHUT UP YOU.This is only statistics. If you have to choose between 5 cards, you’ll have ‘statistically’ one chance of 5 of getting one right. But, ow, strange, I try and I got the right card from thneede second try.Also, you can say women have more capabilities than men. But we have our own capabilities each. Women is intelligence and stamina, and men is strength.But it depends on how you treat yourselves. Do you really think one random girl is more endurant than Usain Bolt or more intelligent than Enstein?I could also say in going back to statistics, that IQ is just a logical and mathematical way to measure intelligence, but that doesn’t mean anything.In conclusion, I really think that men and women complete each other, and that most importantly, it really depends on how you treat yourself.So down with sexism!oh and also, if one gender was really superior, why would nature make two genders?

Why do men feel that women are inferior to them?

Even if they will argue that women are just as smart, just as capable, and just as important in a marriage as men, they still treat their wives as if everything they say or try to do is stupid. Then get mad at her if she apologizes for being stupid.

Please no rude answers. I really want to understand this problem in my marriage and obviously am not able to find out from my husband.

Do most women feel inferior to men?

Based on my experience with women, yes, most women do feel inferior to men. I am an Indian woman, so I am speaking from the perspective of Indian women.I have been told time and again that men are better than women (not in so many words, but it’s often implied). So, no matter how much I try to avoid it, this thought gets internalised in my brain. By most standards, I am successful in life. I studied at one of the best NIT’s, was always among top 10 students in the class, got placed first in my class and with the highest package of 11lpa. Four years later, I have been performing well in my career, and my salary has doubled to 22lpa.However, there is always this nagging insecurity at the back of my head, that I have been “given” these things, because I am a girl. I haven’t earned any of this. I have heard so many times that professors give good marks to girls, companies just give placements to girls and so on. So, no matter how much I achieve in life, it never gives me confidence. When I hear the term “diversity inclusion” in corporate culture, it makes my blood boil. It gives another excuse to people to spread the notion that women just get things, without having to work for it.Whenever I am stuck at some hard piece of work, some new programming language that I don’t get, my first thought is that I can’t do this because I am a girl. Girls don’t have techy brains. I know this is a lie, but when you hear something thousands of times, it starts sounding true. I have to remind myself that this is just an excuse I am thinking of when the going gets hard. I am sharp, as sharp as guys, if not more.And it’s not just me, my women friends also have this notion. Educated, working, independent women. They think that important decisions should be taken by men. Women don’t think logically. Men know better. They are happy to have their fathers or husbands or brothers take decisions for them.That is why men get all the respect, because they have all the resposibility. And that is why women are treated like children. Until and unless women are ready to shoulder responsibilities, they are not going to get any respect from anyone.

What is it called when a man thinks that women are inferior to men?

A lot of guys I know think that women should be the ones who take care of the child, cook, clean and now the modern day woman has to work, too! I've seen many sexist pages on facebook and it is very insulting. I was wonder why they do that and if there is a certain word for it. Also, if there is anyway we could support women's rights?

Why are women still seen as the inferior gender?

It just annoys me so much! It's 2014, why can't people just accept women as equals? And before any one brings up the old "my religion says so..." argument, it does not say anywhere in the Quran, Bible or the Tanakh/Torah that women aren't equals (atleast in the Bible and the Quran it doesn't, i don't have much knowledge on judaism, please highlight if it says so in the Torah, my apologies if I am wrong)
The worst thing is that some STUPID people acctually expect all women to be housewives and baby making machienes, dedicating their lives to their husbands and only there husbands.(*) WHAT THE HELL?! WE HAVE LIVES TO LIVE TOO! Anywho, i'd like to invite you all to coment on this matter, all oppinions are welcome, although they won't all be accepted with warm hands :)

(*)- i realise that some women acctually want to live this way, i'm not saying that i disagree with your life style, i'm saying i despise people who EXPECT women to live this way

Why do women think short men are inferior when even tall men don't think that?

Old fashioned instinct. The literal meaning of status is standing. Taller stronger males protected tribes, were notable hunters and gained status from physical prowess in combat, and as such they were most likely to survive combat and accumulate wealth and resources and be sought after by women.

For a short guy to survive combat he would have be a nasty individual to deal with, avoid standup fights or fill some other vital function like scouting, shaman, or be crafty enough to make alliances that would give him status linked to a more powerful individual within the tribe.

As stereotypes go short guys are 1) Obsequious 2) Belligerent 3) Funny

Sorry, short guys are low man on the totem pole.

Where did the idea that women are inferior to men come from?

Most of the existing answers here speculate and quip about physical strength, men’s insecurities, and other “natural” responses to biological differences. Some of it is probably right, even if we’ll never know for sure.One thing we do know is that—for those of us living in modern, Western cultures—the idea that women are inferior to men has been supported and normalized by appeal to the Bible. The creation story in Genesis 2 offers a foundational narrative in which Eve, the prototypical woman, is created second to Adam, as a “help meet” to him. The idea of women’s fundamental inferiority or secondariness pops up again and again in the texts canonized as Jewish and Christian scripture. Here’s a crazy thing, though: there are lots of passages in the Bible where women are not relegated to second class, including the creation story in Genesis 1, where “male and female” were created in God’s image, seemingly in parity with each other.If you are a part of a community with a biblical heritage, it’s important to do two things: recognize the role that the Bible has played in construing women as inferior to men, and use the Bible as a resource to do good to women. In the 21st century, that means recognizing and treating women as equals, not as “complements” to their male counterparts, not as “remaining silent and having no authority over a man,” and certainly not as what King James euphemistically described as a “help meet” for men.

Why do most men think women are subordinate to them?

Because experience has taught me that women have zero useful input to offer in my chosen fields of work.A woman’s opinion of how an AC condensor should be hoisted onto a roof and how it's electrical and refrigerant lines should be routed and connected is just something I've never even had to be subjected to. Even on the rare occasion that a woman finds herself in my work environment she usually doesn't feel in a position to offer up any advice.The same thing happens with most things machinery related. I never had to deal with female opinions in the aerospace machine shop or while building automation systems either.They also seem to have no interest in the details of what I do every day so you could imagine why I would consider a woman to be subordinate in my work life.

Do feminists believe men to be inferior to women?

Nope.Some men are inferior to some women. For example, Hitler is morally inferior to practically any woman. The first sentence in this paragraph is what almost everyone would agree to. Including feminists.Some women are inferior to some men. For example, Kim Davis is morally inferior to Martin Luther King. The first sentence in this paragraph is what almost everyone would agree to. Including feminists.However, no one is inferior to another person based on their gender. That is entirely stupid and not at all logical. Why would someone be inferior to a woman because they were a man? They wouldn’t because we are equal in terms of our gender. This is what feminists also believe.So, no. Feminists believe that men and woman are both equally of worth. We simply believe that it is always time to work to make the world treat women as equal to men, rather than inferior.That is literally all feminism is. It is ‘men and women are equal, and should be treated as such.’