Why Do You Call This Kind Of Belief

What do you call someone who believes in nothing?

Jeeze, I thought about adding this additional explanation when I wrote the question, but I left it out because I thought people could interpret it correctly first time x_X

I'm referring of course to the lack of any kind of spiritual or religious belief that transcends the physical evidence that we have. Obviously I'm not referring to people who literally believe nothing. If I did, I would have put it in the Mental Health section. I thought the fact that I put it in Religion and Spirituality would have made it evident the beliefs I was referring to.

So please, answers like "dead" do not help me

What should we call people who don't have religious beliefs?

The term you are probably looking after is irreligious. Some other terms include:irreligious: doesn't have religious beliefs or doesn't practice religion. Might or might not believe is God, gods, or higher powers.atheist: does not hold a positive belief in the existence of God, gods, or higher powers. Might or might not practice religion or hold religious beliefs not related to gods. strong ath.: strong opinion (belief) that theistic¹ gods don't exist.agnostic: claims not to know whether God, gods, or higher powers exist or not. Might or might not admit to lack belief in gods. Might or might not suspect, hope, or contemplate the actual existence of gods. strong ag.: claims that the question about gods is unanswerable. closet atheist ag.: lacks belief in gods but doesn't admits him/herself as atheist. not really agnostic ag.: makes no claim but rejects atheist as too strong.ignosticist: claims that any supernatural claim is not well defined, and therefore it does not make sense to either consider if supernatural³ gods exist or not.apatheist: does not care about the question of existence or nonexistence of gods.spiritual non-religious: does believe there is some kind of higher-power or universal consciousness but doesn’t care about organized religion.deist: believes some god (usually a creator) exists or existed, but this god doesn’t care or cannot care about us. Prayers and worship are therefore irrelevant.pantheist: believes that everything (pan) is god (theos). Nature or the universe is god and, in many cases, believes in some sort of universal consciousness.¹ theistic god: a god who is a person with agency that intervenes in human history and answers to prayers, as opposed to deistic², pantheistic or other conceptions of gods.² deistic god: an entity, usually a creator, or the first mover, that explains existence, but it is either not a person, or otherwise does not care or cannot care about us.³ supernatural god: a god that cannot be proven by methodological materialism (aka naturalism), as opposed to any idea of gods that can be shown through materialistically assessed evidence.

What do you call believing in god but not going to church?

I am a christian and I go to church, but there have been times i was in the EXACT place as you. Christianity is pretty much a relationship with Jesus. No one can make that relationship for you, only you can. And ya it is hard to believe everything they are saying because half of it makes no sense and the rest might seem pointless. There is nothing wrong with exploring other religions because if you didn't, how would you know the truth? The way iv'e come to realize that Christianity is right is through personal studies. I went and studied this and other religions until i found my way. So don't worry about having the title of christian or having to follow certain rules or finding the right religion. I'm not going to say you have to go to church but that is one place where there are people who can answer questions and its the beginning of finding the path of what you believe .

Is their some kind of saying or belief whenever you sneeze?

Here are some sneezing facts

If you sneeze three times in a row, you can make a wish

"god bless you" was invented in the middle ages

Sneezing is getting rid of your bad sins

The world record is 978 days in a row sneezing

There is something called Phonic sneezing which means sneezing like when you pluck your eyebrows or go out in the sun.

Many people say that your heart stops when you sneeze but that is truly false!

"One sneeze, a wish
Two sneezes, a kiss
Three sneezes, a disappointment
Four sneezes, a letter"

"Jupiter preserve you." is what the romans said

I hope this helps you!

What do you call a person that doesn't believe in gods or ghosts?

A person who lacks belief in things they have no evidence for is called a skeptic.A person who lacks belief in gods they have no evidence for is called an atheist.A person who is open to the idea there could be a god or gods, but they currently lack belief could be called an agnostic *or* an atheist.Most, if not all skeptics are willing to believe in ghosts or supernatural phenomena, provided sufficient evidence.Most, if not all atheists are willing to believe in a god or gods, provided sufficient evidence.The problem is faith is not evidence. It’s the opposite.

Doesn't calling atheism a "belief" degrade ACTUAL belief systems?

Atheism is most definitely not a religion. But I do think of it as a belief. Atheists believe in many things, including the idea (or fact) that there is no God. That belief is as valid as the idea that there is a God, and deserves to be held in the same regard, and treated with the same respect. I HATE being referred to as a "non-believer" when I believe in so much. I believe in humanity, in nature, in energy. Just MHO, but something to think about, maybe.
