Why Do You Guys Think About My Physical Appearence And About The Things I Should Change/improve

How can a 14yo like me improve his physical appearance?

I looked at your pic. You're a good looking guy! I'm gonna second that unibrow suggestion another answer mentioned. Otherwise you're good to go as far as your face and hair goes. Great smile/teeth you got, man!Don't know what your body looks like, or what kind of clothes you wear, though, because I can't see them.But as far as clothing goes, without knowing more about you personally, I'd suggest going with a casual, simple, understated classic sort of look. Avoid faddy stuff. Always try to wear a clean shirt and pants.Body-wise, I get the impression you're on the lean side. If so, you're off to a good start. If not, exercise and a good healthy diet will help you lose weight. Even if you're already lean, exercise and a good diet are only going to help you improve your appearance, confidence, and gracefullness. You don't need to be a muscle bound gym rat, but a little muscle definition/development and tone won't hurt. Work on having good posture - sit and stand straight with your shoulders back, rather than slouching.Hygiene is important, of course. Keep your nails clean and short. Keep the hair on the back of your neck trimmed/shaved. Get a haircut once a month.Only other thing I can think of is being a body in motion. The guy who's tapping his foot or shaking his shoulders in time to the music, using his hands in a somewhat animated manner when he talks, etc., stands out from the other fellas that sit around like bumps on a log, with their hands in their pockets. Laugh. Be the first guy on his feet. Don't hesitate to stick your paw out for a handshake. Strive to convey that you're a happy and energetic guy. This will draw people's attention to you.I don't mean to suggest that you be a showoff or a phony in any way. Be you. You look like a real nice, friendly guy, with a sense of humor.Good luck, big man!

If you could change places with anyone for physical appearance, who would you choose and why?

Heath Ledger.If you took everything I didn’t like about myself and removed it, then took everything I liked about myself and amplified it, I’d look a lot closer to Heath Ledger than I do now.Looking like him would be beautiful and amazing and great. He had looks, he had charm, he had talent. I try to replicate his charm, but it’d be a lot easier if I looked like him. See him in A Knight’s Tale?Gutsy underdog protagonist with something to prove and a whole lotta charm. With a smile like that I think everyone would have faith in me.What about in 10 Things I Hate About You?Mysterious dangerous badass who opens up and shows his sweet, vulnerable and charming side when he meets someone who he truly clicks with? I feel that. Maybe if I looked like Heath Ledger she wouldn’t have left me :)The Dark Knight?A completely insane cynical fuck looking to create chaos and expose the hypocrisy of society?Heath could do it all.I’m trying to do it all.If I looked like him it’d be easier.

Unexplained severe physical changes in appearance after surgery?

Please explain more this sounds very interesting. Broken bone fracture which they may change the position of? Any skin tear where they have to replace skin with a custom made one? Hormone does play a role, cause of bone growth.

Wait explain about the freakish weight loss and gain. Don't hold back in talking. As you know losing weight and gaining weight can change the shape of the face.

European ancestry have light-colored eyes before the age of one. As the child develops, melanocytes (cells found within the iris of human eyes, as well as skin and hair follicles) slowly begin to produce melanin. Because melanocyte cells continually produce pigment, in theory eye color can be changed. Most eye changes happen when the infant is around one year old, although it can happen up to three years of age. Observing the iris of an infant from the side using only transmitted light with no reflection from the back of the iris, it is possible to detect the presence or absence of low levels of melanin. An iris that appears blue under this method of observation is more likely to remain blue as the infant ages. An iris that appears golden contains some melanin even at this early age and is likely to turn green or brown as the infant ages.

Changes (lightening or darkening) of eye colors during puberty, early childhood, pregnancy, and sometimes after serious trauma (like heterochromia) do represent cause for plausible argument to state that some eyes can or do change, based on chemical reactions and hormonal changes within the body.

Studies on Caucasian twins, both fraternal and identical, have shown that eye color over time can be subject to change, and major demelanization of the iris may also be genetically determined. Most eye-color changes have been observed or reported in the Caucasian population with hazel eyes.

Why do people judge people by their physical appearance?

The sad fact is, in most modern societies to date, people are judged by their physical appearance. What I want to know is why.

Why would anyone judge a person by looks. Everywhere you look, people are being judged by physical appearance. Why do people do it? Would they feel ashamed of having what they would class as an ugly partner? Are they to large, to skinny, to tall or tall small? Why do they matter? Does a physical aspect change how a relationship takes place? No, the fact is, it has no hindrance for a healthy relationship.

As well as this, people judge other people by their ethnic background, or even by the way they talk. Why should a relationship be affected by the colour of a person's skin? their nationality? Or even because they may speak in a certain way?

Every factor that people look for is mainly due to physical appearance, and this is made worse by corporate businesses eating it up, and purging it onto television screens and magazines. It causes a widespread effect, and then everyone believes they have to not eat for 5 weeks to become "perfect, irresistable or beautiful?" What is most upseting is that people believe it, and change to have a "better love life". They are not improving love life, they are giving a different one, which is filled with relationships that have no reason, except that they look good together.

It is pitiful nonsense, as soon as people get mature enough to know they will not have a relationship with a model, the sooner this problem would get solved. Why should someone change to meet someone elses need? If that is the case, then that person does not deserve a partnet.

You may be large, skinny, tall, small, Indian, English, Black, White, German or Polish. The fact remains is that you are all beautiful to someone fat, and they would love you for who you are, not your physical appearance.

What are your views on this?
Has this occured to you?
Have you judged someone by their appearance?

My boyfriend points out my physical flaws...?

I understand that everyone has flaws but to a certain extent, I dont believe its necessary to point out the physical flaws someone has too much. My boyfriend of 2 years ALWAYS reminds me of the flaws I have. I dont think he realises how **** it makes me feel when he keeps telling me things I already know about myself that dont look attractive. For eg, yesterday he was telling me how bad my pimples have gotten, he mentioned how I have to get rid of the cellulite I have on my thighs, he said how ugly my sideburns are (theyre not too bad, he does over exaturate). They're just a few, and he's told me much MUCH MUCH worse that made me cry but I don't feel comfortable sharing the rest. When he tells me these things, most of the time I brush it off and I just don't say anything but sometimes I can't take it and I tell him that it really makes me feel bad and ugly and he can tell because I go all quiet and look a little down. When he sees this he says "aww why are you being like this, you can't change how you look".

I love him to DEATH, but I dont think he has a very soft spot in him that makes him realise how crazy it looks to just pick at someones flaws when they know they've already got ugly things about them. What can I say as a sort of come back to him after he says something mean? What would you say to your loved one if they really hurt you like that about how you look?

What could be a reason why this guy still thinks I am ugly looking after I tried so hard to improve my appearance?

I’m sure you know who Channing Tatum is. He’s in many movies like 21/22 Jump street, Magic Mike, She’s the Man, etc.This is him on the cover of People Magazine, on the basis of being one of the sexiest men alive.He’s ripped, rich, famous, and god knows how difficult it is to get this way (the time and money, training, pain).What do I think of him? I think he looks like my left foot.Everyone has different preferences. Being unattractive to one man does not mean you are not attractive and that nobody in the world will find you attractive. Some people just have preferences.He cannot force his body to be attracted to you. That’s out of his and your control.Nobody knows why people are attracted to certain looking people (probably something brain related, who knows). You can optimize your physical appearance, while still maintaining your original self and he may STILL not be attracted to you.It’s his perception of beauty, his perception does not evaluate how beautiful you are or invalidate your hard work at all. Do not worry about what one boy thinks, someone will see you and your effort and fall madly in love.You cannot win everyone no matter what you do and that should not be your goal. Your goal should not be to please others but to be satisfied with your own appearance, that renders something even sexier: confidence.