Why Do You Tret Type 1 Diabetes With Insulin But Not Type2

What is type 1 and type 2 diabetes?

What to do when diagnosed with Diabetes 1 or 2?Diabetes is a long-term condition that causes high blood sugar levels. This disease is usually characterized by common symptoms such as;Frequent urinationIntense thirst and hungerWeight gain, unusual weight lossFatigue, cuts, and bruises that do not healMale sexual dysfunctionNumbness and tingling in hands and feetIf you are planning to visit for Full Body Health CheckUp Please Visit- Apollo Health CheckUpImportant Things you Need to Know about Type 1 DiabetesDiabetes generally is a long-term condition that causes high blood sugar levels. However, Type 1 diabetes is a rare type of diabetes as compared to type 2. Approximately 10% of all diabetes cases are type 1.This diabetes arises when a body does not produce insulin on its own. Some people may refer to this type as insulin-dependent diabetes, juvenile diabetes, or early-onset diabetes. People usually develop type 1 diabetes before their 40th year, often in early adulthood or teenage years.Apparently, Diabetes type 1 lasts a lifetime, as there is no known cure. However, this just like any other disease is better managed when detected and treated early. Perhaps your worry is; is there any Diabetologist in India? Or you are wondering where to get the best Diabetologist in Chennai,Important Things you need to know about Type 2 DiabetesDiabetes generally is a long-term condition that raises the blood sugar levels. However Type 2 Diabetes specifically occurs when a body does not produce enough insulin for proper functioning, or the cells are insulin resistance, that is, they do not react to insulin in the body. Statistics have it that approximately 90% of all cases of diabetes worldwide are type 2.People control their type 2 diabetes symptoms by losing weight, following a healthy diet, engaging in exercise, and by closely monitoring their blood glucose level. However, type 2 diabetes is typically a progressive disease; it gradually gets worse. This disease just like any other is better managed when detected and treated early.To know more information about Diabetes please find through Apollo Online Consultation

Why would insulin injections not be useful in treating type II diabetes?

Insulin is useful in treating Type II diabetes also. But in Type I as the production of insulin is defective it is absolutely necessary to give insulin injections. In Type II the problem is more of insulin resistance than insulin production. So they can be controlled mostly by tablets like metformin and glitazones which will reduce the insulin resistance. Tablets like glibenclamide, glimepride can be added to that if necessary which will help in insulin production also. It is always more convenient to take tablets than injections. But most diabetes Type II patients will find that after a few years their sugar is not controlled on multiple drugs. So ultimately they also are put on insulin injections with or without tablets at the end.

Can type 1 Diabetes be treated with insulin pills?

If you know the difference between the two types of diabetes then you obviously know that the only thing that they have in common is the title 'diabetes'. You would know that as a type one diabetic you no longer produce insulin and thus have to take it via injection, and that a type two diabetic can still produce insulin but cannot process it correctly thus needing oral medication to help manage it.

So then you would already have the answer to your question, that the oral medication that type two diabetics take would be absolutely useless to you, a type one insulin dependent diabetic.

If you can't be a truck driver and be on insulin then guess what? You either don't get to be a truck driver or you get to be a dead truck driver. Pick one. What you've been doing is dangerous - you cannot use type two tricks to treat your type one diabetes. If you continue to do so and insist on going on the road in a large truck then you are putting yourself and OTHERS at risk.

Why are insulin injections not the course of treatment for all diabetics?

Many Type 2 (insulin resistant) diabetics make enough of their own insulin that when oral medications are used to either increase production or assist in the body's use of their own insulin, effective control is achieved without injectable insulin. Other Type 2's need a boost from outside source. And Type 1 diabetics do not make any insulin and must always inject.

Cures for type 2 Diabetes?

Type 1 Diabetes is caused by the failure of an internal organ called the PANCREAS. The pancreas make insulin, and when the pancreas fails you become diabetic. At this time, there is NO CURE for Type 1 Diabetes. It is TREATED by taking insulin injection to replace the insulin that the pancreas no longer makes.

Type 2 Diabetes is a LIFESTYLE disease. It is caused by being overweight. When this happens, the pancreas is STILL WORKING (probably normally), but you have "too much body" for the amount of insulin produced.

The treatment for Type 2 Diabetes is simple: Eat less, exercises more, and lose weight. Until the patient is entirely successful t this, they may need various medication, adn even insulin injections. But once the Type 2 Diabetic gets their body weight and diet under control, the symptoms of diabetes will go away.

THERE IS NO CURE FOR TYPE 2 DIABETES!! It can be CONTROLLED, but if the patient reverts back to their old lazy, eat-anything habits, they will gain weight and the diabetes will return

Difference between type 1 and type 2 diabetes?

Type 1 Diabetes is a disorder in which the body does not produce insulin (a hormone that aids in moving sugar from the blood to the cells). This type of diabetes can be due to a virus or autoimmune disorder in which the body does not recognize an organ as its own and attacks it. In this case the body attacks an organ known as the pancreas where insulin is made.

Those with Type 1 Diabetes are required to take insulin injections to move sugar from the bloodstream. This type of diabetes is usually diagnosed before age 40.

Type 2 Diabetes occurs when insulin that the body produces is less efficient at moving sugar out of the bloodstream. Some sugar is moved out of the blood, just not as effectively compared to a person with normal insulin efficiency. High blood sugars are a result of this.

Diet, exercise, weight loss, and possible medications are the treatment for this type of diabetes. Occasionally, someone with Type 2 may be placed on insulin to better control blood sugars. This type of diabetes is associated with physical inactivity and obesity. Type 2 Diabetes used to be thought of as the adult onset type of diabetes. However, an alarming rate of children are now being diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes.

Is type 1 diabetes worse or better than type 2 diabetes?

They are different.Type 1 is a life long illness and can have many complications. Researchers spend the bulk of their time trying to find a cure, because the cure is finding a way to reboot or replace the Islets of Langerhans so the patient can produce their own insulin. Balancing diet, activity and insulin is challenging, especially with children. Crises are more common, especially in children, either too high or too low. With better management, Type 1 diabetics are now living long enough for some of the other complications of diabetes to be a problem: blindness, kidney failure, neuropathy, heart disease, etc.Type 2 is a life long illness and can have many complications. It is much more insidious than Type 1. If you have poor control and do not test, you can have highs that are astounding. Lows are less common, unless you have to use insulin. You can maintain poor control for many, many years leading to the complications diabetics are prone to; blindness, kidney failure, neuropathy, heart disease, etc. Mostly because you can live longer with the kind of poor control a Type 2 can maintain. Researches do not work on curing Type 2, it is such a multifaceted disease and has no recognizable cause, although there are predisposing factors.A Type 1 cannot ignore their condition, it is too dangerous for them to ignore. They are usually, better at taking care of themselves because not doing so can be deadly.Type 2 diabetics can ignore their disease, sometimes for a short period, some times for years. Because of that, they end up doing a lot of damage to their bodies.Both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetics have a very difficult time with their disease. Both have dangers. But they are not the same disease, they are different and have different causes. Comparing them is like comparing apples and oranges. They may both center around blood sugar and control of sugars, but they are not the same.