Why Does Africa Unleash Such Biological Terrors Upon Us Like Ebola And Hiv

What is a biological risk and two examples in children?

There are risks. The risks aren't as serious if brothers and sisters were to procreate, but the risks are still there. 1st cousins share many genes...their parents are brother and sister after all. Lets say that these 2 cousins shared 25% of their dna...well, that 25% can mean the difference between a healthy, normal child and a mentally retarded child. The risk is definitally increased if certain illnesses run through the family. Lets say a there's a certain illness that runs through the family, and it's a recessive gene. Both the parents have a dominant gene that keeps it from showing up in them. But their child has an increased chance that he/she will get both recessive genes, therefore getting the disease.

Because humans originated in Africa (no discussion of apes allowed, because they are irrelevant), are we all?

People like to forget that we're all just HUMAN. Race is not a biological thing, its a man-made idea. The word race didn't even exist in the English language until the 1500s. When the first indentured servants came to America they included both "white" and "black" indentured and both group were considered equals. Race didn't become solidified in America until the late 1640's when a group of slave owners including a "black" man who owned African slaves pushed the courts to help them "protect" their slaves by labeling them and making them easier to track down. This is how the terms "black" and "white" came into play...thus race was born, and it has screwed us ever since.

Which is why I no longer call myself anything but Human, and I date who I find hot at the moment.

Sorry, who is “they”? Your question appears to assume the presence of a malign group of people consciously trying to kill Africans via diseases.This reminds me of attempts made by the Soviet Union in the 1980s to promote the idea that the United States created and spread AIDS in order to kill gays and Africans. It was as untrue then as it is today, but I encountered many people who believed it during my time living in West Africa.Both AIDS and Ebola are zoonotic diseases, which means that they are diseases that normally exist in animals but can cross over and infect humans. As Bruce pointed out in his answer, zoonotic diseases are becoming more common (and will continue to do so) as human populations grow and spread into forested areas, increasing contact with wild animals and therefore the likelihood of diseases spreading from animals to humans.Finally, I’d like to add—if “they” are trying to depopulate Africa, “they” aren’t doing a very good job of it:

Why is the AIDS rate so high in AFRICA?

lack of education inaccessibility to birth control and the fact that most of the governments in those countries could care less because they are so corrupt.

Why did the American media not report this?

However, as epidemiologists gleaned more information about Aids from reluctant Central African countries, clues began to emerge from the new findings when examined against the wealth of detail known about smallpox as recorded in the Final Report of the Global Commission for the Certification of Smallpox Eradication.

The smallpox vaccine theory would account for the position of each of the seven Central African states which top the league table of most-affected countries; why Brazil became the most afflicted Latin American country; and how Haiti became the route for the spread of Aids to the US. It also provides an explanation of how the infection was spread more evenly between males and females in Africa than in the West and why there is less sign of infection among five to 11-year-olds in Central Africa.

Although no detailed figures are available, WHO information indicated that the Aids league table of Central Africa matches the concentration of vaccinations. The greatest spread of

The process you are proposing did work for Edward Jenner. He used a harmless, related virus (Vaccinia) to induce immunity to a virulent pathogen (Variola). So, we say such vaccines are “Jennerian”. This process was tried for diarrhea diseases due to Rotavirus. Harmless animal viruses were genetically engineered to carry some antigens for the rotaviral pathogens, and this vaccine worked well. It did cause a rare complication, and so it was quickly removed from the market. New rotaviral vaccines replaced the Jennerian one and the lives of children living in poverty are again being saved.I do not know of any Jennerian vaccines that combine Ebola surface proteins genes within the genome of Reston Virus, because my interest lies with the influenza virus that kills many more people each year than have ever died from Ebola (since it was first detected in 1976). I can investigate the specifics of the new Ebola vaccine that is currently being used and get back with you, if someone else doesn't do it first. Thanks for your interest.Additional Information:I have looked at some of the rather basic information provided by the CDC. They quote 2 scientific articles from 2017. One vaccine that is described has genes for Ebola antigens inserted into an Adeno Virus and the other vaccine has Ebola genes inserted into VSV (vesicular stomatitis virus). Neither of the vaccines are using Reston as a vector to deliver Ebola antigens. I suspect this is because there is much less known about Reston as compared to the well studied VSV and Adeno 5. For example, putting Ebola genes in Reston just might cause Reston to have the same pathogenicity as Ebola. No one wants that.

If Africa is actually the origin of humanity, why is it still underdeveloped?Here are some questions that have the same answer:Why was Africa known as “The Dark Continent”?Why was Africa the last continent colonized by Europe?and related questions:Why is the School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine in London?Why is Africa the White Man's Grave?There are two answers. For all five questions, it is disease. Here are some diseases that probably originated in Africa:MalariaYellow FeverWhooping CoughSmallpoxLeprosySleeping SicknessBilharziaRiver BlindnessEuropeans had no immunity to these diseases when they first came to tropical Africa and it killed them or left them debilitated. They continue to infect Africans and kill children in great numbers. This poor health has a negative on education and development[1].This ignores newer diseases like Ebola and HIV/AIDS.One reason for the prevalence of these diseases in Africa, and their virulence is that they evolved with humans and their ancestors over millions of years and have evolved ways around our immune systems[2]. When humans left Africa, they left most of these diseases behind. Europeans needed to find ways to deal with them before they could penetrate to the interior of the continent.TransportationThe answer to the first three questions is that Africa lacks navigable rivers[3]. You needed them when you were transporting goods on an industrial scale before the development of railroads. The Nile is navigable as far as Aswan or the second cataract. This is why Egypt was the major exception to the rule[4]. This made it very hard for outsiders like the Europeans and the Arabs to penetrate.This was also a problem for the Africans themselves. It was only on the fringes of the Sahara that long distance trade was possible, which is why the ancient kingdoms of Ghana and Mali to the west and Nubia to the east were found there. They were still limited by what animals could carry or haul.Africa is still struggling with the lack of bulk transport. The imperial powers only build railways where it suited them, which was not necessarily where the new countries in Africa need them.Thanks for askingFootnotes[1] Africans, disease, history and ecology - Gene Expression[2] Ancient Diseases of Human Ancestors[3] African Rivers[4] The River Nile Homepage

The Origin of Aids....Please someone tell me if it's true!?

I'd hate to say this, especially because I don't even know you, but you're WRONG!!!. First of all, HIV virus can be found as far back as 1939 in an African person. It was also found in 1969 in a teenager in Missouri and in 1976 in a Norwegian Sailor. So, it was around before 1969. Second, smallpox was eradicted in 1980, shortly before we discovered HIV. Andm we first started to rid the world of smallpox in 1967, shortly before this bill came into place. Third, you have to realize, it may not have been a monkey bite that caused SIV to jump to HIV in humans. The monkey could have been bushmeat. If the avian flu can jump from birds to humans, then SIV can jump too. And, there aren't six different kinds of AIDS. There are two kinds of HIV. HIV-1, which is present almost everywhere. And HIV-II, which is only found along the ivory coast of Africa. There are 16 different clades of HIV-1, which means that these clades operate slightly different from eachother. As for Japan being a country that has HIV, there are only .1% of the population living with HIV. And, if this was really a germ warfare, don't you think that they would have realized this would spread to others, especially the US? And, since when does a germ warfare product affect you by having sex? It doesn't and it never has and it never will. If you dropped a nuclear bomb on a city and some people survived, their blood would not be affected, their dna might, but not their blood. As for the Tuskeegee Project, it's a shame that happened. But, if this was a disease meant to destroy black people, then why are they only being affected now? In the US, white gay men still have the highest numbers. Although, in their defense, the numbers are dropping. So, don't believe everything you read. And, by only believing one thing you are causing the spread of HIV. So, knock it off.

Okay, first of all, trying to come up with a weapon that can be used ‘only in Africa and nowhere else' sounds a little chilling for Africans like myself. Should we be worried that someone is awake plotting on how to obliterate us in our sleep? I digress.Okay. So, back to your question. Politics and economics aside, The only difference between Africa and anywhere else is the location. Which means you have to come up with something that when unleashed:1. Will only stick to that geographical zone. Anything that can destroy a whole continent can possibly not be just contained within that continent.2. Cannot be carried to any other place ie immovable.3. If its a biological weapon, can Only survive within the continent and immediately becomes obsolete once it gets into any other continent.Ultimately, the best way to demolish a complete contitent would maybe create an impenetrable dome around its ultimate borders, not touching on any of the shared seas and unleash death by nuclear or biological weapons. Be sure to be outside the dome yourself.You sound potentially intelligent. I think there e wars worth fighting. Like Cancer, Hunger, HIV…. That's where humanity needs your brains at. We don't need any more war.