Why Does An Autist Doesn

Why do several people believe autism doesn't really exist?

Autism has most definitely existed for longer than “the past recent years”.What’s changed, along with a better understanding of the various conditions and a number of diagnostic improvements, has been that people are both more aware of and more “able to see” it.The awareness piece is easy to understand, so I won’t bother explaining it. If you’d like me to do so, please comment, although I can see others have addressed it already.The “able to see it” piece, on the other hand, may need a bit of explanation. A lot of people who are diagnosed as autistic (either high-functioning or otherwise) would have simply been seen as “different” in previous years. A high-functioning autistic person - such as Einstein is often said to have been - was simply classified as a “nutty professor”, which is fine, and Einstein certainly seems to have been happy to play into that. The same is true of other “geniuses with autism” - if you’re a genius, nobody really cares if you’re a bit difficult to get along with.People who were autistic but not high-functioning, on the other hand, would have been institutionalised as being “slow” or “backward”, just as people with other conditions were. Obviously there’s been a move away from that in recent decades (and rightly so), which means that a lot of people who wouldn’t otherwise have been in society in previous years are now out there.

Is Buckethead really autistic? He doesn't seem to be, but some people say he is.?

I highly doubt that he is autistic. Its possible however, but there is no real evidence from anyone that he is. Just becuase you wear a bucket, doesnt make you autistic, either way hes definitly a musical genious.

Why do people treat Autistic people like garbage?

I have a 25 year old cousin thst is Autistic and she's very high functioning. She goes to school and works part time. Every expects a lot from her. Prople at her school in the past treated her like garbage and made fun of her. She has a couple of friends but she clost some. She's been depressed a lot and she has always talk about her problems and drama over and over again. She's never happy and hates seeing other people happy. She even lashed out at me it a hurtful way so now I'm not talking to her. She lost a lot of friends because of her depression and not getting help. My uncle (her dad) said that her friends got angry and just don't want to deal with her drama.

She has been moody, depressed and being nasty to people. Someone said to my cousin, "Why should we be sorry for you? Not every person is gonna be nice to you. What, you expect people to be too nice to you?"

She is driving everybody nuts.

Doesn't it seem like all Virgos are at least mildly autistic?

Probably. HAHA.

They give blank stares when you ask them a question.

Why are autistic people so loud and rude?

ive seen quite a few autistic people and they all seem very rude and they insult people without thinking.
is it autism that makes them be like that or not?
i saw autistic kids yelling at adults and cursing at them.
why are they like this?

Why do autistic people talk so much?

One of the core criteria for autism spectrum disorder is impairment in communication and social interaction. That means we can find it difficult to negotiate the back and forth flow of (non-autistic) conversation, which is a social art, relying on the ability to observe and respond to the other person - something we are not good at.Think of the skills involved in playing table tennis (ping pong) and how you have to watch and concentrate the whole time, and anticipate what the other player will do. With conversation, that interplay relies on all sorts of “invisible” signals - well, invisible for us on the autism spectrum. For us, conversation is ideally more about the exchange of ideas and information, rather than a complex mutual social and emotional bonding protocol relying on non-verbal signals as well as verbal rituals (e.g. “How are you?” “I’m fine, how are you?”) which often strike the autistic person as meaningless, uninteresting or shallow and frustrating.So, if we get to run the conversation on autistic rules, you will be expected to contribute (usually non-personal, non-emotional) ideas and information. If you don’t the autistic participant will automatically fill the void with their information. If you get to run the conversation on non-autistic lines, then the autistic person will feel out of place, and either shut up or else participate blindly and erratically because they don’t understand the social and emotional protocol with its non-verbal cues and signals.So an autistic person and a non-autistic person are playing different speech “games” with different rules, and - because these different styles of conversation don’t mesh well - one of them is likely to give up and let the other do the talking.So … why do do non-autistic people talk so much?

Does Autism affect a child’s apparence?

No, autism doesn't impact on someones appearance.

Autism is neurological rather than physical, thus no external features are present in autism and thus Autistic children will look just like allistic children. There can be mannerisms associated with autism that may make it easier to spot an Autistic child, if you know what you're looking for, for example an Autistic child may not look people in the eyes like an allistic child would.

I didn't look like a 'normal' child, I had significant developmental delays due to autism which included problems walking (walking on the inside of my feet/ankles) which made me stand out, but no one would have been able to guess that I was Autistic due to this aspect of my appearance - after all many children experience problems walking, it's not specific to autism.