Why Does Bo Dallas Sound Like A Women

How can a female sound like a boy?

Well if we dip into the stereotype barrel for a minute here…Male speakers tend to be more clipped and shorten the end of their wordsUse fewer superlativesUse shorter more concise sentencesHave a narrower range of pitch and tone in their speaking voice (as in, not going up or down so much at the end of sentences and the like)Use chest-voice instead of mixed or head-voice (except me apparently!)Use less articulation and move their mouths less during speechOf course all these vary across languages and cultures and like any rule it’s meant to be broken. In fact, most of the best male speakers do the absolute opposite… but generally when you hear a Male with a ‘camp’ voice they’re generally opposite-ticking a lot of these boxes. I would know. Ugh.

OMG I sound like a boy?

I have the same problem, it's just your voice on video. You get used to hearing your voice like how you hear it in your head, but when you hear it on tape your like OMG lol. It's not really what you sound like. I used to think the same thing about my voice, but ever since I just keep taping my voice a lot and I realize I don't sound like a guy at all because I got used to hearing it.

I sound like a man....?

You should be happy with the voice that you have, because trying to sound like something or someone you are not is unrealistic or in lack of better terms, Fake. My voice is not high, I have sort of a medium voice, kind of raspy but I have learned to accept that.. because when you get older you're not going to be able to hide that and it makes you unique so why would you want it to be any different? Don't let what others say about your voice get to you, because it's your own and EVERYONE has flaws.

Your voice is fine the way it is, remember that =)

My voice sounds like a guy, but I'm a girl!?

OMG.. me too
when i pick up the phone ppl think that its my brother then when i tell them its me they get suprised and start apologizing
i try to talk high pitched and its a lil better now

I am a girl and my voice sounds like a man. Some people judge me for that and it makes me feel insecure. What should I do?

Something I know alot about. I downloaded one of those voice analyzer apps to my phone.Turns out my voice lies in the “androgynous” range between male and female.How has this affected me in life?Well, I find that over the phone, most women call me Ma'am, and most men call me Sir.The reason for this? Women realize that there are many women with deep voices, aunts, mothers, co-workers.Men, on the other hand, err on the side of caution. If the voice is a little low, they automatically think male. It's programmed into their brains: a sexy, high-pitched voice signals fertile female to the primitive part of their brains.I've learned to accept it, but it still brings me down a bit because I wish I had a prettier voice, and once men hear me over the phone, they're turned off.A positive, that I take advantage of sometimes, is when a guy thinks I'm a man over the telephone, I usually get treated with more respect.It's true; its like owning a penis for a few minutes.I know, however, that this is probably small or no consolation to a young girl who wants to be thought of as soft and pretty.I could suggest you try to create a sexy, smokey voice by imitating actresses, like Kathleen Turner, who have deep voices.But to be honest, most men think of Kathleen Turner as Chandler Bing's crossdressing dad from the sitcom, F.R.I.E.N.D.’s.I wish I could tell you to embrace your voice, dare to be different, and love the voice you have.I know it doesn't work that way; women are supposed to have high-pitched voice, and everytime someone calls you “Sir” it's going to bring you down.I've included a video of a young girl with a deep voice. She sounds like Minnie Mouse compared to me, so all I can say is that people have a very stereotyped notion of what a female is supposed to sound like, and it sucks.Good luck.

WS: Can you name your most unpopular Wrestling opinions?

Cena is a midcard talent at best. Overrated as hell.
Luke Harper should be the World Champion.
Cena completely buried Bray Wyatt (as much as people don't want to admit it)
Tyler Breeze should've been NXT champion last summer.
Randy Orton is overrated.
Titus O'Neil is badly misused.
Alicia Fox isn't that good. She does a nice northern lights suplex but that's it.
Summer Rae should've been Divas champion by now.
Baron Corbin is overhyped.
Scott Dawson is very underrated.
Collin Cassady has the potential to be the face of WWE.