Why Does Coffee Make Me Feel Sick

Why does coffee make me feel sick?

Iced coffee contains caffeine, as well as lots of sugar I guess and probably some conservants. It may have artificial sweeteners and other chemical stuff. Aside from caffeine, coffee contains certain acids, called tannins, that can have unpleasant gastrointestinal effects for some people. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, the acid in coffee can inflame the lining of your stomach, a condition known as gastritis. Gastritis can include symptoms of dyspepsia, heartburn, nausea, stomach pain and general stomach upset.

Coffee can no doubt cause gas and upset stomach for some people. Whether it be from the caffeine or from coffee's acidic components, digestive distress is not uncommon as a result of coffee consumption.

However, many other factors can also cause gastrointestinal upset.

Why does coffee make me feel sick?

My friends are trying to get me addicted to coffee. They all love it, I can't stand it... particularly because it makes me feel physically sick. My stomach hurts really bad when I drink coffee, and sometimes I feel like I even have a fever or something... like my skin hurts, lol.

Is this normal? What could be the problem? Could it be a reaction to the caffeine? I rarely drink anything other than water or tea.

Why does tea and coffee make me feel sick?

Anytime I drink coffee, I get sick. I can drink soda, no problem. But in the efforts to lose some weight, I stopped drinking soda and started drinking tea. No matter what kind I had (earl grey, white tea, fruity, iced green tea) it always makes me feel like I'm gonna be sick. Is it because it's too much caffeine? I ate before these events too. I don't know but I need caffeine some way and I enjoy tea.... Any suggestions?

Why does iced coffee make me feel sick?

Your digestive system is not handling something well, it could be the coffee acids and oils, or it could be the dairy products, or a little of both.

Iced coffee, bottled or cafe-made, may be espresso coffee and very strong, fine grind, dark roast, unfiltered. This can all increase the acids and oils that irritate sensitive people. Then they get the gurgles and spend the rest of the morning in the restroom.

I make coffee using the cold-steep method (messy), or use a water that is not as hot to brew a more concentrated coffee, through a paper filter, which decreases the acids and oils.

In any case, I think 14 is too young to be drinking much, if any, caffeinated drinks. Caffeine affects brain development and bone growth, so if you want your brain and body to develop as best it can, skip it till you are about 21 or so. Eat an apple, which will wake you up well.

Why does coffee only make me sick in the morning?

I know this may sound weird, I love coffee. I used to drink it morning noon and night. Now i can only drink it in the afternoons or evening. If i drink it in the morning i get really sick. I throw up and have to use the bathroom. I was just wondering why that is? I hope someone can give me answers!

Why do I feel sick and weak after I drink coffee?

You should ask yourself how often you drink it. If you drink it every now and then, what’s happening is that you’re likely experiencing some intense sympathetic nervous system arousal, and then you’re crashing afterwards. Without knowing the time course of this I really can’t say. I don’t feel sick and weak after i drink coffee but sometimes after a couple hours of working I feel more tired and drained.

The smell of coffee makes me sick...?

For about 3 years, every time I smelled coffee... I get nausea and have to rush to the bathroom, where I usually spend about 30 minutes puking. My parents are big coffee drinkers so they think I'm just over-reacting but I'm not. I don't know if I have an allergy to the smell but it seems that when water is poured on the coffee beans, the smell hits me immediately and makes me throw up. It's worse when it's made in a coffee-maker because the smell hangs around. I can't eat anything with coffee in it because it makes me throw up too. I know it's not a milk allergy because I can drink milk with no problem, in fact it's one of my favourite drinks.

It's annoying because the smell is everywhere... people brew it where I work, at home, in public... and I've thrown up in Starbucks before when my friend dragged me there for a 'coffee' (I usually just have hot chocolate) because the smell is so bad.

It's embarrassing but I honestly can't stand the smell and I don't know what to do anymore. Should I ask the GP if they can test for a coffee allergy? I've mentioned this to my parents and they just think it's a waste of time... probably because they love the hellish drink.

I've heard that the symptoms of a coffee allergy are headaches, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, coughing and a runny nose. I get all of them as soon as I smell the disgusting drink. And I can't be pregnant, because I'm a virgin. My sense of smell is so acute though that other food/drink items repulse me but they don't make me vomit!

Does anyone else feel sick after drinking McDonald's coffee?

A few months ago, I got a regular coffee from McDonald's and afterwards I felt really sick the whole day. Today, I ordered a caramel mocha from there and when I finished the drink, again, I felt really sick. I also had a breakfast burrito to go with it. Does anyone else feel queasy and slightly nauseas after eating or drinking from McDonald's?! I'm just wondering if I am the only one. Their coffee is what really makes my stomach upset.

Why do I feel like puking after drinking coffee?

You are most likely having an acidity issue. When you drink coffee then the acidity increases. When the acidity increases beyond a point then either it reflects in the form of pain or in the form of reflux.Reflux is one of the ways by which the acid is removed by vomiting.Actually there are many symptoms before this. Light headache, fullness of the stomach, slight pain, tiredness and feeling of uneasiness happen before the feeling of puking comes up.It is best to avoid coffee. At the same time work on clearing your acidity. Work on your fears, anger and irritability towards others. Meditate and calm yourself down.Do not take any antacid tablets. They only make the situation worse over time. Even if you are having discomfort work on reducing the acidity naturally.