Why Does It Appear Republicans Are Against Anything Good Happening For The Poor And Minority

How come minorities usually don't vote Republican?

For 100 years after the Civil War, blacks voted almost 100% Republican because Lincoln was a Republican, and Democrats were dominated by the south, where blacks were segregated and lynched by the southern Democrats.

But by 1964, the growth of northern urban areas caused the northern liberal Democrats to gain power and eventually dominate the party. This transition occurred over the 30 year period from 1930 to 1960, during the FDR/Truman years.

In 1964, a total change over of the Democratic Party occurred, as the Kennedy/LBJ liberals took over. They purchased the black vote with welfare money and other government assistance programs.

Blacks turned around and backstabbed the Republicans by voting against them in favor of getting free money from the Democrats.

So of course, blacks had to invent an excuse for their deplorable actions. Thus the myth was born that the parties had magically switched places overnight, and now somehow Republicans were the ones who had segregated and lynched blacks for 100 years, and the Democrats astonishingly became the party of Lincoln. People would say with a straight face things like, "Lincoln would be a Democrat today, because Democrats do more to help the blacks."

Do more what.... keeping blacks in poverty in the ghetto, having children out of wedlock to get more welfare money, spending all day hanging around with nothing to do, getting addicted to drugs and infected with STD's..... yes, if this is doing more for blacks, they might have done better to stay with the Republicans.

Why do Republicans Hate ACORN?

Yes, these are the people represents the voiceless and people that don't matter to the neocons. The GOP knows the poor, minorities and some people on welfare if they vote on what really matters and not on the color of the candidate will vote Democrat. So the neocons are trying to anything they can to tarnish heir name. ACORN helps people with housing, medial and other things too beside voter registration. GOP is trying to block and imitate the poor and minorities to vote. By doing this, they reduce people coming out to vote for democrat. If ACORN is so bad, why did McCain support them? <3

Why did 29% of Louisiana Republicans blame Obama for the response to Hurricane Katrina?

This is just astonishing. Hurricane Katrina happened years before Obama even took office. It shows that Obama will be blamed for anything, even things that happened before he even took office in the White House.

An equally valid question is, what percentage asked questions about global warming and whether it might have played a role... and how many are still demanding inaction on climate.

Scientists agree that no single weather event can be attributed to global warming. The weather is chaotic and there have always been hurricanes. However, 98% of scientists in the field do believe that global warming is real, that humans are causing it, and that it makes things like this more likely to happen.

At a Home Depot somewhere in the area, you can no doubt see a truck filled with building supplies to repair a home that was damaged by a hurricane. And, on that truck, you can see a bumper sticker claiming that global warming is a hoax and demanding inaction on this issue from the government.... even as they're rebuilding a house that was damaged by a hurricane. Because, you know, Al Gore owns a large house that uses lots of CO2, and Fox News reported on that climategate scandal. Many people repairing their hurricane damaged houses are no doubt angry that liberals actually want to do something about global warming, when it is they, themselves, who are suffering the very consequences that scientists have been warning us about for decades. Liberals and their socialism global warming scam.....

Has there ever been a better example of someone being played by the rich to fight against their own best interests?

The Koch brothers must really laugh all the way to the bank whenever they see this happening. These are the oil/industrial billionaires who have spent millions of dollars convincing the Tea Party base that global warming is a hoax concocted by Al Gore so that liberals can raise their taxes and implement "socialism".