Why Does It Burn When I Swallow Food And Then It Comes Right Back Up My Thorat In A Big Wad Of Spit

Help! My throat hurts because i swallowed too much :(???

Okay so basically
This morning when i was leaving for school i woke up late
so i had this sandwich for breakfast
and like you know when you eat too fast and some food is just clogged there in your throat and youre supposed to drink water right? Well i was a complete idiot and decided to just KEEP EATING IT until it forced it down. then i ate the whole thing till i was like about to choke then i drank milk to swallow it down.
Then later my throat started hurting.
I don't know if my throat started hurting cause i justkept shoving food down my throat when i needed water to wash it down but yeah.. :(
im scared because i made it into the callbacks of the musical and that because my throat hurts inside my singing performnace for callbacks will be really bad :( PLEASE HELP!!!!!!

p.s = my throat on the INSIDE like the part where food goes down it's feels like theres chilli and hot sauce sensation down there and its not going away. that's how it hurts. and there's a little mucus there, not as much mucus to come up your throat and spit it out but yeah...
Please help me :(

My esophagus hurts when I swallow anything or laugh. What is wrong with me?

Sounds like esophageal reflux. It can be VERY painful. When I used to get it, I would have to down about 1/3 of a bottle of Pepto Bismol. It's kind of an indigestion. I got it a lot when I was overweight. Drink lots of water too. Go to the doctor if it's still bothering you in a couple of days.
He might prescribe something.

What causes pain on one side of the throat when swallowing saliva?

Swollen tonsils and when there’s an inner or middle ear infection of that side’s ear, that whole area can be sore and drain there. Weird experience…that area had been swollen and uncomfortable with no relief and at some point I went to swallow real good and it must have opened up or squeezed it because something popped out of there and went straight down my throat before I could catch what it was…gross I know. Felt warm and a bit big like Swallowing a big pearl if you can imagine, more soft on the food side. But instant relief. My guess is food got lodged in there somehow and possibly infected or was infected to begin and whatever grew as a result dislodged itself. Gargling w/ salt water, peroxide or baking soda helps in situations like this.

If you swallow mucus, does it go to your lungs?

Swallowing anything usually goes into your GI tract, unless you nean aspirate which is the right term for anything other than air going down your trachea into your lungs.When you swallow mucus it will go into your stomach then eventually gets broken down and reabsorbed or pass through the digestive tract ending up in your stool (less likely)If mucus, which is pushed up from ur lungs is aspirated, your respiratory ducts (trachea, bronchus, bronchioles) have specialized cells which are equipped with cilia to move all unwanted products up into your larynx for you to either spit out or swallow. So aspirating just mucus will eventually be pushed out of your lungs unless there’s an underlying condition decreasing the cilia activity of the cells lining your respiratory tracts.

I have throat pain while swallowing saliva. Why is it happening? What are the remedies?

So I have had swollen/sore tonsils and soft palate for 4 days now. I went to the doctor yesterday who advised rest and fluid, which is what I have been doing for the past few days. It does not seem to be getting any better, in fact on Day 1 it was a mild sore throat, and by Day 2 throat pain had gone away but the tonsils become very sore, so much so that it hurts to swallow saliva. On Thursday, I was shouting a lot and I inhaled some really bad firework smoke, it burned a little at the time. When I went to the doctor yesterday, they said my strep test was negative. My question is what should I do? Nothing seems to be working and I'm in such pain that I am missing work. I do not seem to have any other symptoms other than being tired. I have been sleeping and napping, but everytime I wake up it seems to be worse. Any advice?

What would happen if you were swallowed by a whale?

I got curious to know the answer after I saw this Gif.Almost eaten by a whale.Most Species of Whales have throats that are far too small to be able to swallow a large mammal the size of an adult.Assuming you were diving and got swallowed by a blue whale, in one piece. It is nice to know that you would likely not tear apart into pieces, as the blue whale has Baleen plates instead of regular teeth.These row of plates that are covered with hair serves as a filter for the krill from the thousands of litres that the whale swallow in a single gulp. Having forced the water out, the whale then licks the trapped prey with its massive tongue.In the other hand,  you have a high chance of dying out of the force applied to you when the whale crushes its plates when closing its mouth. But even if that happens, it would not be able to swallow you. A blue whale's gullet is a largely a maximum of 10 cm in diameter 10 cm in diameter. That would not even cover the head of a newborn baby.In fact, even the scary large whale shark, has a relatively small throat. Making it impossible for it to consume a human. Its diet mainly consists of small fish and fish eggs.Source - Open wide: The diver who nearly got swallowed by a whaleshark The only known whale that has a large enough throat to swallow an adult is the Sperm Whale. But this whale species usually only hunt its prey 1000 meters deep in the ocean, making even a single human encounter extremely unlikely. And, until today, there has never been a single recorded incident of that happening.The Fear is real - Source : Sperm whale deaths: Fifth whale washes up in Lincolnshire - BBC NewsSo the biggest threat is dying from the squash applied by the whale if it tries to eat you. But, supposedly, you survive that, and you held a diving gear with enough oxygen for few hours. Another danger you should be worried about is when the whale dives you to a depth where you lunges might collapse. According to Wikipedia, in technical diving, a depth below about 60 metres (200 ft) is the maximum safe depth before your body start experiencing oxygen toxicity.Whales dive in much deeper distances than that. Source : Mammals at depth - The beaked whalesSo it's very unlikely, but if it happens, may the force be with you!

What happens when water goes "down the wrong pipe"?

In a mild case, you’d start coughing which is the most effective way of getting the water out of the esophogus (the wrong pipe). In more severe cases, water gets stuck where it won’t seem to get out. You can’t even get a deep enough breath to cough.I’ve had clients who’ve gotten to this point. Trying to initiate coughing is essential. Raising the hands above the head helps. The heimlich may help.It happened to me once while driving. My passenger was terrified. As I’ve had training, I simply pulled the car over, forced myself to take a deep breath, managed to get air in the lungs and was able to cough it up. Taking the breath in is very hard to do. I assume that many people wouldn’t be able to do it.

What to do if you accidently swallow glass?

I had a tiny bit of broken glass in my drink at a bar a while ago luckily felt it before i swallowed, what is the best recommended medical advice. I thought it would tear your easophagus or somehting that would cause some very bad panic! what is the best immediate procedure or whatever