Why Does It Do This Help

Anything I can do to help my horny female dog?

If you know her weight, I would give her 1 milligram per pound of her body weight of Benydryl.

It might calm her down. Another idea is to clicker train her to sit when she starts to do is a link and I don't buy the clicker I just make a clicking sound with my mouth:

For rewards, use tiny pieces of hot dogs and I mean tiny pieces...about the size of a pencil eraser or smaller.

This is a fun thing to do...this helps by giving the dog something to think about. If you are giving the benydryl, don't really try to train as it may be a little sleepy.


What can I do to help my country?

This is a big question. My answer will necessarily be broad.1. Educate yourself about the challenges facing your country. Read about them. Talk about them. Ask questions. Do research. Whenever you're confused, explore that confusion. It might start with a small question and develop into something bigger. For example, I started learning a bit about economics when I found myself wondering why reporters are always talking about interest rates. What do interest rates mean? Why are they important?When you learn, make sure you take into account a variety of perspectives, especially ones that seem implausible at first. Whenever people are arguing bitterly, try to find the merits on both sides before you decide that one side is right and the other is wrong. What makes these people see things so differently? Do they disagree about the facts, about the interpretation of the facts, about important values, or about predictions for the future?2. Develop useful skills. The ability to do research and synthesize the information you find is a useful skill. So is building things, or programming, or practicing medicine, or organizing people, or explaining ideas.Consider what skills will be most useful, but also consider what skills you can excel at and enjoy exercising. That will help you maximize your productivity.3. Get involved, knowing that you will start small. Find a job that needs doing, roll up your sleeves, and get to work. While you do practical things, make connections to the big issues. Maybe you decide that education is your passion, so you start tutoring kids. How will your experiences in the classroom connect to theoretical ideas about education? Do they support the theories or challenge them?4. Examine the way power works in your society. Who has the power to change things? What different kinds of power do you see? What kind of power do you want to exercise? Personally, I can't imagine ever wanting to be a politician or legislator, but I might enjoy being an intellectual and influencer. Then again, maybe it would be better to have a big impact on a smaller number of people, running a company or non-profit organization.5. Change takes time, so focus on the long-term. Even sudden revolutions have origins that span decades or centuries.

What can I do to help my penis from swelling?

I tried to masturbate with this coconut shampoo, but my penis started to burn so I quickly stopped. About an hour later I looked at my penis and the part of the shaft behind the penis was really swollen and red. I figured it was allergies so I put some ice on it and took Benadryl. It has been about two days and the swelling has gone down, but not all the way. It was also stopped hurting. Is there anything I can do to make sure it goes completely back to normal?

Conversions ... HELP!!! Can't do it!!!

1,000g = 1 kg

Multiply by 1 (or 1kg/1,000g)
So, 15,7 g/cm^3 * 1kg/1,000g = 0.0157 kg/cm^3

If all you look at are the units
g/cm^3 * kg/g = kg/cm^3 The grams cancel out.

100 g = 1 hg
10 dg = 1 g

10 dg/1g * 100g/1hg
1,000dg = 1 hg

7.9 dg/cm^3 * 1 hg/1,000dg = 0.0079

100 cm = 1 m
100^3 cm^3 = 1^3 m ^3

1,000,000 cm^3 = 1 m^3

6.0 g/cm^3 * 1,000,000 cm^3/1 m^3 = 6,000,000 g/m^3


Note that in the US "." is the decimal point and "," is a thousands separator.

Keep working with the units. Let them cancel each other out, and you'll do fine.

What can you do to help people at an old age home?

You could spend time with them, listen, talk, walk with them, do their hair or nails, cook for them, teach them something, play games, do puzzles, music is a perennial favorite! All the things you can do to help people in general, that is, have fun with them, befriend and nurture them, you can do with those people.An old age home (Assisted Living) is not a nursing home. So there’s no acting like a nurse or doctor to be able to help them. And the mission we carry out at my old age home in south Florida, Angel House, is just like in the first paragraph.As a nonprofit, we offer community service hours. Many of our volunteers are teens, and they often play music or do those other things, plus at times they help with speakers, Netflix, Roku, etc to make the technology more easily used by the caregivers and residents. The elderly Love to have young people around, they just light up!Oh, if it’s a small home without the full time maintenance staff, you can help them by helping the home to replace light bulbs, clean, paint, Gardening, making the elders’ outside more pleasant and beautiful, all that can be done to improve their surroundings, improves their quality of life.Now, the staff, are also helped by means of helping with the chores. Then all of you as a group can enjoy activities with the elders, and the caregivers having more energy left, will be happier as well.Really, it’s good vibes, help extended lovingly, that helps the most.I recently thought of making a video, showing how we interact with babies, let’s say a baby we’re holding or caring for, that’s not Our child���.Versus how we interact with an elderly person that’s not Our parent or grandparent….At any age, we Coo, Smile, touch lovingly, Talk to, and try to make the infant Smile… But then what do we do in the case of the elderly person?We can’t figure out what to do, we feel awkward, right? Why?Let’s try to answer those questions as a community.There are no wrong answers, but let’s think about it a bit and see if that alone doesn’t change something just a little bit.Thanks for your time, gentle Quora readers.Doreen for Angel House south Florida South Florida Assisted Living, Senior Adult Services South Florida, South Florida Nursing Home