Why Does It Seem Like Places With A Large Muslim Population Are Always More Violent

[Religion] Why muslim lands are always invaded?

They didn't destroy our culture. We still have a lot of traditions from the old days. They tried and failed. They did however, destroy our ancient religion of Zoroastrianism. Few Zoroastrians exist now. They also burned down our universities, libraries, palaces, and even entire cities.

They did succeed in destroying the cultures of ancient Lebanese, Anatolians, Egyptians, and Numidians.

A lot of your information is accurate but not the part about white christian men not killing in the name of Jesus.
Christianity's history is just as bloodstained as Islam. Remember the Crusades, Conquistadores, and Post-Christian Romans?

The problem is fundamentalism and it can happen whenever religions get really big.

How do people in the UK feel about the Muslim population there?

As a 30-year-old Londoner, I'll answer from my own personal, anecdotal, experience. Unfortunately, the question really isn't that easy to answer and of course, only representative of my own experience.With family up in the north of England, for example, they tend to have a lot more of a black and white view about Muslims, immigration, and the current government. Most people I've spoken to are quite negative about immigration for example, which then radiates over to a xenophobia of British citizens who are Muslim, whether they were born in the UK or not. It's not been uncommon for me to discuss issues about radicalisation in a pub and hear those of a certain generation throw the 'go back to where they came from' line, 'close the borders' and only letting certain refugees through UK's doors. They also watch videos such as the one posted, and tend to think ALL Muslim people have those views.Many older ones, perhaps in their 50s and 60s, also seem to have more black and white views, given the current state of the world, the rise of so-called IS, and terror attacks that have affected both London and, more tellingly, Paris. Whereas living in London, with such a cosmopolitan population, it rarely comes up in conversation. We realise a few bad apples spoil the bunch, but generally have a greater respect of culture and religion than more isolated communities. I work for two directors who are both Muslim, as well as an assistant who is an Indian Muslim. One, a lot stricter than the other. Where my Indian colleague prays religiously during the day, visits mosque as much as is required and refuses to be in the building if there is a drop of alcohol, my directors are more Muslim in culture than to the letter of the law. When explaining this to family members in the north, I ended up getting told to 'be careful'. When asking, what of?, I was told that they could radicalise me if I wasn't aware of their methods. It's never as simple as xyz city thinks this, and zyx thinks that. The issue is complex.

What does "sectarian violence" mean?

Sectarian violence or sectarian strife is violence inspired by sectarianism, that is, between different sects of one particular mode of thought, not necessarily religious (e.g. conflicts between the nationalists and communists in China in the early 19th century are largely constructed by Chinese nationals of the time as sectarian). Some of the possible inputs for sectarian violence include power struggles, political climate, social climate, cultural climate, and economic landscape.

Abrahamic Religions are relatively more violent than Dharmic Religions?

Abrahamic Religions like Christianity and Islam are more violent than Dharmic Religions like Hinduism, Buddhism.

Dharmic religion has been more successful in keeping its followers less violent than Abrahamic Religions like Christianity and Islam.

Why is there a disproportionate amount of extremism in the Muslim religion?

I think that there are two reasons for this.

Reason 1 - Islam is most prevalent in poorer, 3rd world countries. Sure some are rich like UAE due to oil but they still have a sizeable poorer population. The poorer a population the more discontent they are most likely to be and the stronger the desire to change their situation. Also by seeing the wealthy West envy is created which is probably why Islam conflicts with the West so much (though there are other reasons for this too).

Reason 2 - Islam is a religion that really controls and saturates every single aspect of a person's life. Its like you cannot "switch off" if you are Muslim. You can't relax, you have to always be thinking of Islamic dogma. For example, the language has constant references to Allah or Muhammad or some aspect of Islam: Inshallah, Asalam Alaikum, etc. Also, everything is divided into what is halal and haram. This doesn't even just go with food but many other things. Like yesterday I saw a girl ask on here if it was haram to have your picture on Facebook. You have to pray 5 times a day... all this sort of makes Islam very controlling since everything must be constantly followed. As such there is conflict when things that are not accepted in Islam arise... like democracy, or criticism of Islam, free speech, secularism.