Why Does It State All Applications Accepted From All Persons Interested

Where to find a legit, accredited TESOL certificate program?

There is a flood of TESOL TESL TEFL, you-name-it stuff on the Internet. I am looking for a reputable, accredited (who accredits?) TESOL certificate program. I am not interested in a degree program, as I have my MA in Middle East Studies. Im mainly seeking certification to teach overseas, so I dont want to be looped into a rigorous state teacher certification program. (Oh, and I'd prefer a program in NY state and online!). Is there a school that satisifies all my requirements?

Do employers actually hire from online job applications?


My son -in-law was hired off of an online application for a company that installs and maintains wind turbines (the BIG ones). Ironically, he's a Texan and was hired to work a job in New York State.

You probably are over qualified for the jobs you have applied for. Even though you're looking for a part time job and are not concerned with the whats and what-nots regarding the job so long as it fits your school schedule, the potential employer may really need a part time person. Someone who is not especially "educated", but a dedicated worker bee who is not interested in bigger and better things. They may need someone who will be happy to be part time and will stick around. No body likes the hiring process less than the employer, it's expensive. Your ambition scares the part-time employer.

My knee-jerk reaction is that you might approach businesses that are looking for full-time people in or close to your field, and explain your school situation. If they like you, they might want you right now on a part-time basis, with the promise of getting to have you full time when you're through with school. Ask for an apprenticeship and ask for leads if they can not help you. Leave a card and ask them to pass it on if they come across someone who could use you.

Instead of lowering your standards and stooping to beg the part-time employers to hire you for jobs that will not help you grow, raise your standards and go find the full-time, bona fide career building employers to look at you even though you are in school.

Stop settling for what's beneath your skills and abilities and start asking the employers to settle for your part time schedule just for now with the promise of delivering full time later. Hold your head higher Brian, reach higher.

Best wishes.

ps..See if your local VA office can give you some leads.

What does "withdrawn" mean on my jpb application status?

So, I had an interview almost 2 weeks ago. I would say the interview went well. The person who was interviewing me said I had "some really good answers."

Recently, I went online to check on my job application status and it is "withdrawn," but the job is still open.

I was told that I would be hearing from their H.R. department. Was my application withdrew because I already interviewed? or am I no longer a candidate? or was my application simply pulled?

What does this mean?

I'm interested in modeling...?

I have people tell me all the time how pretty and tall I am and if I'm interested in modeling. I eventually started to toy with the idea of doing some modeling, but I'm at a loss of what to do. I live near Greenville South Carolina and have never heard of any model training agencies or anything like that. I need one because I know almost absolutely nothing about modeling other than the fact that they don't smile a lot. I've never even really been to a professional photographer. The fanciest place that has ever taken my photo is the place at Sears. So if anyone has any ideas for me that would be great. Btw: I'm 5'7" about 130 lbs. Blonde hair (going brown) and blue eyes. I'm not exactly toned and flat-bellied (if somone knows what I mean...) but I'm pretty comfortable in my own skin (although i don't like a 2-piece bathing suit!) Anyways! Ideas and no mean comments are greatly appreciated!