Why Does It Take A Long Time For Me To Fall Asleep

Why does it take me so long to fall asleep?

This was the story of my life when I was your age (I'm 20 now).

I was not exercising, I ate a lot of candy, and drank a lot of soda. I also spent a ridiculous amount of time on the computer (I still do, heh heh, but I am actually doing schoolwork).

If you're drinking any soda at all, stop. Drink water only, no juice, no milk if you can handle it. If you have any caffeine in your diet, cut it out. I stopped drinking soda and I lost 10 pounds in one year and I haven't gained it back. I also felt a heck of a lot better from not drinking so much sugar.

If you aren't in a sport or in a gym class, I suggest you take weight training. It's awesome, you'll feel great (even if during the workout you want to cry like a little bi tch) and you may be able to sleep better. Plus, we ladies love fit guys.

Also, you should not do anything involving illuminated screens an hour ish before bedtime. That means TV, computer, DS, whateva, you have to shut it off at 10 or so to sleep by 11. The bright lights will keep your brain from releasing sleep hormones because it will think it is still daytime.
You should read books before bed, or take your shower before bed (but not too hot- sometimes being overheated will keep you awake).

And lastly, my doctor taught me a great trick. If you can't fall asleep within 30 minutes or so, get up and have a second "bed" made. This could be a chair, the floor with blankets, the couch, whatever, but another sleeping place that is already set up for you. If you can't sleep in your bed after a while, get up and go to the second "bed" and your brain might get tricked into letting you sleep.

Hell, if you can't sleep for 30 minutes again, get up and do something for a while (not go online, even though that's what I always do!!) and try it again.

Good luck. I know late-night pornos are awesome, but you gotta cut it out. (jk, jk.)

Why does it take so long for me to fall asleep?

My sister, mother take about 10-15 minutes to fall asleep, my father takes 5- 20 seconds. Me going to bed at even a late time such as one of 1:00am can take me over an hour to fall asleep. Last night I went to sleep after watching the film "Amadeus" (freaking amazing film by the way), I went to sleep at 12:00am and only fell asleep at 1:30am, at least around that time. Definitely past 1:15am.
I find it incredibly difficult to fall asleep, especially when we have big exciting days tomorrow like flying overseas to visit family or Christmas, etc. Then I'm average at around 3 hours.

It has been almost my entire life, as a baby I slept normally, but its been getting harder and harder to fall asleep.

I'm a 16 year old male by the way. Whenever I try and fall asleep, I find it very, very hard to let my mind go blank, and when I do I still stay awake longer than normal.

I find it very, very annoying.

How long does is take you to fall asleep?

How come? - Why do you think you get to sleep to fast/why is it so hard to get to sleep?

Around what time do you go to bed? Wake up? Get up?

What do you do before you go to sleep? eg. I listen to Music. (I'm not sure if this helps me sleep or makes it harder but either way it makes the hours of lying in bed slightly less painful..)

Thanks :)

How long does it take you to fall asleep? Any tips?

My ice hockey team play quite late and it's often 11pm when I get home, but I used to struggle as I was so full of adrenalin that I was too wired to relax.

I found this really helped:

* Get yourself as comfy as you can in bed and regulate your breathing to match how you would expect it to be when you sleep. Drop your breathing to what you think it is like to be asleep. Once you've got your breathing low and shallow, like being asleep, I found I drop off to sleep much much easier.
* Avoid coffee, sports drinks, anything with sugar, glucose or caffeine in from about 7pm onwards.
* Take a shower and take your time. Don't dash in and out. The heat and water tends to be pretty calming
* Don't list things you have to do tomorrow or run through things in your head at night. Once you're home, it's turnoff time.
* On your way home, if you drive, sing your freaking lungs out all the way home to a CD or your favourite radio station. I cannot stress how much this really helps. By the time you get home, all the pent up frustration or stress of the day left when you were belting out Matchbox 20 songs (in my case!).
* Ring a friend or family member that you need a catch up with, and chat to them for 30-45 minutes. Simply talking to someone you want to talk to can help relax you and help you vent any frustraion you might have, with someone who understands.

Hope this helps and hope you get some good rest!

It Takes Me A Long Time To Fall Asleep...?

It's been going on for a while but now it has grown longer. It can take me hours before I fall asleep. I start thinking of odd things and when I try preventing it I end up thinking even more! How can I get to sleep faster? After I fall asleep everything is fine.

Thank You!

How long does it take to go to sleep?

Sometimes it will take me up to 2 hours!
It usually takes me 30 minutes
...if I'm tired maybe 20 minutes

How Long Does it Usually Take For Someone to Fall Asleep?

It usually takes me a very long time for me to finally go to sleep. I don't know why...My mom can fall asleep in like 5 seconds. You know she's sleeping because she snores. She's reading a book or something on the couch, she turns off the light, and 5 seconds later she's snoring her head off! But it takes me, usually, about 1 hour or so to fall asleep. Sigh. Does anyone have any idea how long it takes the average person to fall asleep? I don't think I am the average person!