Why Does Life Cereal Always Have A Kid On The Box

How many boxes of cereal do you buy a week?

2 a month/ 5 people
Oatmeal is another story!

Does anyone else love cereal?

how do you eat your cereal and whats your favorite brand? i eat cereal for breakfast lunch and dinner. does anybody else do this? and i also put 1 or 2 icecubes in my cereal cuz i like my cold milk....anybody else do this...or am i just weird?? -.-
i know it sounds like child food but im 18 going on 19. is it weird? i just think it taste good.

Why are serving sizes on cereal SOO freakin small?

So they can list the nutrition facts as more appealing.
Most people don't read the serving size, they skip to calories and fat content.
If the serving size is small, it looks like their product is less fattening than listing a bigger, more realistic portion and therefore bigger and less appealing health numbers.

What is your favorite kids cereal?

Rice Krispies. They were my ultimate ‘life source’ back then.Still love ‘em.

Mikey likes it [cereal commercial]?

I'm not sure why Mikey....aka....John Gilchrist didnt have a speaking part in the Life cereal commercial. Mikey is now 39 y/o & is a radio executive. If you type in mikey/life cereal commercial, on Google, & click on the second You tube site, you will see the newest commercial, featuring the grown up Mikey. Look on the right hand side of the screen, & click on the "real life Mikey video." No, he doesn't talk in this commercial either.

I need a slogan for a cereal box about.....?

How about, "Poca Pops" lol Sorry lol

Does Jerry Seinfeld really love morning cereals?

Yes, he does.The character Jerry is based on real life Jerome Seinfeld. Many things that happens on the TV show Seinfeld, happened in his real life too.He is obsessed with Superman. You will see many Superman toys in the set of the show.He also loves cereals. On the show, his kitchen cabinets are always filled with different kinds of cereal boxes. He even orders cereal in restaurants. Near the end of the show when he was arrested for breaking the “Good Samaritan” law, his mother packs lots of cereals in her suitcase before visiting him during the trial. She says that Jerry misses cereals more than anything during his stay in jail.