Why Does My Boyfriend Care

Why does my boyfriend care more about his friends then me?

i'm like you and like to spend time all my time with my boyfriend. don't deny it, you're needy. i'm needy. a lot of girls are needy. the worst thing you can do is pretend that you're not when you really are.

what i've learned is that there are 3 types of guys:
1. guys who like their space to do their own thing
2. guys who are "needy" like us and prefer to hang out w/ their girlfriends
3. guys who are like #1 until they meet the right girl and then they turn into #2

you seem pretty young so my advice to you is... talk to him. be honest and open, put your feelings out there. see if he'll meet you half way. otherwise, don't waste time being unhappy and wanting him to change. there are tons of guys out there that will probably be a better match for you (more like guy #2). the longer you wait around with this guy, the less likely you'll be to find the right guy.

What should I do if my boyfriend doesn’t care about me?

When someone cares - really cares for you - they focus on what pleases you or makes you happy and they work at trying to not disappoint you or make you unhappy. They don’t take you for granted. They treasure your friendship, your companionship, your intellect, and culture. They want to share and learn new things with and from you. They feel that they are a better version of themselves with you - and they don’t want to lose that.So, if your boyfriend isn’t thoughtful, if he doesn’t do things for you for no reason at all v. just as an obligation on a holiday, if he’s not a good listener and isn’t observant - he may like you but I’m going out on a limb here and going to say he probably doesn’t really love you. He may not be capable of deep affection and respect so you have to ask yourself if you’re willing to live without the quality relationship you want and deserve or if you need to move on and find someone who can treat you as you’d like to be treated.I just went through this decision process. I didn’t just cut him off. I raised some issues with the man who swore up and down that I was wrong and my feelings were unwarranted. He claimed he really did love me, but just a few weeks later, he must have felt unmasked and he initiated the breakup. To be honest, I didn’t really mind the breakup as much as I did the disrespectful way he handled it. As if my feelings were inconsequential - like I was in his way and he had been doing me a favor by gracing me with is his presence.It takes a while to work through those issues - the anger over the disrespect. But with a bit of perspective, I realize I’m better off without him.

What should I do when my boyfriend doesn't care about me?

I see many relationship questions like this on Quora every week:“My boyfriend doesn’t call or text me much anymore. What should I do?”“All my partner and I seem to do is argue with each other all the time. What should I do?”“My boyfriend(girlfriend) seems so distant recently. What should I do?”I always guess that a bad (toxic) relationship is the root cause, but lately I have developed a theory on the basic cause.Many decades ago when people dated, many of them actually made it to their honeymoon. For those that started early, they were usually is a serious relationship or engaged before they started sharing one another.A couple of decades ago when our sons were starting dating, especially in college, young people often were in bed together by the third date. I’m not saying that is bad. The problem is that God (or mother nature) designed human sex as a very powerful bonding experience that works great for holding marriages together. But when a young couple starts out having sex too early it becomes so “bonding” that they overlook many issues that really make them not a long range compatible couple. They exist in a toxic relationship based (loosely) on good (or OK) sex. When they are not in bed, the relationship is not good. Thus, we end up with Quora relationship questions looking for help.I say all this for those couples where this might apply. Do you really have anything “solid” in your relationship other that the sex part? If the honest answer is “no.” Please consider calling it off and move on. Life is too short for toxic relationships.

Why does my boyfriend not care when I cry?

We have been dating for almost three years. I do not cry often but when I do he acts like I'm dumb and annoying and he does not try to comfort me if we are fighting or not. It does not matter why I am crying. He just gets pissed that am crying and leaves. Why? Does he not care?

Does my boyfriend care if i die or not?

If he loves you, yes. There are so many things in life you’re going to miss out on if you do. I totally understand, but don't. Calm down and think it through. Think about all the people you'll be hurting. Killing yourself won't do anything to help it you will miss out on life. You matter to everybody and you were put on the earth for a reason. Death is not meant for you to pick when. You have a reason to be here just like everyone else and you are very important. Talk to someone you trust.
If you feel suicidal, please call the suicide hotline immediately.

WHY DOES MY BOYFRIEND CARE IF I FART AROUND HIM???????????????????????????...

ok so over the summer i moved in with my boyfriend. im 20 hes 21. so my problem. sense we were together hes always been pretty comfortable about farting around me. like he will just walk around the house and fart without a care. ok i dont mind that. im fine with that. but recently i started to be comfortble enough to fart around him. but whenever i do he gets mad, saying its nasty and stuff like that. i tried telling him he does it to but he still gets upset, i dont like walk around doing it but i been more careless. i don't think i should have to keep hiding it, i mean for gods sake we live together. so just to make him mad recently ive been like eating more beans and like farting under the covers, and just farting on the couch and stuff. so why does he care? is there a way to change his mind? also iff you have any more ways i can annoy him with farts let me know. thanks!

How do I care less about my boyfriend?

Uh, why would you want to? Maybe your BF is just too cold for you. I would LOVE to have a GF that “cares too much about me”. Never had that problem, so no idea what it’s like to be “lavished with love”. You will meet a lot of people here who think that really close relationships are unhealthy. They can be, no doubt about it. But you might just be one of those people who, like me, just loves being loved and enjoys a lot of emotional connection. A lot of guys struggle at the best of times to express themselves, and far too many of them are focused on sport, computer games, working out - all that “manly man’s stuff” to make them feel part of the “man crowd”. Well, they’re welcome to it! If you want a guy who is loving, attentive and close to your heart, and your BF isn’t that, please move on. Don’t let your heart go cold just because some guy thinks you are too loving.Blessings to you, my friend. Please take care of that lovely, warm, lover’s heart you have. Don’t let people stomp all over it! Don’t worry, there are those of us in the world you really enjoy your style of love and relationship. You’re not weird. There’s nothing wrong with you. You are just wired differently to a lot of people. Welcome to the “sensitive, warm lover’s club”, ha ha. Seriously, do take care of yourself. I would hate to see you give away your sensitivity and passion just for the sake of keeping someone else happy and “fitting in”. Remember, only dead fish go with the flow. It’s OK to go against the flow. And as you get older, you won’t care what other’s think of how you love - especially once you find a guy who loves like you do. :-)

Why doesn't my boyfriend care when he hurts me?

There’s a number of possibilities here;a) he actually doesn’t care because he has a pathology (socio or psycho-pathy) - this can only be diagnosed by a mental health professional (this in manageable but not curable).b) he is very insensitive compared to your sensitivity levels - he doesn’t understand why some stuff is offensive to you, because he is conditioned in a way that normalised aggression, tactlessness, abrasiveness or anger - so the way he is behaving he sees as normal and you see as HECTIC. This can be fixed with consistent behavioural therapy. But you may also have to deal with being told that you’re overly sensitive - which you may well be, which will also need correction if you’re to find a space you can both function healthily in.c) he is impulsive and lacks self-control - he acts without thinking and then DOES care but is overwhelmed by his own shame, so much so that it’s painful to admit he has hurt you and defensively pretends nothing happened to protect his fragile self-esteem/ego.None of these things will self improve at all. There is NO WAY for you to change him. PLEASE LISTEN, these types of behaviours tend to intensify over time not diminish. If you’re planning on staying with this person you must be willing, not only to accept that his is the way he is, that likely he will never seek out help to change in any way or to adjust to accommodate you, but that likely his behaviour will intensify and get more and more difficult to live with.You need to put down firm boundaries and speak up loudly now about the things you’re not ok with and the standards of behaviour that you require. If he CAN change and he values your relationship and you in his life in the way that makes a long term relationship viable, then he will.Keeping quiet will NEVER reap change of any desired sort. If you can’t speak up and assert your perspective, you need to walk away - save your heart now. PLEASE.