Why Does My Boyfriend Crave Stomach-to-stomach Contact During Intimacy

Why does my boyfriend cover up intimacy with playfulness? He can't ever act serious when it comes to being passionate. It's an issue for me.

It may be his way of protecting his emotions and not getting too vulnerable. People have issues around vulnerability and sex. A little playfulness is one thing, one ingredient of sex. But if that's the whole meal, then you do have a problem, especially if that is not your style and you crave a more authentic interaction. You can sort of tell when someone is being genuinely playful and when someone is fronting. And it feels awful to have that happening in bed. It is super tricky to ask for shifts in your sex life, and the longer you are together sometimes the trickier it can become, because there is an unconscious assumption that you know each other so well you shouldn't have to express preferences, so it can be a hit to the ego, but life changes sometimes call for it. I would consult a couples counselor (alone) if I were you - they can help you sort out the healthiest way for you to approach it based on your relationship and your personalities. Because as you well know, if you approach it wrong the situation may get worse instead of better.It may not be you but some other stressor in his life (work, money, family illness) that has him feeling overly vulnerable in the rest of life, and that may be why he is covering so much during sex.Hope this gets better for you - take care. :)

Why did my boyfriend kiss my stomach?

I don't know what it is with guys and kissing a girl's stomach. Every guy I have been with has done this too. Every guy I have been with has kissed and/or lightly bitten my stomach. It's so weird, right?! The part about your breasts leaking - you should see a doctor about that or at least take a pregnancy test. Here is a link about breast discharge

Overall, I don't like the whole stomach kissing thing myself. Maybe guys think it's sexy or it turns us on. For me, it does not turn me on. I think it's really weird.

I don't think your bf thinks or hopes you are pregnant. I think he is just trying to be "sexy".

Hope this helps a bit!

Why exactly does the stomach hurt when you are hungry?

Although many of the answers here are good most of them I don't believe answered your question. “Why does the stomach hurt when your hungry” . I may be wrong but I believe that our stomach is a food processing plant. It does this by using chemicals, and these chemicals are hydrochloride acid.(more or less). This acid breaks down what we eat and passes it on to the next plant in line which is your intestines. The acid in your stomach is strong enough to dissolve most things we eat. When there is nothing to process it still expects something to do. When it doesn't get what it expects then it still goes to work, and the only thing to process is the lining of your stomach. And it will hurt to put acid on any part of your body(including the walls of your stomach. Most of the time it does no lasting harm but unchecked it will lead to ulcers and weight loss because your body's natural reaction to the stomach pain is to feed it your body fat and when that's used up it will feed it your muscles.This is only my own opinion and theory. I may be wrong or maybe right. I have been both in the past. I have gone with food for almost two weeks in the past so during that time I had a chance to study on it. So that's my thoughts.Thank you.

Why does my boyfriend always touch my stomach?

Clearly you need to ask your boyfriend as none of us have a clue who he is nor do we know what is going on in his mind.

I touch people for different reasons in different situations. Some touch is to releive tension or stress (massage), sometimes to give comfort (like a hug), sometimes to feel someones essence or spirit (intuiting that person), and sometimes because I like the tactile sensation (like petting a cat or a soft sweater).

I have the ability to intuit people through touch. To say this another way; I experience an additional connection to them and with them when I make physical contact with them.

With many people certain parts of their bodies are easier for us to read when we want to intuit that person and/or to experience the connection which physical contact facilitates for us.

I am guessing that your boyfriend likes to touch your stomach for one or more of the following reasons.
* He finds it attractive.
* He just likes to touch you and your stomach is fairly accessable. More accessable than your feet for example which are at floor level and may be covered with shoes.
* He derives some pleasure from from the tactile experience of touching you there.
* He at some level feels a heightened connection with you when he touches your stomach.

But you need to ask your boyfriend as he knows more about himself than any of us do.

I will add that it is quite probable that he may not be consciously aware of all of the reasons he chooses your tummy. He not be able to verbalize or articulate his reasons to you immediately. Certainly you can share with him some of the feedback that you have gotten from this forum and see which if-any of the suggestions resonate with him.

Good luck to you both and keep your lines of communication open with each other.

Why Do I have A Tingly Feeling When I Talk To My Boyfriend?

Everyone says "Butterflies" but butterflies are tied to adrenaline.

According to Wikipedia:
Butterflies in the stomach is a medical condition characterized by the physical sensation of a "fluttery" or "tickling" (hence butterflies) feeling in the stomach. This sensation can be a physical sensation related to the body's fight or flight response or it can be an ineffable experience related to the psychology of love.

Some believe that this is caused by the release of epinephrine, or adrenaline when one is nervous, pulling blood away from the stomach and sending it to the muscles. This reduced blood flow, in turn, causes the stomach to temporarily shut down, and possibly the reason for reduced appetite during love sickness.

It is common for one to feel butterflies in the stomach when one is in the early stages of a relationship. Butterflies in the stomach are often seen as a positive and harmless sign of one's subconscious feelings for one's romantic interest and are caused by the release of mood altering endorphins. Butterflies in the stomach are frequent in first time teenage romances and studies show that this symptom is more frequently experienced by females.

Does it really mean anything? Not really other than you are into him... FYI - it doesn't mean it's a two way street though.

Why do men like touching a woman's stomach?

My boyfriend sometimes likes to lay his hand over my stomach- kind of like people do with pregnant women. I don't really mind it, but I was looking for answers on WHY he likes to do it?

We have a very active sexual component in our relationship so it is not because he wants to touch me higher or lower- if he wanted to do that, he would.

Usually it happens when we are just standing or lying down together and I was just wondering WHY?

Does it show affection?

Why do I want to have sex with my ex-boyfriend who dumped me?

Because intimacy is one of the most powerful drugs on the planet, and (chemically speaking), you’re hooked.This isn’t abnormal. Sex in relationships is meant to bond two people together. In committed relationships, it’s the (really fun) glue that helps cement all the emotions two people feel towards each other.In non-committed relationships, it bypasses all the relationship circuit breakers and sends you straight into deep intimacy mode, which is why casual sex is usually not the healthiest choice.Anyway, right now your body is tuned towards having intimacy with this person. The fact that he broke your heart splits your emotions and psyche in two: on the one hand, your mind and body are registering that you feel hurt and abused. On the other hand, your body is craving the emotional intimacy and physicality that you got from being with him.There’s only two things you can do: let time pass, and use logic.Right now, you’re using logic brilliantly. Asking yourself why you want to have sex with the man who dumped you sends your mind down a path of self-examination and will lead also to self-control. Now you just need time.Don’t give up, and definitely don’t give in. If you do, you open yourself up to being used. Having sex with your ex will just give him all the benefit; he doesn’t have to provide anything for you, and yet he gets everything he wants. No guilt for breaking your heart, no responsibility to be your boyfriend, and also has an opening to still sleep with anyone else.Right now is the time to love yourself. If this gets tough, hang around friends and family who truly love you and are in it for the long haul. Take up a hobby, (mine was martial arts), that blows off steam and puts you around people who are having fun and are committed to a goal or purpose.All of this will build back up your self-esteem and help you not to crave being with your ex. There’s a lot better guys out there on the horizon than the one who is behind you. Keep your head up and keep looking forward! You got this!!!

I crave intimacy and I'm getting close to my breaking point. What can I do?

Aw c’mon. Maybe you just met somebody very attractive and interested in you also. Don’t fool yourself. If you do treasure your marriage like you said you do then it’s a no brainer — DON’T GIVE IN! Betrayals always end up badly. If you are not sure how you will take it in with yourself after the act then you are putting everything — your marriage, your equanimity, your future — in jeopardy. “Sex with whoever interested in me if my husband was okay with it” never happens in real life. You don’t expect that you’re doing it only to quench the ignis in your pelvis, do you? Or else just pay somebody by the hour to do away with all the emotional baggage serious affairs usually have.But if only you have a strong, vivid imagination you can save yourself a lot of worry. You can just close your eyes and think of Leonardo diCaprio and let your fingers do the rest. I’m not joking and this is a very serious advice. You can even think about Mr. Attractive instead of Leo once in a while. You can do it as much as you want as long as you need to and it’s free. If fingers and toys cannot help, then Mr. Attractive with all the complications — viral, bacterial, and emotional — is just one press of a button away. Good luck.

Is physical intimacy the main thing guys eventually want from a relationship? Can I have a boyfriend who never asks me to be physically close to him?

Mrs Anonymous, you are asking the same sort of question a lot of times here, aren’t you?Is there any chance you will finally accept the answer?Yes, for 99.99999% of all males, sex is a necessary condition for any relationship that is supposed to be more than friendship. Live with it. That’s how we are. And no, paying us a subscription for the local brothel is not an acceptable substitute.Yes, if you refuse sex, we will get pissed off, because in a relationship sex is weaponized by women. Take the trash out -> sex. Have an argument -> no sex. So, if you refuse sex we assume it’s because we have done something wrong and you are bitchy enough not to tell us what it was and how we can make things normal again. And if you tell us the truth about you being incapable of enjoying sex, we treat this as an irreconcilable difference in the legal sense of the word and move over to someone who we can have fun with and who appreciates us more than you can. While being pissed off at you because you didn’t tell us sooner, i.e. before we emotioally invested in you. Most of us would call that “lying by ommission”.There are probably some asexual males in your country too, but you won’t find them by digging on the next best guy and hoping he is one of the extremely few. You might as well date one homeless man after another in the hope of catching a millionaire that way.So, if you are interested in a non-sexual, more-than-friendship, exclusive relationship, google for the relevant groups and try your luck there.However often you ask the same questions here, the answers will not change.

Why did the ex narcissist acted like he loved intimacy/affection at the beginning, but turned out to be not the case at all? I could barely even touch him without him complaining.

It is all about power and your reactions that fuel the narcissist. Everything, the love and affection? All of that was an act. Narcissists study their prey. They know that making “love” to you in a beautiful way will bind you to them and that once they begin to mistreat or devalue you, you will be desperate to do anything to get them to be the person you thought they were when you both first became intimate. All the gentle whispers, caresses, loving gestures, the intensely intimate looks he gave you? ALL OF THAT WAS JUST A COMPLETE AND UTTER LIE. “Intimacy” and “making love to you” is just sex to them. They know your every reaction….it’s that reaction that they crave, like a typical drug addict. All the mind blowing sex? It was all about their power over you and your complete submission to them. Your every.single.reaction….all of that makes them high, whether it is positive or negative.So now “you can barely touch him without him complaining”? Ha! He’s got you where he wanted you all along, my dear….he wants you to literally do anything for him ….because he made you addicted to him and his mind blowing sex, he is flying high over his complete power over you. Your begging him to “make love” to you? That will give him an even greater high!! His denying you is a kind of punishment….why? Because he feels like it!Take back your power (yes, it is hard to do)! Go complete “no contact”. He will ask you, beg, plead you to come back to him….and once you do go back to him….his abuse will be much, much, worse.Learn to love yourself! You deserve better than this. Please see a therapist(who specializes in narcissistic abuse recovery),find a good support group, search how to get over narcissistic abuse online ….there are literally hundreds of articles out there, learn how to treat yourself by taking yourself out to a movie or a walk, write out your feelings, take some kind of classes that you like, put everything into your work,hang out with your friends, take some creative art therapy classes, search “mindfulness” online and how to do it, pray(that’s what I did), practice gratefulness, most of all learn how to love yourself so that no one will every treat you like the narcissist does.I wish you well❤️