Why Does My Cat Does This When I Pet Her

Why does my cat get mad when I pet him?

Without knowing what you mean by “get mad” I am going to have to guess.Sometimes, cats get overstimulated in some areas when you pet them. For instance my cat does not like to be petted more than “slightly” on her back. More than a few times and her tail starts to twitch, her ears go back, and that means you are headed to be bit!Every cat is different. Some owners think they get bit for no reason but if you pay attention you can “see” it coming. Watch for the signs of your cat being overstimulated. It could be their back, their ears, any part of their body. Sometimes, enough is enough!I don’t know what else could constitute “mad”. Your cat may be ill and if that is the case it will need to go to the vet. If your cat is displaying behavior other than normal this is a sign it needs to see the veterinarian.I hope this was helpful to you. Happy Tails to You!

Why does my cat meow when I pet her?

Depending on the specie/s that your cat originates from can determine why your cat is vocal. Many Eastern species, such as the Siamese, are very vocal when it comes to attention. As for the tone of the meow, it could be annoyance, however it could also just be that cat's individual tone. Just like humans, cats have different tones and pitches to each 'voice' if you would call it that. My cat is very vocal, and many times she sounds like she is yapping, or even a bit hoarse. Again, depending on the cat, and the tone of his/her 'voice' will be the main factor.

On a side note, watch for the different tones and attitudes your cat can take on. You can sometimes tell by the sound they make if they are hurt, or if something is wrong.

Why does my cat meow when I pet her?

Cats developed meowing as a part of domestication process. That means that they rarely, if ever, use meowing to communicate with each other. I can’t say for sure, but I know that naturally cats meow when they are in heat and kittens meow when scared/hungry calling mother cat. I think it’s safe to conclude that your cat is communicating directly with you when you pet her.I bet she doesn’t sound the same when she asks for food, when you pet her and when she’s scared or angry. Try to listen and learn variations in her tones, so you can connect better. If she’s purring while you pet her, than no worries, it’s her happy meow. Also, learning different meows will come in handy when you are extremely bored and try to meow at your cat until it meows back.(There couldn’t be a cat owner who never tried to do this)

Why does my cat bite me when i pet him?

I have a male cat he's about 1yr 6 months and he is fixed. He loves attention but sometimes when i pet him he bites me. He doesn't bite me every time i pet him but when he does he lays down beside me and starts purring so he wants me to pet him. When i do he bites down on my hand. It's not hard he just puts his teeth on my hand until i move it. If i keep petting him he will bite down a bite harder and hold my hand with his paws. It's never hard enough to break skin but it's weird since he's inviting me to pet him.
I'm wondering if i'm touching a spot that hurts or does he want to play. If you keep trying to pet him he will start to growl and jump away. I would understand if i was bothering him but he comes to me and acts like he wants me to pet him. Does anyone know why he would be doing this?

Why does my cat bite me when I try to pet her?

Thanks for the A2A.Lots of good advice here already.My cats all occasionally bite/scratch/bat when the petting gets to be too much for them.  Portia bites.  Pandora will bat, usually with a bit of a scratch.  Same for Jenny.  Jenny's tail sometimes gets all fluffed up and once in a while she will even hiss.  Brunhilde will give a surprisingly strong slap with a paw, but with claws retracted. (If you're interested, Pandora will slap/scratch with either paw, but Brunhilde is definitely right-pawed.)They are certainly not really biting or scratching.  Believe me, if a cat feels that it is necessary to inflict grievous bodily harm on someone or something, it knows how to do it. I am continually amazed at the precision they can attain with their claws. They're just communicating with you as they would with another cat.  A little nip (Portia bites more than most cats but has never broken the skin), a light scratch, or a slap with a velveted paw, are just some of the ways cats tell other cats how they are feeling about something.You need to be on the lookout for signs that kitty is overstimulated. These include "crazy eyes," (as we say at our house), tail-fluffing, tail-flipping, certain ear positions, and sort of tensing up (which is hard to describe but you can generally feel it if you are looking for it).  There is no way that I know of to make your cat stop doing this.  It's part of how she communicates. The best way to handle it is to learn how to interpret her behavior.  I would advise very strongly that you do not shout at her when she does this, or do anything else that might frighten her, because though you might want her to associate your unhappiness with her behavior, which is something she has control over, it is likely that instead she would associate it with her feelings, which she does not have control over.

Why does my cat fall over when I pet him?

Ah, the glorious “I trust you and I love you and I’m so content that I’m gonna flop over now”…My cat does this all the time and it’s adorable. Basically, they feel so safe that they allow themselves to rest for a bit, maybe invite you to cuddle for a bit.

Why does my cat drool when I pet her?

Cats can drool for a number of reasons - sometimes it is behavioral, occurring when they are excited, anxious or being petted. However, it is important to rule out a medical problem causing the drooling, such as dental problems, Disorders of the mouth are one of the most common causes of drooling in cats, which include gum disease, tooth abscess, stomatitis, gingivitis. Metabolic disorders such as liver disease or kidney disease may also cause drooling.

Why does my cat flinch when we pet her?

So I have one small terrier dog, 1 (mixed) maine coon cat and then 2 (brother and sister) kittens.
We got the dog(candi) at the same time we got Etuc(brother) & Cotton(sister kittens). All 3 of them were babies so they grew up together and all get along, been 1 - 2 years since we have had them. The older cat(Tigger) leaves them alone as long as they leave her alone. We all pamper are animals and the only time we swat them on the butt is if they tear stuff up, and that's only if we are fast enough. lol(we dont hit hard either, we are very protective of our animals).
Cotton the littlest one out of all the animals is very timid and runs when we go to pick her up or pet her.(pet her anywhere, head,paws, back, etc.) Then when she is next to use and we reach to pet her she flinches and some times leaves. None of our other animals do this, I don't understand why. Is there something that makes her scared, Is there a way for me to help her be less scared?

Why does my cat only like it when I pet her with my feet?

Cats are very finicky. If they are the slightest bit annoyed, they will bite and scratch. They also show very few sighs of being annoyed before they do so.

As for your cat not liking your hands, it may just feel cornered or pinned by being grabbed or has somehow learned to be distrustful of hands for some reason.

If your cat just attacks your feet out of the blue, it may just think its playing. You just have to figure out your cat's personality, which can be difficult since they seem so unpredictable sometimes.