Why Does My Cat Keep Chewing Everything

Why does my cat chew on everything?

I don't want to duplicate all of the good information in the previous answers. I just want to ask one question: Is your cat full grown? If he is a teenager, in some cases, they can still be teething. Just as with human babies, it helps to gnaw on something hard. Even if your cat is an adult, there could still be a dental problem. It might involve the teeth or the gums. I have never heard of a cat grinding its teeth before, but the image it gives me is that he could be trying to knock the painful one loose. Or he might just be a weird cat. But Veterinary Dentistry has come a long way. You might want to look into that.

My cat keeps chewing boxes, how do I stop her from doing it?

I had one very unique cat (out of hundreds) who was fixated with biting (boxes, fingers, furniture, etc). Eventually, on a whim, I got her a package of tiny twist dog chews for super small dogs. They became her favorite things in the whole world and she would sit and chew on them for hours. it might be worth a try. they’re not expensive.

Why does my male cat keep chewing and licking things?

I have a male cat about 4 months old and he keeps chewing and licking everything he gets near. Does this mean he's going to lose his baby teeth soon? He is particularly fond of a beanbag for licking and cords for chewing. Or is this just him being a goofy/evil kitten? (evil cause he randomly attacks things with sandpaper kisses, haha)

Why does my cat keep chewing plastic and is it unsafe?

Another one!I used to have a marmalade (ginger is a dirty word in the UK :) tom who would chew plastic carrier bags until they were a gooey mass at the corners (as far as he could reach) but seemed not to to ingest them. It did not take us long to hide all plastic bags in a cupboard or a drawer well out of reach to avoid the possibility that he might ingest the plastic at some stage, which was unlikely to promote well-being.Why some cats have a fixation with thin plastic, I don’t know, but no cat that I have ever owned who has been fed dried food, wholly or in part, has ever acquired the habit.Perhaps it’s just an urge to chew, which may be related to ‘dental hygiene’ and they choose whatever is to hand. I used to have a cat, which lived in a large pot of ‘indoor’ ivy and who used to do the same thing to the leaves, (the leaves were a gooey mess but still recognisable), although he suffered no discernible ill-effects. Fortunately he ‘outgrew’ the pot and could no longer ‘live’ in it!

How can I get my cat to STOP CHEWING on things?

I really understand what you mean, I have experienced the same thing.

Right off the bat you need to accept and understand that you have to pick your battles.... there are always going to be things that you don't mind that they get chewed on, and things that you do, and just like when you have a baby you have to child-proof your house, you have to create a place or two where you can store stuff you don't want getting chewed on.

I found that if I keep everything in my closets in my bedroom I use a doorstop wedge to keep the cats from being able to open the closet doors. I keep things in there that I absolutely do not want them getting to.

Things like electrical cords, the best thing to do, believe it or not, is grease the entire length of the cord with VASELINE. It is not toxic, but the cat will HATE the smell/taste of it and will not touch the cord anymore. One taste and they will never forget it. Besides tasting nasty, Vaseline sticks to their tongue/paws/fur and takes them hours to get rid of. it's truly an experience they will not forget.

Understanding that you can't put Vaseline on everything, that NO spray will be a big help in some areas. But you will never be able to cat-proof everything. Most cat-lovers learn to accept that the cost of having, and loving, these wonderful creatures is that sometimes you just have chewed up furniture etc.

I would suggest that you have the cat to the vet, to make sure it is medically ok and that there isn't some other condition causing it to chew this much. There is a condition called PICA that causes cats to try and eat things that are not edible, like plastic shopping bags, etc.

Also, if your designer purses and stuff that is being chewed is real leather, remember that LEATHER is made of animal skins and cats are hunters and they will chew on an animal skin cause to them that IS food. I can't have any cat toys made of real fur of any kind because the cats go all feral on me over the taste of "kill." So if your purses were real leather that is possibly why they were targeted. Remember this will also apply to leather jackets, shoes and upholstery. (and dogs as well as cats)

hope this is helpful!

Why does my cat chew wires?

Your cat may be exhibiting signs of pica, the desire to consume something that is not food. The issue can stem from a variety of reasons including a dietary deficiency and (most likely) boredom. Here is a good article on the signs of pica and how to address it:Wool sucking behavior, cats sucking fabric, cloth and socks

My cat chews holes in my clothes, blankets, everything. How can I get this to stop?

She eats the material/fibers as well....shoe strings, my bath rug -
I'm afraid for her health...I think a lot of the material she has eaten is still in her stomach, though I know she passes some of it...yuck! She is appx 9 months old and has been doing this since shortly after i adopted her. My Vet has never heard of a cat eating holes in clothes or other material...a puppy - yes, but not a cat. Please - if anyone has any information that could help I would greatly appreciate it! My wordrobe and home look like a swiss cheese facttory!!!

How to keep cats from chewing on blinds?

I have 2 cats and the oldest likes to licks and chews on our plastic blinds everyday, we have tried bitter Apple, citrus sprays but our youngest cat likes the taste of them and he just licks it off, so that doesn't work. Is there anything else i can use?

Why is my cat suddenly chewing on plastic/rubbery things?

One of my cats (age 10) started chewing things and drooling. Took her to the vet who discovered a broken tooth and an abscess. $500 surgery later, she's doing fine and the chewing and drooling have stopped.just my 2 cents…

How do I get my siamese cat to stop biting on everything in our house?

She is 3 years old and has been doing this since I can remember. Cords (she chewed my phone charger cord in half), our leather furniture, door stoppers, medal knobs on our radio, and medal knobs on our dressers....pretty much everything. We are getting new leather furniture in a couple the heck do I keep her from biting?????? And what causes this?