Why Does My Cat Use My Other Cats Litter Box

Why does my roommate's cat use my cat's litterbox?

When I adopted my cat 5 months ago my roommate's cat was not happy about it. In between coming in my room to chase him under the bed she would try to use his litterbox. Now they are friends and she has completely switched over to his litterbox. My cat doesn't seem to mind but my roommate's cat sneaks in, poops, and doesn't cover it up. It's gross and I'm tired of coming home every day to a filthy litterbox. What should I do?

Why won't my cat use his litter box.?

my cat has recently decided to quit using his litter box. i thought i wasn't cleaning it enough or something, so i got him a new litterbox, and even changed the location to be more conveniant \ private for him.. what's his problem? he's a russian blue and is 5.5 years old. he's an indoor\outdoor kitty and i don't want to have to give him away, but i really can't stand the smell of cat urine. oh.. and his name is radames, but when we had him neutered the vet said he has a crypt (orchid).. well we call him right-ames for fun...

Why does my cat use the litterbox while im eating?

The cat uses the litterbox many times a day. I'm sure they are thinking, "why do they always eat when I have to go?" They are not malicious in their behaviour this way, it is just when they have to go. Think about when you feed them. The usually have to go about an hour after being fed.

My dog pees on our cats litter box?

Get a baby gate so your dog can't get through. Our dog eats the litter and our litter bow is in the bathroom so we babygated it so the cat can get in and the dog can't it also avoids him eating out of the grabage in there and drinking toilet water.

I never see my older cat use the litter box?

If your cat wasn't using the bathroom some where in the house then after two months your cat would be showing signs of being extremely sick. If your cat is otherwise healthy, eating and acting normally and you seriously don't think any of the poo in the box is her's then you may need to search through your house again.
Behind water heaters in the basement (if you have one for example), totally out of the way places that you may think she'd never fit. Because she's going somewhere.

Why is my cat pooping in the new cats litter box?

Cats don't recognize litter box ownership like that. To them, a litter box is a litter box, and when they gotta go they're gonna go where they want. Does your roommate use a different kind of kitty litter? If so, your cat may like that kind better then the kind that's in his box. For whatever reason though, it seems your cat just prefers the other box. If switching his litter doesn't work, the only other thing you could do is keep your roommate's door shut, but this would confine her kitten to that space which isn't really fair :( This is a tough situation, but maybe talk to your roommate about letting them share and you guys could then agree on sharing cleaning of both boxes.
Good Luck!

Where do you keep your cats litter box in your house?

I have two litter boxes which are both kept upstairs in the spare bedroom.

Should I let my kitten use my cat’s litter box?

If both cats are OK with it, I don’t see why not. However, the walls of an adult sized cat pan may be too high for a kitten. If it’s a very small kitten, he may need a pan with lower wall. A potty training kitten can use a small amount of litter in a pie tin.The only other reason to separate them would be if one is sick and there’s a risk of infecting the other. But the rule of thumb is a cat household should have a litter pan for every cat, plus one. So you would have 3. This does help avoid litter issues.

When my cat uses the litter box, she scratches and claws at the sides of it. Why does she do this?

Thanks for the A2A. This is not remotely unusual. Many cats do this, especially if they have a covered box, or one with high sides. Cats instinctively bury their litter, because in the wild, it can help predators find their location. My cat regularly scratches the box, trying to further bury her litter. And a number of other cats I have had do the same. They don’t quite understand that it won’t give them more material to bury their litter under, so they repeatedly try to scratch it off.

Why do my two cats refuse to use multiple litter boxes? I know full well of the universally accepted dogma that you ought to have one litter box per cat plus one extra. But they keep using the same litter box and the other remains untouched.

If your cats prefer to share a litter box, that’s perfectly fine. You don’t need another.Many cats prefer having their own litter box, but that’s difficult to organise anyway. When I adopted kitten Uhura as a companion for my adult cat Sulu, I got an extra litter box.The result? The kitten used both. She didn’t see why she shouldn’t. Sulu, however, was disgusted.I could have gotten a third litter box, but little Uhura would have used that one too, and the fourth. Sulu, miffed by her habits, decided to go outdoors instead for his toilet needs. (My kitties are indoor/outdoor cats, which is safe where we live.) Even in the winter, he’d rather go outside and dig in the snow than use a litter box that’s been soiled by another cat.But then I adopted a third cat, Uhura’s sister Janice. (Both were strays, and strictly speaking, they adopted me.)Uhura and Janice do everything together - and they even like to use the litterbox together! Although I had three litter boxes ready for their use, the two sisters always chose the same one, doing their business simultaneously and close together. Some hours later, they visited the second box, also together.This is quite rare, for cats to use a litter box together at the same time. It just shows that cats are individuals with individual preferences. My kittens used the visit to the litter box the way teenage girls go to the toilet together for a bit of girlie gossip and giggling.Here they are, about to go into the litterbox together.And here’s an older picture of Sulu, before the kittens arrived. He prefers the kind of litter box without a lid. In this picture, he uses the litter box as a cat bed, and is obviously comfortable.It’s summer now, and the kittens have learned to do their business outside. But a couple of days ago, they discovered that my flower pots make good litter trays. Here’s Uhura doing her business. Janice is not in the picture, but arriving to join the fun.So, whatever works for your cats is good. Don’t get stuck up on rules and formulas. What works for some cats isn’t necessarily what’s needed for yours.I hope this helps.