Why Does My Chest Feel Irritated

Why does your chest hurt when you drink cold water?

Because cold water causes constriction of the heart.Avoid drinking it after you’ve worked out, or when you’re hot!You’re getting warning signals that it’s stressing your body.Instead drink cool to room temp fluids.Best!

Very irritating dry cough and chest pain?

I rarely get colds, but when I do, it hits me hard. Plus, i don't know much about them. At first, it was just a couple of coughs here and there. Then, I woke up one morning and it turned into a full-blown cold. Not much was with the nose, it is mainly coughing. During the first two days, it was some dry coughs with phelgm here and there, but just today, it turned into a complete dry cough, barely any mucus. My throat is itchy and feels a little inflamed or swollen, and my chest kind of hurts or aches when I take in deep breaths (and my throat itches too, causing me to inevitably cough). I've also been having a hard time sleeping due to my itchy throat and my incessant coughs. At times, i cough to the point of dry heaving and tearing up but that's not often. I've taken a couple meds, but it's not working much. Any suggestions? Thanks!

Chest Tightness/Lungs easily irritated?

For about a month I've been having a problem where my chest feels somewhat tight and I feel short on breath. While I do have Asthma, my lung capacity is still almost normal and my peak flow is still normal. I'm not wheezing or having any other of my regular asthma symptoms and since it isn't interfering with my capacity or peak flow I'm assuming it isn't asthma.
I went to the doctor and she said that it was anxiety, allergies, and asthma. However, as I said before it doesn't feel like my usual asthma and I don't think it is anxiety as my lungs feel genuinely irritated (although I am sure the worrying isn't helping). When I tried to run, I locked up at barely 300 meters when usually I can go more than 10 miles without experiencing much in the way of asthma symptoms. So, my question is, Can allergies cause irritation of the lungs? And if so, is that possibly triggering this chest tightness and giving me trouble when I do physical activities?

Thank you for any answers

My hairy chest is itchy, what should i do?

I'm Turkish so my chest is really hairy and so its itchy. I dont want to shave it cause i want to look manly with my dark thick Turkish chest hair but yet at the same time i want the itching to end. What do you suggest i should i do?

Why does being in air conditioning make my chest hurt?

well if you are using it alot in one room or just in the car, your going from cold air to warm it is causing irratation to your brocular tubs. I as well get sick from the air conditioner and I am a smoker are you?? and i get sick from it, chest pain. but sometimes it helps me breath too if its realy humaid out side. well just make sure you dont go in and out of it so much. It makes alot of people sick too, your not alone. just use it if you realy need it.

I feel irritation in my throat when I breathe in. What could be the cause of that?

Maybe not your situation at all, but there were no answers yet. I often get irritation in my throat related to allergies/ inflammation. They have slowly been increasing since I was about 24. My throat is constricted most noticeably after running or in cold weather. I think it is due to over all inflammation from various possible sources in the American lifestyle. Good luck.

Why do I feel intense irritation in my throat during meditation?

When one start to meditation, energy start to move more flexibly across physical body as well as spiritual bodies. Due to different energy obstacles & negativity it might possible that energy get chocked at the point. Also, when energy moves, It can heal blocks by itself slowly.This is one of the major reason when people do feel irritation in some part of their bodies.As shown in the picture, these are the major chakras in human body. These chakras are associated with diff body parts at physical level and different dimensions at the spiritual level.When irritation happen at throat, generally its associated withe the throat chakra. One can meditate and can chant “HUM” for couple of minutes to resolve this issue. This is not called as issue though but the energy blockage when chakra is trying to open slowly. It will go slowly with practice. This is general resolution but for more guidance one can always consult with proper master in the field.SauYoga Spiritual

How do I get relieved from throat irritation and chest burn by acid reflux?

This can cause a range of unpleasant symptoms including chest pain that worsens when lying down, a burning sensation in the throat or mouth, bloating, belching, coughing, nausea, and even regurgitation.Vid: Heartburn No More (TM)While frightening, the chest pain associated with acid reflux isnt a sign of imminent danger. However, because it can be a sign of a more serious underlying problem, please seek immediate medical attention if youre experiencing chest pain.If stomach acid is seeping into your throat or lungs, soreness and coughing are predictable outcomes, and if youre already an asthma sufferer, the strain of constantly coughing can actually trigger an asthma attack.However, if more than a few of them apply to you, you should consider yourself more susceptible than the average person. If you notice youre already experiencing symptoms of acid reflux, consider how the following lifestyle habits might be contributing to them.While reducing your consumption of fatty and acidic foods is the most reliable way of reducing or eliminating symptoms, it entails a major lifestyle change that many will find daunting.Foods that can irritate an already inflame esophagus include citrus (such as pineapple, tomato, orange, and grapefruit), coffee, tea, soft drinks, and other caffeinated beverages. If any of these items is a staple of your diet, its safe to assume that theyre contributing to your discomfort and should be avoided.Its also important to note that dietary changes dont merely include what you eat, but how you eat. You can help to reduce the symptoms of acid reflux further by taking your time when you eat a meal, taking smaller bites, chewing slowly and thoroughly, and consuming smaller portions in each sitting.Weve already established that lying down after eating can cause the symptoms of acid reflux to worsen, so where does this leave you when bedtime rolls around? One easy solution is to elevate the head of your bed by about six inches.If youre already prone to stomach pain or chest pain after eating, lying down right after will only intensify it. There is also some evidence that sleeping on your left side instead of your back can further reduce uncomfortable symptoms.Obviously this doesnt apply to all sufferers, but if you know youre overweight then you should also know that excess stomach fat can constrict around the stomach, forcing acid upwards into the throat.

Why do my throat and chest feel cold when I breathe?

do u feel this always? this happens when u eat cold tablets like mint etc. after eating when u breath ur feel cold in ur chest and throat. if u feeling cold chest, before eating cold tablets, then u must consult specialist doctor