Why Does My Dad Groan All The Time

Why does my mom moan in the night?

Well. Your mother is obviously playing an Intense game of pokemon and losing to a man, which may bring out a dark side in women, causing her to moan in anger, and curse at the lords. Just get some headphones, and if you hear a banging and slapping its because your mother is flinging your farther across the room and slapping him in rage. It'll only last a while more. It isn't sex, don't worry. And it happens every night because your mother can't accept she just can't win.

Why does my dad moan at me all the time.?

My dad will moan at me for all kinds of things. He moans at my school grades, even though i usually pull in 90%+ in all my subjects. He moans at me when im watching tv, usually to go do something outside, then, when i ask him to come toss a football or something, he yells at me to go away. When he tells me to do something, he expects me to do whatever he wanted me to do instantly, be it cleaning my room, walking the dog, or doing my homework. I dont know what to do anymore.

Why does my Dad make weird groaning noises?

if you ask him i can guarantee the answer will be "ill tell you when your older" ;)

Why does my mom and dad make moaning sounds at night?

Your mother is an abuser. Every night, she asks your father to tell her everything he did that day. If he has done anything wrong, he gets punished.At this point in his abused, culled state, he’s like a whipped puppy. And is ashamed of how he is perceived by you, his child.If you don’t believe me, just ask him why he and Mommy make moaning sounds at night - If I’m right, he’ll get embarrassed and change the subject!

Why do I moan or groan in my sleep.?

I'm used to a household of people who moan, groan, talk, and grind their teeth in their sleep. Don't worry, plenty of people make some kind of noise while asleep.

I'm not quite sure what you mean by "I catch myself doing it". If you mean you're loud enough to wake even yourself up, it's cause enough to get it checked out. Some people have dreams that are bad enough to give them reactions WHILE they're asleep, but once they wake up they don't remember it.

I wouldn't worry unless it bothers YOU. If you can find something in common with most or all the times you do groan or moan, maybe you can find the cause yourself, if not try to remember any factor in common and tell a doctor.

It could be anything from the "dreams" to the position in which your sleeping (which could effect your breathing), stress levels could also play a part.

Good luck.

I can't stand my dad!!!!!!!!!!?

i no exactly how ur feeling. i hate my "father" so much. my whole family does. everytime we hear the garage door open we all groan. we hate him so much. i have sworn to my mom that i will not go to his funeral and that i can't wait till he dies and why can't she divorce him. last month we got into a fight because he called my brother a fag. i got so angry. i was screaming and crying at him and all he said was shut ur F#$%king mouth before i slap it shut. i was so scared. i was seriously going to call 911. And after that fight my mom said that next year things are going to change. every time we go out he stays home and we all leave. He knows nothing in my life and is always pumping my little brother for info on my mom's day.

All i can say is that for a long time i thought i was the only one in this situation. once i went to hs i realized that it may not be the same way but everyone of my friends hates on of their parents. Hopefully both of our parents will seperate and u and me will both be out of this horrible and stressful situation

What career would make you groan if your child chose it?

I’m sitting in my living room drinking some tea.Imaginary son: “Mom… I have to tell you something.” *looks worried*Me: “What happened??”Imaginary son: “…………”Me: “Did you fail another Algebra test ??”Imaginary son: “No I-”Me: “What??”Imaginary son: “I know you wanted me to be a lawyer just like you but - “Me: “ - Oh! It’s ok if you want to be a doctor instead!” *sips some more tea happily*Imaginary son: “No, I want to be a K-pop Star”Me: *spits out tea* WAIT. WHAT??Imaginary son: “Yeah you learned to speak Korean, So I wanted to take an even bigger step and become a K-Pop Idol. AND people say I have the dance moves.”Me: “But son… You’re Pakistani.”

My laptop is making a really weird groaning noise?

Ok. So i have an acer aspire laptop and today I was about to turn it off and it made a groaning noise. Not just any groan either..
It sounded like a HUMAN groan.
This is the only time it has ever happened
I have virus protection software installed. And the last time I scanned my laptop it said it doesn't have any viruses.
Where could the noise be coming from?