Why Does My Friend Only Hang Out With The Cool Kids

Why does my friend only hang out with the cool kids?

Ok so here are the details. My friend and I have known each other for a while, but he has this stupid complex with hanging out with the 'cool kids'. For example: we're both Freshman, and he thinks its 'cool' to ditch us and go talk to seniors he knows (Meanwhile I KNOW he's not even friends with them, he only knows them, and he thinks its so darn cool for freshman to hang out with seniors). Also, if he's 'embarrassed' to sit with us at lunch (yeah, we're nerds and proud, and we'll talk about video games and such openly) he just leaves us and sits at the popular table. My friends and I are getting so pissed of at him and his pretentious attitude. Someone please help.

My friend tries to act cool?

well my friend hannah is hanging out with the cool kids in our school. When therer over seh wont invite me over or anybody bu the cool ppl. One time she actually invited me because her mom made her and the cool ppl were over too. She was acting not liek the hannah i knew. she was trying to act liek she was sooo cool and i was some retard. HWta should i do about this?

How do you make friends with the cool kids?

Im in middle school and I dont have a lot of friends. My clique ditched me and made new friends without me. Now I have no one to talk to all day. My only friend made friends with the "in-crowd' and everyone seems to know her, and she doesn't treat me as nice as she used to. I want to make friends with the in-crowd because they're so nice and cool, and some of them are in my classes. But it seems like whenever I talk to them they ignore me and talk to someone else. Whenever I try to enter a conversation I don't know the people they're talking about and I can't keep up with everyone. Also I'm really shy. How do I make friends with the cool kids?

Why do my friends never want to do anything with me?

I don't want to be popular. I just want to be an average kid that has good friends. I don't think these friends are very good.. Long time ago, I made friends with these other kids in my school who were pretty cool and average. For a while I hanged out with them and now I am in middle school and they don't hang out with me or ever ask me to do anything with them (they never really did in the first place). I see them hanging out with other people in pictures and in school like in a "group" and now I'm left by myself. I really wanted to join the group too because it's like a cool group but I guess they don't want me to. Now I am a loner. Why did they ditch me like that and why do they never ask me to do anything with them? I feel like a loser. I am a loser....

How to get the cool kids to talk to me?

In school im not really in lasses with a lot of popular people, but even those kids don't talk to me. In the beginning of the school year I didn't talk much, but now I've realized that the people I hang out with are nothing like me and are super immature. Earlier I was walking to my bus and this guy I like was looking for someone, and I stopped in front of him to see if he'd notice me and he did, but he looked away. None of them ever look at me, I'll try to make conversation but they just laugh or ignore me. I don't know what to do, and I'd sit at theyre table but I don't know if I should ask. Idk. Even this guy and girl on my bus just talk to my friend but when I say something just look away. I just really want them to be my friends but I don't go out of my way atleast.

I have a bad group of friends at school? But I don't want to be one of them.

A2A.I'm apologising in advance if this is a little long.It’s great to that you asked this question because normally people find it easier to cave in to peer pressure rather than STANDING UP FOR THEMSELVES.I can understand the situation you are in because I faced the exact same things when I was in school.I wanted to open up and be cool. So I started hanging out with some kids who I thought were “cool”. They were in fact quite the opposite.Half of them were addicted to smoking and drinking. The other half were “insecure jerks” - people who try to make others feel bad about themselves because they know they are no good. Unfortunately, by the time I realised this I had become a part of their “group”. Like you I couldn't connect with the studious kids and at the same time I wanted to stay away from these guys and keep to myself.I couldn't make any friends everyone was under the impression that I was “bad” too. I felt alone. I was desperate for friends. This is the worst thing that can ever happen. Being needy.The “cool kids ” sensed my desperation and loneliness and they started targeting me. They started taunting me and even intimidated me. This kept getting worse until one day I decided that enough is enough.I decided that it’s better to NOT have friends than to have such friends. Be by YOURSELF. Accept yourself and believe in your principles and stick to them.Whenever you feel low, remind yourself :Friendship is a choice, not an obligation. You don't need to feel bad that you want to stay away from them.You are GREAT THE WAY YOU ARE AND NO ONE SHOULD BE ABLE TO CHANGE THAT.I know this is very hard but in retrospect this was a very good decision for me. This “time off” will help you a lot-You become independent - You don't need people to feel good or bad. It only depends on you.You become mentally strong- When you are independent and you alone fend for yourself, your endurance level increases immensely.You understand exactly how you want your friends/people in general to treat you.ALWAYS REMEMEBER,There's a saying “good things always come to an end.” The same applies to bad things also. They will also come to an end.Hope this helps.

Why do I feel so ugly when I'm around the cool kids?

I truly know how hard that is.I was terrified of my own shadow when i was growing up. We didn’t have money so i didn’t have cool clothing, etc.I know that it feels like the end of the world. your life is over.. nothing will ever be what you want..And, just know… deep inside “this too shall pass”Build your INNER beauty. the Cool Kids are cool because they KNOW that they are cool and they “sell” that to everyone.. Being cool only gets you so far… and, they probably have to hang in a group to “be” cool.BECOME the “cool kid” to YOU… you will grow up… you will outgrow everything in your life right now…so… look within… and this may be beyond you right now.. think about who YOU want to be… do you want to be strong and loving and wise and happy and smart? those things are all part of a wonderful character…ignore the “cool kids” …focus on being WHO YOU ARE… that’s far, far, far more valuable. “being cool” fades.. beauty, inner beauty, strength, courage, wisdom, intelligence only grow stronger and better with age.I think that you are a pretty “cool kid” for having the courage to ask this question here… thank you and big hugs