Why Does My Guinea Pigs Do This

What do guinea pigs like to do?

Guinea pigs like to gnaw on things. My guinea pigs used to enjoy chewing on wood, salt wheels, and hay toys.Guineas also enjoy running around, exploring their surroundings, and nibbling on anything that looks appealing. Guinea pigs respond well to pleasant noise--particularly that of bags full of their favorite foods being rustled around--and I swear that my guinea pigs liked quiet classical music (I suppose it also could have bored them!).Guinea pigs like to chill. They sleep a lot and they like to be comfortable. I bought my guinea pig a small, comfortable pet bed: while he slept in his bed, I would carry him from room to room so that he could hang out with me. He came to identify that going on the bed meant it was time to sleep or relax so I very seldom had to worry about him running off.Finally, guinea pigs like companionship: they like being around other animals. One of my guineas enjoyed interacting with our finches. I often found him watching them while they preened and sometimes he would popcorn when they sang. Adorable stuff.Here is a picture of Wickett hanging out on his bed.

Why does my guinea pig sneeze?

Your guinea pig could be sneezing for a number of reasons:- Allergies Although this is very rare, your guinea pig may be sensitive to dust in hay or bedding. Make sure your hay and bedding are dust extracted. Your guinea pig may also be sensitive to washing scents or perfumes used on their bedding (fleece) or around the house. - NormalAll guinea pigs sneeze a couple of times a day, so if yours is only sneezing a minimal amount it should be nothing to worry about. However, if you are concerned take it to a vet to check.-URIYour guinea pig could have an upper respiratory infection if the sneezing is accompanied by the symptoms listed here: Guinea Lynx :: URIIf you are at all concerned about the sneezing do not hesitate in taking your guinea pig to a cavy experienced vet!Good luck and hope I have helped! :)

Why does my guinea pig poop a lot when it swims?

most likely your guinea pig is scared. I would
not let a guinea pig swim. it may drown. though they do know how to swim!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
also guinea pigs give themselves a bath!

Why does my guinea pig hate me?

Why does my guinea pig hate me?Guinea pigs can take a very long time to tame, longer than most pets.Taming usually needs to start early to be effective.It is not unusual for taming to take months, or even a year with a guinea pig.Adult guinea pigs can still be tamed in some cases.Some guinea pigs are born with a friendly personality that tames easily, while others are born shy, and become tame eventually, but are never very tame.If a guinea pig has had a bad experience, this makes it harder to tame them.If you hurt your guinea pig by mistake, ie dropping them by accident, stepping on them unwittingly, this might make the guinea pig wary of you. If you are clumsy to make these big mistakes, perhaps you had better be more careful, or re-home your guinea pig.Read about guinea pig care and guinea taming, to increase the chance of your guinea pig becoming tame.Certain guinea pigs never become tame, but this is very rare.Guinea pigs hate loud noises, and fast movements over their head.

Why does my guinea pig chew her food then spit it out?

Idk baby but i hope u find the right answer to help her HAPPY ONE YEAR BEAUTIFUL ily xoxoxo

Why is my guinea pig shrinking?

we have a guinea pig that is almost 4 years old and has been shrinking and getting to an unhealthy size. We have been giving her the right amount of food water and veggies everyday just as much as we doo to our other guinea pig. We are not sure whats wrong..She has been eating everything too...Does she have a disorder problem or whta kind of problem or what???

My guinea pig ate ham?!?!?

She's a animal, animals eat meat! It's okay now, but don't do it again, or feed any other human food to you guinea pig. Tell everyone in your family, especally your brother not to feed her anything without asking. It won't hurt her if you don't do it again! My hamster once ate a Fruit Loop because I gave one to my friend to eat and she gave it to him instead! (It was bigger than he was!!) If a 6-month old Roborovski Dwarf hamster (smallest in the world!) can eat a fruit loop and survive, so can your Guinea Pig.

Why does my guinea pig flinch everytime i pet it?

Guinea pigs are prey animals and it is natural for them to always be on the defensive. There is a way to calm your guinea pig that has never failed in the 30 years i have had guinea pigs. and view the towel trick.

Wrap your guinea pig in a towel and lie it on your chest while you are watching TV, reading a book or listening to music, guinea pigs love music. Set it in your lap while you are on the computer, my Miya loves the sound of the key board and purrs to it!!

In 2 weeks on so you of doing this 2 hours a day you will have a very calm guinea pig that will be happy to see you when it hears you come into the room and will want you to hold it. At this point you may not have to use the towel any longer, however, some guinea pigs do get attached to their towel as my Miya did and want to keep it. She was allowed to keep the towel along with the bed which is not an issue as guinea pigs potty train their self's while doing the towel trick.

Guinea pigs have poor eye sight so they will not recognize you by site. Always approach their cage slowly talking softly so they know it is you coming. Pet them gently before picking them up, all of this will help them over come being afraid because they are prey animals.

Why does my guinea pig poop smell so bad than before??

Has something changed with your piggie?

Like are you feeding him/her different pellets/food?

Is s/he acting any differently?

This is from Guinea Lynx:


Droppings should be uniform and oval, medium to dark brown. Aromatic greenish droppings may be caecal pellets, which the cavy re-ingests (necessary for good nutrition).

Clumped droppings: may indicate impaction (males).
Smaller droppings and/or teardrop shaped droppings: may indicate dehydration and/or eating less food.
Pitted soft droppings may be caused by an overgrowth of yeast in the intestinal tract: a vet can diagnose this and treat with oral Nystatin.
Diarrhea: can be life threatening. If the droppings are merely soft, temporarily withholding vegetables may help.

See a vet immediately for severe diarrhea, which may indicate a serious parasitic or bacterial infection.

Good luck!

Why is my guinea pig always so hungry?

Guinea pigs are herbivores and as such, tend to eat most of the time they are awake. Your guinea pig should have access to unlimited clean, fresh grass hay (preferably timothy). You should also feed it commercial guinea pig pellets containing vitamin C.Once a day you should feed your guinea pig about a cup worth of fresh leafy greens such as romaine lettuce, spinach, kale, or parsley. Two to three times a week, you can provide other vegetables like carrots or zucchini. Small pieces of fruit, like a wedge of apple, a few blueberries, or a slice of banana, can be offered as treats every now and then. Of course, clean, fresh water should always be available.If your piggy does not have constant access to hay and you’re not providing additional foods as suggested, you are not feeding it enough. If you are feeding as listed above and your guinea pig is alert and bright-eyed, and its stool is normal (neither too dry nor too loose), all is well.