Why Does My Hamstring Hurt

Why do your hamstrings hurt after doing squats?

Squats use both concentric and eccentric muscle control- which is what makes them such a good tool for patients rehabing from total knee injuries.Concentric muscle control means that you’re moving against gravity or against the load- in this case you’re activating the quad muscles when you raise yourself from the squatting position. Eccentrically lowering yourself to the floor using the hamstrings and glutes results in a slowed squat towards the ground.Your quads are hamstrings and glutes should feel well worked after squats. DOMS (delayed muscle onset) results in pain leftover after vigorous activity.Focus on quality vs quantity. Slow your squat down. Add additional weight if it is not challenging. Stay hydrated and allow rest between heavy activity times.

My hamstring hurts...?

Looks like I pulled it during a soccer game yesterday. I was sprinting after the ball and then a few minutes later it hurt. I asked to get pulled off and it felt fine the rest of the day (I just stretched), but today I tried to go running in the morning and it hurt. It still does, so what should I do? Stretch, ice it, heat pad?...

My hamstrings hurt!!!?

the leg extension exercises pulled at your hamstring. you will need to take aleve every 4 hrs untill the hurting stops. also soak your hamstrings in warm epsom salt water for 3 days--3xdaily. prop them up level with your chair while sitting;, and put a pillow under them at night. do this for 4 days, and they should feel better. good luck.

Why does my hamstring hurt when I play drums?

u should b playing with ur legs parallel with the floor while your foot is resting flat on the pedal. it sounds like u might b playing heel down, try playing heel up if ur not doing it already. sit at the edge of ur throne. dont use only ur leg at the hip, or just ur ankle. find a happy medium. it also sounds like u r playing a single bass pedal. try learning the heel toe technique as well. and the swivel technique. look them up on youtube, i use all these thechniques and they all work.

Why does my hamstring tendon behind my knee hurt 4 months after acl surgery?

About 4 months ago I had acl reconstructive surgery using my hamstring. Everything was going great and I was progressing through rehab fast. I was doing some physical activity and felt something in the Hamstring tendon on the inside of my leg behind the knee, I think it's called the semitendinosus. Now it's pretty sore and hurts when I move in certain ways does anyone know what I did? Is it serious? Please help!

Why does my hamstring lock up? Please help! It hurts!?

Okay, so after a lot of running and excercise, if I like flex it really hard it hurts like hell, and it's unbearable it feels like a big knot. I don't know what to do, it hurts so bad. It only goes on for about 10 minutes but OMG does it hurt unless I don't move my leg. It hurts like hell, seriously I really need some help on this guys. This is the second time it's happened. Some facts are that I really don't stretch which I'm sure doesn't help. I think it like pulls and it hurts really bad but I've only done this twice and nobody knows so I don't know if I pulled it or what. The last time I did it I could walk after like 10 minutes. Uhm, my friend said it was from a lack of potassium, and I'm sure I could use more, please help though, OMG it hurts.

I have red lines on muscles that hurt on my hamstrings... WHAT DOES THIS MEAN?

I stretched my leg too much playing kickball or something and it hurt a lot once i got home, now its a day later and I am on crutches and there are red lines around my hamstring area... they are exactly where it hurts... what could have happened? :/

Why do I only feel squats in my hamstrings?

For a back squat, which is what most people are referring to when they say “squat” and which I’ll assume you are referring to, the hamstrings are a primary muscle group so it’s natural that your hamstrings would get a lot of work, and that you’d “feel” their contraction/work while squatting. The “feel” is likely lactic acid buildup, which is a by-product of contraction and is responsible for the “burn” that builds up in muscles as you execute more and more reps during a set.However, there are two other primary muscle groups that you should also feel while doing proper back squats, glutes and hip adductors.For many people, particularly who sit a lot (a lot of us), glutes go to sleep, so it takes awhile to wake them up and you often have to consciously think about ensuring your glutes are contracting. Glutes help extend your hips, so from the bottom of the squat, as you are extending when standing back up, your glutes should be working.Hip adductors are often referred to as the “groin” muscle and they are the inner thigh muscles. There are two reasons you may not be working your hip adductors. The first is that you are not squatting low enough. When properly descending to or below parallel, the hip adductors are most active in helping reverse your downward momentum back up. So if you are not descending into a full squat (very common), you won’t be fully recruiting your hip adductors. The other reason you may not recruit this muscle group is if you allow your knees to cave inward (toward one another) when you begin ascending out of the bottom of the squat. Many people do this, particularly when squatting a near-maximal weight. What this does is put the legs in a position where the quads assume more of the work, and quads are usually a much stronger muscle, which is why people subconsciously do this. If you ever watch a person being coached by a competent trainer on squats, you may notice them reminding their trainee to keep their knees out while ascending. This is why. They won’t properly advance if they are allowing their quads to relieve the hip adductors of the necessary stimulus to grow stronger.The squat is a truly great exercise for muscle growth and strength development so make sure you’re doing full range of motion, proper squats, and have fun.

Why does my strained hamstring hurt when I laugh, sneeze or cough?

Its normal. Your muscles contract when you do those things. Including your hamstring. Sneezing especially. People tend to tense up a lot.