Why Does My Internet Connection Stop Working Every 5 Minutes

Why does vacuuming my house drops my Internet connection?

the vacuum causes a lot of "noise" (not sound, but interference) from the motor. This can interfere with the signal coming from the modem, router, or both.

You ever hear a car radio "whine" when you rev up the engine? Motors generate eletro-magnetic fields which interfere with nearby electronic components. Because most home wiring is connected together, this interference can travel throughout the entire home.

The more powerful the motor, the stronger the field, the more likely it'll happen. The two most common culprits of this are the vacuum and the microwave. If your home was better grounded, it may lessen or even eliminate the problem altogether.

How to stop planes from messing up my internet connection?

I really have never heard of a plane causing internet issues. I fly and I am very familiar with networks.

Even though you think that is what causes the issue it really isn't. Loose wires, bad cables, wifi interferance, bad routers, bad modems or just plain bad ISP service are more likely issues than a plane passing over. Since you didn't say what kind of internet service you have there isn't much help anyone can give you. If you would like to add some details about your setup there might be some way to assist.

Add: not trying to insult you, but I have been flying for years and in networking systems since the 80's. I have even installed wifi systems in and around several airports. Not one time since I have been doing those has a plane interfered with wifi! Started doing fixed wifi to supply hangars in1997 even those don't have issues from aircraft. You may need to simply change channels or reposition your router to fix the issue. Wifi is very line of sight and signals are very low so small changes can produce major improvements. The only thing near an airport that can cause an issue would be a very big nexrad unit that had n issue, that could cause blanking but has nothing to do with the aircraft. You also have to realize a lot of airlines even offer in- flight wifi these days. If the plane was creating the issues they wouldn't be able to offer that service. Just check my profile I do know some about the subject.

My linksys router stops working every 5 minutes?

well if you want help we need more then that.....reset the modem reset the router.etcetc

My Airtel 3G Internet gets disconnected every 2 minutes and again reconnects. How do I solve this?

Th these steps-1.check how old is your sim ,if its old get a replacement.2.change the network mode to 3g/lte only.3.request for a new apn from airtel.4.check your sim by putting it in a different phone and if it works it could be the phone too.

How can I stop Internet Explorer from timing out after 5 minutes?

I have Excel programmed to download more than a million pieces off the internet when I refresh the data. It takes close to an hour. After 5 minutes of gathering the data though, it says "Unable to open (website). The connection to this internet site took longer than the allotted time." I figured out that I'm getting this because Internet Explorer times out after 5 minutes. How can I increase that to an hour?
Please don't answer doing stuff in regedit. I tried that, It didn't work.

Every day at noonish my internet stops working wireless and all..?

is the router password the same as the access code for the wireless internet.. i dont know my router password..
and as for whats wrong.. the internet doesnt work.. the lights on the netgear box stop blinking and even if i connect with a ethernet cable, it still doesnt work.

My WiFi gets disconnected from my phone after every few minutes. My desktop is also connected to the router and it's working fine. Why is this?

You can try these steps -1.Check if any firmware update is available for the router and update it.2.Change the channel of 2.4Ghz to 11 and mode to 54Mbps.3.Try changing the SSID on your router.4.After updating power cycle your router and modem .5. Now before connecting your phone just reset the network setting on it.Power cycle your phone also.6.Try connecting your phone now.