Why Does My Neck Cramp If I Tense It/stretch It

Why dose my neck tighten up when i yawn?

When you yawn you are only putting the finishing touches on already tight neck muscles. To get rid of the pain so this doesn't happen anymore you have to free up the muscles in your neck and here's how to do that:
Put your hands alongside your head so your thumbs are on the front of the muscle under your ear and your fingers are on the back of the muscle behind your neck. Squeeze your thumb and fingers together and hold. Relax your body. When your fingers and thumb touch, about two minutes, slowly lower your head as far as you can, release the pressure but hold your neck lowered for another 30 seconds.
For best results relax your body first by taking a deep breath and exhaling then remain this relaxed.

Why does my foot cramp up?

There could be several causes that I know of. If you are deficient in potassium or calcium, you can end up getting cramp, often called charlie horses. It can also be caused by growth spurts, or, sudden temperature changes like going from the warm shower to the colder bathroom.

I get them quite a bit, but the best I can tell, is try a multi vitamin, and if it, and if you get them again, as much as it hurts, put as much weight on it as you can, cause it helps make them go away soon.

Can you over-stretch your neck? and How?

i think by saying "over stretch" your neck he means you pulled it. you cant make your neck longer by stretching it, so the initial length has nothing to do with stretching it too much...

get a new neurologist this guy sounds unprofessional. if youre in pain, he should do everything in his power to help you.
also there is this weird disease that effects peoples muscles, usually in the neck that makes them hyper tense (more than what your saying). so tense that they are permanently contorted so they face one way or another. the treatment for this is a lot of botox, shot right into the neck. because the muscles are over working the botox doesnt paralyze the neck, but relaxes it enough to work normally.

Why does my mid/upper left back hurt when I stretch my neck (look downwards)?

In my Zero Pain Now book I go into great detail about something called Nocebo. A nocebo is the opposite of a placebo.In short your brain is a co-incidence detector. It looks for 2 things happen simultaneously and then it assigns a meaning. For example I run and I get back pain. Or I sit and I get back pain. Or in your case you look downwards.Your brain then creates what you expect and that can be a very difficult habit to break.When people come to Zero Pain Now diagnosed with herniated disc, bulging disc, spinal stenosis, fibromyalgia, sciatica, and many other incomplete and usually inaccurate diagnoses, they are programmed when and how to have back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, headaches etc.But when they learn that these structural abnormalities rarely cause any pain even thought they exist, they are able to use the process (Zero Pain Now) and the pain is usually eliminated - permanently.If you want to get an objective score to see if I’m talking about you, take The Pain Test on the website.That said the real cause of almost all pain should be labeled Diversion Pain Syndrome. That’s because the studies consistently show that 2 of 3 people that have never had pain have structural issues such as bulging disc or herniated disc, spinal stenosis, fibromyalgia and others.So once that incorrect cause is eliminated we were able to follow the science and eliminate the cause of the pain where it originates - in the brain.Here is a quote from a pilot we did with the Mayo Clinic:“Using the Zero Pain Now process all patients were pain free and case closed in 28 days or less.”That’s because instead of using the old-fashioned medical pain management that is just there to manage the symptoms, we have been able to eliminate the cause of pain. When that happens all pain management can stop.I’m not here to say use Zero Pain Now today.I am here to make sure that you get the most up-to-date scientific information and proof about what really causes pain so that you can make the best decision about your health.We’re here to help youHere’s to your pain free lifeWith LoveAdam

Why does cold air blowing over your neck make it stiff?

This is because of the cold flow of air, which hits your body and muscles. If you have sore muscles already, the cold air may cause muscles to contract, which results in more pain. Even without sore muscles, the drop in temperature can cause back pain. Your muscles stiffen from the coldness, which makes your muscles susceptible to strains.Chiropractor Joseph Bittar explains the phenomenon in more detail:When your neck is exposed to cold air especially when combined with sweat it causes cramping of the neck muscles and surrounding musculature, that is the; Sternocleiodmastoid (SCM) muscle, the upper trapezius, splenis capitus and the levator scapulae.The cramping is due to the change in blood flow caused by the unexpected constriction of the blood vessels. Put simply this usually makes those muscles ‘unhappy’ thus cramping. The cramping causes that tight (stiff) feeling and as a result causes a restriction in the range of motion in the neck.The two muscles that are usually affected are the first two from the four mentioned that is the SCM and the upper trapezius, where you may end up with the condition known as ‘wry neck’ or ‘acquired torticolis.’ This condition is self limiting and usually goes away by itself in about 1 to upto 4 weeks (this is different in everyone). Source:Quora:So whilst you’re asleep with the fan pointed at you, it may feel comfortable for a while, but it can end up making your muscles stiff and resistant to stretching. Match it with a poor sleeping posture and you’ll be waking up feeling sore and stiff if you don’t make the appropriate changes.

Tense neck muscle when i yawn?

I think you are talking about the short cramp like thing happening. It's not really abnormal. just do some exercise like moving your head around and all every morning. And, eat your vegetables. It's no biggie unless it keeps getting worse everyday.

Why does a muscle under my chin cramp painfully when I yawn?

Thank God, I'm not the only person having it. It's super painful and will leave you teary! Here's one of the answer I found on internet quite a while ago.The pain results from irregular contraction (spasm) of the genioglossus and geniohyoid muscles. The mechanism is exactly the same as any cramp in any other muscle in the body. When we yawn, we have a tendency to contract and elevate the tongue. This causes contraction of its muscles, which can trigger the spasm and pain.One trick that you can try is to consciously relax your tongue when yawning, letting it just sit flat on the floor of the mouth. This typically prevents the spasm, and after a while, it becomes a habit and the condition disappears.Personally I've experienced quite a few times. It doesn't happen always but once a blue moon I still get it. Solution which worked for me is to gently massage my under jaw muscle and try to slowly move my mouth and eventually it goes away.Edit 1: I’ve not been having it lately and thought I would share it with you guys. The reason which I think I’m not having it anymore is “caution”. Whenever I yawn, I try to go easy and do not open my mouth in one quick movement. As suggested earlier, I try to keep my tongue flat too. Moreover, I’ve been gently massaging my under jaw/chin muscles with lotion and oil which has relaxed those muscles. Hence I’m not getting it anymore. Try doing it if it still happens to you. Cheers

Why do you get hand cramps when playing a guitar?

Yes, it’s normal for most people. It’s why they tell you to relax when playing guitar. To get the sounds right we often grip the guitar harder than we have to, especially the fret hand. Try these things to help you outSee how lightly you can press down and still get the chord or note to ringIf you get cramps stop immediatelystretch, there are hundreds of videos or websites that cover stretching for instruments or guitar. It’s an important step. Athletes stretch for a reasonwarm up your hand before jumping into really hard stuffwhen playing chords down hold them down the entire time. Try playing things and releasing. Not all chords have to ring out, especially rock and punk where there’s more staccato feel to the rhythms.Learn the correct way to hold the guitar. If you play classical there are certain positions that allow the guitar to sit comfortably with little effort being expended to hold it steady. The guitar should sit on your lap without moving allowing your hands and arms to focus on playing the notes. Adjust your strap to the correct position if it’s too low for you.I played classical guitar and had to have surgery for RSI because I played so much, that and the cortisol shots I used to get for my thumb really hurt. You’ll do so much for yourself if you take it slow, stop when it hurts, and

Why does my throat hurt when I yawn?

TMJ Dysfunction and "jaw work" is one of my specialties .First, I must say get it evaluated by a medical doctor to rule out anything serious. Second, it can indeed be an overly tense muscle(s). There are very deep layers of muscle that can't be easily accessed by merely pressing on them. They are the same muscles used by opera singers (or any singers) and orators- in addition to the intercostals (muscles that elevate and depress the ribs) and diaphragm, used in breathing. These are also the muscles used to swallow. This is why professional singers must do vocal warm-ups and exercises- these muscles can be pulled and get tense just like any other muscle in the body! Many professional singers get bodywork that specifically focuses on this kind of treatment because it totally enhances their performance capacity.There are ways to work on these muscles, but it requires specialized training and I won't get into it here (as you can see in the first photo, there are vascular and nerve structures that you DON'T want to press on- very adverse effects can occur if it is done improperly). Please do not try to access these muscles on your own by applying pressure, however, proper stretching of the neck can be a safe and beneficial way to relieve the feeling of your "throat hurting" whenever you yawn (as we said earlier, get it medically evaluated first to rule out anything serious). Find someone, maybe a singer friend or a vocal/speech coach that can help you learn how- proper diaphragmatic breathing and proper vocal warm-ups (yes, the same kind singers do) can really help relax this area.Strangely, tight jaw muscles can produce other strange effects like ringing in the ears, watery eyes, sensitivity to light, sinus trouble, headaches, eye twitches- ALSO, feelings of a sore throat. If medical/neurological problems have been effectively ruled out, then it could indeed just be tight muscles- it can stem anywhere from the jaw down through the neck. Find a professional massage therapist (or other therapist) who has experience with TMJ dysfunction, specifically treating the deep, intrinsic muscles around the throat. That combined with proper stretching and gentle vocal exercises should really help.Good luck!