Why Does My Pur Water Filter Water Taste Like Plastic

Why does my pur water filter water taste like plastic?

I have a Pur water filter and whenever I filter tap water through it, it tastes like plastic. I change the filter regularly and use the same brand and kind of filters each time. I've lived at this apartment for almost a year, and the water hasn't always done this, it's been more recent. I don't know if it's the water from the city, in my complex, or just my pipes. Any help with this? I would like to drink more water without it tasting like I'm drinking liquid plastic.

Bottled water tastes like plastic sometimes. Why?

About half of the time I drink Bottled water it has a plastic flavor to it. I've tried different brands (poland spring, etc)
I'm sure they dont leavee the factory tasting like plastic. Somewhere along the delivery route they must sit out in the hot sun or something. Sometimes they taste clean and pure, but sometimes the same brand will taste like plastic.

Why does my refrigerator water taste so bad??

I have a 2 year old kenmore fridge that has the water filter cannister in the bottom. The water tastes and smells bad. I thought it was the PUR filter and I replaced it. It still is same. I then took out filter and flushed system(its a plastic tube coiled up behind the crisper). It still tastes and smells bad. Is it the line coming from under the faucet that connects to the fridge or the line inside the fridge or the water intake pump bad? I really flushed it good twice but the taste/smell comes back. Thanks John

Why does my Brita pitcher make my water taste weird?

It wouldn't be your fridge, so it has to be the filter, Check to see if it needs to be cleaned or replaced.

How can i make my sterilized tap water taste better?

Why are you boiling your water? I am guessing it is for health reasons? If so then a basic filter, as mentioned by another poster simply will not be a good choice.

First to answer your question. Boiling will kill organisms in the water. However, it also removes pure water from releasing steam. This means all of the contaminants in your water weather it be minerals, chemicals, or the now dead organisms are still there and now more concentrated than before. This is why the water tastes worse. Other than killing the organisms you really haven't made the water healthier.

Basic filters like Pur and Brita only remove some basic chemicals to improve the taste and odor of the water. It does remove most of the health related contaminates. However if you are satisfied with just killing the organisma and filtering out some of the minerals which are now affecting the taste you can run the boiled water through these cheap filters. Just don't do it while the water is hot as this will break down the activated charcoal used to filter.

If you want clean water for health reasons your best bet is to get a purification system. The highest rated system can only be outdone by a home distillery which is extremely epensive to buy and maintian and messy to keep clean. I recommend only one but you will have to ask for it. It is highly rated with the NSF, WQA, Consumer Reports, and was used in Extreme Makeover Home Edition because it is the best. While it costs more than a Pur of Brita filter at first in the long run it is actually cheaper per gallon. Plus you save on home utilities from boiling the water.

Why does Evian taste and feel different from other waters in my mouth?

Look at this graph. It doesn't really distinguish between various kinds of dissolved solids (which does make a difference) but it shows how it is correlated with pH. I'm not sure what criteria was used to place the "perfect" circle where it is, but as you can see Evian is right in there. Some cheap water (Arrowhead) is not far from it though! The two axes are dissolved solids (a.k.a. salts, but not necessarily table salt) and pH. Lower pH is more acidic and higher is more basic/alkaline. Neutral is at pH 7 and the scale goes from 0-14. In general, acidic foods taste sour and basic foods taste bitter. So it makes sense that the best tasting water would be near-neutral. You can also see that most water has a moderate amount of dissolved solids (within 2 orders of magnitude of 100ppm). Evian is also right in there, supposedly with a "just right" amount of dissolved solids. As I said above, which kinds of dissolved solids also matters for flavor so there might be minerals in Evian that taste good to you.This chart tells more about why the outliers are distinctive rather than why Evian is - in fact Evian looks to be clustered with several others in the middle of the graph. It explains why I hate Aquafina... it always tastes like plastic to me and that's because it has virtually no dissolved solids to give it any other taste than the plastic bottle it is in! It is interesting that Perrier has low pH and high mineral content, and is far from the supposed optimal zone in the graph, even though it is a "classic" bottled water. I personally don't really drink bottled water either since tap water is generally no different, and is sometimes better! When tap water tastes outright bad it is usually due to something weird dissolved in it rather than pH/mineral balance or anything like that (for instance, traces of H2S from certain well water gives it a rotten egg smell). If the water is a treated municipal supply it is virtually identical to purified bottled water.

Does a Brita filter pitcher filter water well enough to make a significant difference in the water quality?

For quality as in just taste, odor, and color? Then usually yes. Occasionally there are certain minerals in water that are not considered dangerous so they are not removed by filters or even purification systems and they can still affect the taste, odor and color.

For quality as in overall health of the water? No. It isn't designed for that. Just the aesthetic part of it. If you want your water to be better for your health filters are not effective. You need either a reverse osmosis machine, a purification system, or even a distillery.

I find it odd that I use the highest rated purification system available on the market and it actually costs less per gallon than basic filters like Pur and Britta yet people still buy up those chinsey little things like they are Tickle Me Elmos or something.

What does pure H2O taste like?

I am a metals chemist in the semiconductor industry and when you have super clean water they start measuring the water by the resistance of the water to electric current. Distilled water can often have a few mega ohms per cm of resistance. At this level water tastes normal.Cleaner water can be obtained by deionisation, DI water uses ion exchange resins to remove further ionic impurities taking the water up to 16 or even 17 megaohm (MΩ) resistance. Water starts tasting strange at this level of resistance—not bad, just a little bit strange.Then there are ultrapure water systems that further filter DI water; these systems are capable of greater than 18 MΩ per centimeter resistance. At this level the contaminant level of the water will be in the very low ppt (parts per trillion) range. At these levels, the water tastes about the same as DI water: a little bit strange, but you would probably not even notice unless you were thinking about or comparing flavors.By the way, the claims that drinking ultrapure water will hurt your electrolyte balance is a complete urban myth. The electrolytes they are talking about are naturally occurring salts, and with the possible exception of potassium salt, most people have way more electrolytes than they need. Even with potassium you would have to drink enough to burst your kidneys for it to be dangerous to your electrolyte levels. This much water would be dangerous to your body for many other reasons before your electrolyte levels would affect you.PS, I knew a technician who would take ultrapure 18 MΩ water home every day and used it to drink as well as to make all of her coffee and tea. She did this for more than 20 years and swore by it. I would not endorse this.