Why Does My Shoulder Hurt

Why does my shoulder hurt when I sing?

Hi there...I am a professional voice teacher and vocal coach for 22 years, and own a large music school here in CT. I'm going to try to answer your question without actually seeing you!

You should not be experiencing any pain whatsoever, and yes--it sounds like it is due to tension.

Firstly, no the shoulders will not stay completely motionless--this would be unrealistic. Trying to keep them completely still will only result in your building tension. And, tension is a singer's enemy! You want to stay loose while being controlled, and that my friend is every singer's challenge.

When you breathe diaphragmatically, what you are doing is taking lots of air into your lungs--a lot more than you normally would when you just speak. The diaphragm is kind of like a donut, if you will, sitting on your lungs (around them) at the lower third. So, when you really really take in a good, deep breath, your diaphragm will automatically move down and away from your lungs, and then become kind of like a supportive trampoline under them.

SO...all you should really be thinking about is taking in a deep, slow breath and focusing on feeling your front, sides, and back expand--they will do this automatically as your lungs get filled with enough "singing" air. I ask my students to put their hands on their lower ribs backwards (thumbs in front, fingers in back), lean slightly forward at the waist, and breath. Relax your shoulders while doing so. Then try to feel the front of your torso, sides of your torso, and your back expand. If you can't get it right away try either laying on the floor with a small book on your belly to see if it moves OR stand against a wall erect---back of heels touching the wall, tush touching wall, shoulders touching wall, back of head touching wall.

Hope that helps!

Why does my shoulder hurt when I run?

Nice doubt, to make you understand everything I have included an article in detail here. Find some time to check it out.In Running, Form Follows FunctionMost upper body pain associated with running has one main cause: poor form . As a result, you may hunch your shoulders near your ears, round your shoulders, or swing your arms too widely when logging miles...These positions and movements may seem harmless at first, but over time they can trigger painful problems such as tense or sore muscles, a stiff neck, muscle spasms, rotator cuff injuries, and thoracic outlet syndrome, which is caused by pressure on the blood vessels and nerves that exit the neck and descend down the arm. This can result in numbness or tingling in the upper extremities.Prevent Shoulder Pain from RunningTo avert upper body pain from running, you’ve got to prevent muscles from tightening up. These tips can help protect your body so you can enjoy your run:Get stronger. Along with proper running mechanics, it’s important that your other muscles are in good working order. Regular strength training, as well as abdominal exercises to strengthen your core, are necessary to help support your upper body as you stride.Loosen up. Drop your shoulders, shake out your arms, and try to release tension from your back and neck before, after, and during your run. Move your shoulders fluidly when you run, not just your arms.Breathe correctly. Alter your breathing rhythm by taking two steps while you inhale and two steps while you exhale. Breathe from your diaphragm muscle (in your abdomen) rather than from your chest.Position yourself properly. Appropriate running posture requires that your spine is elongated, your pelvis relaxed, your body is leaning slightly forward, and your arms are bent at right angles to your torso.Stretch it out. In addition to stretching your quadriceps, hamstrings, and other lower body muscles after a run, you should also stretch your upper body. Gently tilt your head up and down and from side to side, turn your head left and right, and roll your shoulders. A sports medicine expert can give you more information about preventing neck and shoulder pain caused by running.

Why does my shoulder hurt when I have gas?

the innervation to the shoulder comes from the brachial plexus group of nerves, this plexus has roots that arise from the spinal cord in the cervical region.
these cervical roots also give rise to the PHRENIC nerve which gives sensory and motor supply to the diaphragm.(the diaphragm is a muscular curtain that separates the abdomen from the thorax i.e the tummy from the chest)

because of this shared part of the spinal cord signals get mixed up , and problems in the abdomen are percieved as coming from the shoulder.

because INDIGESTION + SHOULDER PAIN usually mean

GALL BLADDER DISEASE (cholecystitis)
(gall bladder disease will affect the right side of the body)

on the other hand ANY distension of the colon with gas might also result in the complaints you have.

i have seen patients complaining of numbness of one or the other part of the body when they have gas, that is because the colon crosses over major nerves and blood vessels.

so i think you should get a abdomen ultrasound
1 cheap
2 it will not hurt ( no side effects)
3 at least you can rule out gall bladder if your pain is on your right side.

sometimes an ulcer or ulcer like condition (gastritis) can result in the same symptoms of indigestion.

Why does my bra make my shoulders hurt?

There might be two reasons why your shoulder is hurting because of your bra.Improper sizing- Make sure you are wearing the right bra. Use a bra size calculator or size chart before buying a bra.Digging straps-If even after correcting your size, you straps hurt, then adjust the metal sliders in the shoulder straps until they fit properly without chafing your skin.Tight straps might lead to posture problems and skin rashes. It is definitely not a healthy sign and demands immediate attention.

Why does my right shoulder hurt when I sneeze?

Yes, as the others wrote, change in posture. But still it should not hurt. So I think you should get checked out—try a chiropractor or your MD or an acupuncturist. Something may be out of alignment, or something more serious could be happening of which this is a symptom. Don’t ignore it.

Why does my right shoulder hurt after my left shoulder surgery?

Postoperatively, you're favoring the operated shoulder. Pain in the unoperated shoulder suggests:1. You're way overusing the unoperated shoulder. Or2. Your unoperated  shoulder is also pretty bad and "normal use" is bothering it.

Why does my shoulder hurt after drinking?

Ok,well the first time i consumed alcohol,I chugged 2 smirnoff ice's.
I figured that since it was my first time drinking,and since i drank them so fast,that's why i got so sick,and an Intense pain in my shoulder.

Well tonight i had ONE Joose,i sipped it for about 20 minutes.Well about 5 minutes afterwords,I started throwing up,and i had an unbearable pain in my shoulder again.Like somebody was stabbing me!

What is the reason for this?Will i ever be able to drink?

Why does Frozen Shoulder hurt so much at night? How can it be treated?

A condition characterized by stiffness and pain in the shoulder joint. The term "frozen shoulder" is often used incorrectly for arthritis, even though the two conditions are unrelated. Frozen shoulder refers specifically to the shoulder joint, while arthritis may refer to other/multiple jointsFrozen shoulder occurs:After surgery or injury.Most often in people 40 to 70 years old.More often in women (especially in postmenopausal women) than in men.Most often in people with chronic diseases.What you can do?If you think you have developed a frozen shoulder pain, or suffering from stiffness or persistent pain, it’s time to consult your general practitioner. People often overlook the pain considering it occasional problem or try to prevent it with over-the-counter medications. However, frozen shoulder pain is a serious problem and shouldn't be ignored. Timely diagnosis and treatment might save you from long-term pain and stiffness in the shoulder.If you need more information on this topic read here Frozen shoulder: Symptoms, Causes, and Pain Solutions

Why do my shoulders hurt when i drink?

hmm, now where did i say anything about coke? i must have missed that. i'm not into stuff like that. just some alcohol on the weekends. no need to assume stupid sh*t.

Why does my inflamed shoulder hurt more at night while in bed than during the day?

Why does my inflamed shoulder hurt more at night while in bed than during the day?Two major reasons: You are lying on your shoulders to some extent. Even if you are on your back or stomach exclusively, pressure to either the back or front of the joint is going to occur, as it is especially when you are lying on your side with your full weight on the shoulder and hips. Use pillows to help cushion the weight distribution. Put them on either side of your body so that when you roll in your sleep some of the weight will be modified. Find the most comfy position you can in order to fall asleep initially. Or you can try sleeping in a recliner, also with the help of pillows, which seems to help sometimes.And the reason you notice it more at night is due to less distraction. During the day, you are involved in interesting activities that take your mind off pain to some extent, but during the night, you will focus on any and all discomforts.Distraction can be a powerful tool when it comes to main management. It may seem silly, but twitch your feet to the beat of the alarm clock, whoosh of fan blades, or rhythmic snoring of your spouse or dog (how do you think I get to sleep at night, lol). Of course, this would drive some people crazy but to me it’s like an auditory counting of sheep. Or you can listen to a favorite sound or relaxing music, again, focusing on the rhythm.You can try visualization, by imagining something you love and getting lost in the daydream until it becomes a night dream.Or you can try focusing on your breathing by taking deep breaths to provide your body with more oxygen. Part of your circadian rhythm includes breathing more slowly in the evening, when your body is relaxed. This causes higher carbon dioxide levels in your bloodstream, which in turn dilates blood vessels and may make you feel more sensitive. Breathing deeply is a great way to quiet your mind and is also a distraction from pain that may be keeping you awake.And lastly, a water proof ice pack can help by numbing the area to some extent until you fall asleep. Once you ARE asleep you will move around and dislodge it, so it needs to be water proof. Just a few ideas. Good luck.Reference:Why Is My Pain Worse at Night? | Pain Resource