Why Does My Therapist Seem Uninterested In Me

Why does my therapist seem uninterested in me?

cause that's pretty normal: you're just his/her job!!!

Why would my therapist seem to not want me to come back? I keep my appointments, pay in cash, and he offers me impossible times/weeks out. I’ve recently been dealing with trauma flashbacks and I feel lost.

There are a number of possibilities, but whatever the reason, it has nothing to do with you, and may not even have anything to do with your condition. The most likely explanation is that he is emotionally burned out from trying to treat too many patients, and not taking care of his own needs. Happens all the time. Most of us, me included, have had to learn the hard way how to prevent and treat this in ourselves.One of the first symptoms of therapist burnout is to work harder and longer, with less time off. That’s because we know we are slipping, and so we activate an old, tried-and-true coping mechanism, and work harder, longer, with more intensity, and totally dissociate from our own needs. This is how we all got through the grueling years of training and grad school we needed to qualify (and if it wasn’t this bad for you, I don’t want to hear about it). Offering you impossible times/weeks out is a clue here. He may be adding extra time slots to his schedule that are impossible not only for you but for him too.It’s also possible that he is practicing above his level of competence, and really doesn’t know how to help you, but does not have sufficient confidence in himself or professional humility to tell you this and refer you to another, more competent, therapist. In which case, he is hoping you will go away quietly, so he doesn’t have to admit to his own weakness.We therapists are not perfect, unfortunately. We have the same problems, weaknesses, and disorders as our patients. We also have the same strengths and inner resources, but not always when we need them. So find a different therapist. Most people go through a number of therapists before they find the one who is best for them. There’s no shame in shopping around. And when you phone for an appointment, tell them you are dealing with trauma, and are looking for someone who is experienced.Meanwhile, if you go online, you can find some good support groups on John Grohol’s website Psych Central: Home of trusted psychology & mental health information.Good luck!

Why do I feel so uninterested in everything?

Cool. Just relax.This is nothing serious and no need to go head over heels finding a solution.People might mistake the tone in your question for being depressed but shelve that thought for now.Uninterested in everything. Wonderful. That is sign of being lethargic and lazy. I repeat laziness. I guess, you’ve not been doing things as per your interests or passion. Something was offered and you took it out of compulsion.Could be, you had something, to stay fit for survival and you started to chew on cud thinking that was food.Wake up from your slumber. Find out, what your true calling is.List out your strengths & weaknesses. Work on your strong points and look at how best you can convert your weak points into strong ones.That includes laziness, lack of an objective. Set your goals. Aim for that. Rest not until you achieve that.Exercises, breathing techniques, prayers and meditations should help.If all of the above fails, knock the doors of a psychologist for counselling.All is well. All is well.SCM.

My husband doesn't get turned on when I wear sexy lingerie? WHY!?

I like to be sexy for my husband & try to turn him on by wearing sexy revealing lingerie or try to wear just a sexy lacy bra & see through panties around the house to try to get him to notice me and he doesn't seem to care!!?? We've been married for under 6 months, so I feel like we're still in those crazy romantic stages of our relationship, but I guess not!

It's happened on more than one occasion when I'll surprise him at the door wearing nothing but a sexy piece of lingerie or I'll randomly walk through the living room while he's watching TV with something (any normal guy would think is) sexy. I just don't understand why my husband doesn't seem to react to that. I've never been with a guy who is as disinterested as he is about that subject matter. & it's not the sex he's shy about - we have sex often, but it's not passionate, actually it's quite boring to me. He isn't romantic or sexy with me. Seems like he just wants to get in and out which DOES NOT MAKE ME FEEL SEXY AT ALL! I want to be touched tenderly and caressed and kissed all over - he just doesn't do that for me.

We've talked about all of this before too, so he's not unaware about how I feel. I just hate feeling ignored when I'm trying to show off for him and lure him in sexually. Usually when I put an out fit on I have candles lit in the bedroom and I'm ready to have some fun, but he sees me and doesn't do a single thing - he doesn't say anything or touch me sexually... NOTHING! It makes me feel really great about myself and how he feels about me - not.

I have no clue what to do, I'm just unsatisfied

Why do I feel like God is punishing me for masturbating?

Im 18 year old guy and Im not very religious but I do believe in God. Anyway I jack off about once a week and I dont even watch porn everytime I do it but after I do it I just become unfortunate the next day like a girl who seems tomlike me will get a boyfriend or just seem uninterested in me and I know its not Gods fault but why do I feel like Im being punished?

He seems to be more friendly and touchy with me, interested in what classes I have, and talks to me a lot but not with other girls. I think he already has a girlfriend. I'm so confused. What should I do?

I see a tiny little thing that irritates me. There is no clue in your description how you currently feel about the situation. As if your decisions will be based on his actions and what you think of them. Confused it not really a felling, but indicates a struggle between, seemingly contradicting emotions.That should be expanded by your feelings towards him, do you like him or not? Of course you should really clear up this girlfriend thing about him as well. As soon this is cleared, hopefully you were mistaken Mrs Gendron-Greene described what this would mean, it is basically only your feelings, and his actions.You like how he treats you? Let it show, so he knows and can act on it. Just be honest. That’s it.

Teen refuses to go to school. What to do?

He sounds very depressed. Did something in his life change before the anger and depression started? He needs an outlet for all his anger, maybe a physical sport, or a punching bag in his room, or anything the two of you can think of to give him an outlet for the anger he carries around. The reason you and your daughter get so much anger is because your "safe". He know that no matter how angry he gets at you, you'll always love him and be there for him because your his family !!

As for not getting up for school, that's depression, is he on any medications? Taking away his T.V. and musical instruments might seem like a good idea, the whole it's a privilege and if you don't behave you don't get it. I understand where that comes from but hes depressed and having trouble getting up and being motivated, taking away all the things he enjoys and make him happy, is only going to further his depression and make it harder to go to school !! You have to fix whatever issue is making him depressed, not just take all his stuff away. When my depression is at it's wost it literally feels like climbing a mountain just to get out of bed in the morning. Stop looking at your son as some "bad kid" who gets mad at you and won't go to school. He's an emotionally damaged person who needs your love support and understanding. I hope you take my words to heart. I wish someone had of gave my mom this advice when I was 14 because she handled everything so wrong !!