Why Does My Throat Hurt And How Can I Stop It Fast

Why does my stomach hurt after eating fast food?

Stomach pain is a common health issue and is indicating that there is something wrong with your stomach. This is common and is a result of diet indiscretion, but if the pain occurs more frequently or if the pain is more in severity then there is a need to pay attention. This may indicate some serious medical conditions.HERE is FURTHER INFORMATION THAT WILL HELP YOU ABOUT THE CAUSES.If there is a dull pain after eating, this is simply the indication of overeating.A sharp pain after eating is the sign of gut infection.If the gut pain is of burning nature then this is the indication of Ulcers or GERD.If the pain occurs in a wavy way, this is Colic pain.If the pain occurs only after a certain type of foods, this is indicating that you are allergic to certain types of food.The pain that occurs after an hour of eating, is indicating that you have a Stomach Ulcer.GERD occurs when you lie down immediately after eating.Related:You will get these amazing benefits when you drink hot water every morning.Eating these 15 foods will never lead you to obesity.How to lose belly fat with this exigency diet in one night?Attribution for Image and information.

Why does the hot-tea hurt my throat? Fast answers?

So, I am a singer and once my throat was hurting the day before a show at my school where I had to sing. So, I heard tea helped. I tried it (not hot, but warm) and it dried out my throat. I tried it with honey..make my throat feel all sticky and not any better.
I now just stop when my throat stops hurting, and it goes away..usually, by the next day.

But why doesn't the tea help? And usually icecream stuff doesn't help but just make my throat numb, but not where it works...
Thank You!

(I am 12 turning 13 in a few months if that matters)

What's the fastest way to get rid of a sore throat?

I sing A LOT! And people are always asking me to sing. Also I cant miss school, I already did last week and I'm still making up work. It feels like scratchy, or like dry or something. Can you please help? Thanks!

Why does it hurt in the throat while running and inhaling through the mouth?

because you should breath from the nostrils to receive the same temperature of the air to your body.When we do exercises our temperature increase and the air feels more cold. If you feel that it hurts, at the moment you see it is starting to hurt, stop for a moment and drink water, it could be dehydration.the throat doesn’t have that little hair to clean the air or change the temperature of the air as good as the nostrils to breath.if you don’t find solutions see doctors

How does eating fast food hurt my health?

If you had six fast food meals in the past week, consisting of bacon cheeseburger, fries and coke, that accounts for nearly a third of your total diet. If you did this for much longer, you would be very likely to harm your health. A few journalists have already done this as an experiment and the results were weight gain, increased blood levels of cholesterol and triglycerides, and beginnings of metabolic syndrome. Eventually you might be at increased risk of heart disease and diabetes, among other conditions. It can be more difficult to have a good diet while traveling but try to find other options. Even within a typical fast food place, there will be other things on the menu apart from what you mentioned.

How to get rid of sore throats fast?

I have a really bad sore throat but i dont have a cough or stuffing nose and i went to the school nurse today cuz i didnt feel good and she was like "well ur throats not swullen go back to class" and it was really bad and i only hav like 2 more days left of school and i want to feel my best. how can i get rid of a bad sore throat in like 12 hours?????

How to get rid of a sore throat fast?

Warm foods/drinks would be a much better choice then the cold ones. The warmth is more soothing to the throat. Warm water with lemon juice and honey is a very nice throat soother, and drink LOTS of it, along with lots of rest. Stay away from the cough drops, they can actually make your throat worse.

How to stop acid reflux in a sore throat?

"I need a quick remedy to stop my acid reflux." -- Pepcid AC, Tagamet HB, Zantac 75. I mention these 3 because (1) they're OTC and don't require a prescription; (2) These are H2-antagonists and will start working i about an hour, unlike PPIs (proton pump inhibitors). Have you not seen a doctor?? Is this an ongoing problem or a recent one?

"I've recently become sick with severe viral pharyngitis that is on edge of being strep throat." -- Viral infections don't "grow up" to be bacterial infections. Most pharyngitis (which means sore throat) is viral but Strep is always bacterial -- it *has* to be, it's Streptococcus pyogenes.

"My throat is already sore and bruised because of the virus. Acid getting into the bruises does not feel great at all!" -- Your throat isn't bruised but certainly may be inflamed, so yes, gastric acid would be very painful when it contacts inflamed membranes.

"Because of this, I have not been eating and drinking in adequacy due to all of the post nasal drip in my stomach ruining my appetite and the trouble swallowing because of the pain." -- Then treat your symptoms. A nasal decongestant, or antihistamine that contains one, for the PND, Chloraseptic anesthetic throat spray, lozenges or dissolving strips for the sore throat. I suggest you address your throat first because poor nutrition isn't helping and neither is inadequate fluid intake. This will only create new problems for you that you don't need.

"A few main causes of acid reflux: inadequate amount of food and drink intake" -- What?? The cause of GERD is poor muscle tone and/or spasm of the LES. This *is* the cause. There's no primary or secondary cause.

Eating small meals and drinking too little water have *never* been causes of GERD. On the contrary, ingesting too much in one sitting puts stress on the LES and greatly increases the risk for reflux. So does lying on the left side (pressure on the stomach, which is int he left, upper quadrant of the abdomen), eating within 3 hours of bedtime (encourages reflux). Stay upright for an hour after meals to allow stomach contents to empty. Gravity can help. Eat 4-6 smaller meals rather than 3 larger ones.

How can I stop my mouth and throat from drying up quickly apart from drinking water?

You need to drink water all the day during summers and if u r not liking than try detox water that can make your body hydrate all the timeDetox1 lemon sliced3 4 of mint leavesHalf sliced gingerAdd in water for over night in water bottle and as well as u can drink this water during whole day.This will make your water flavour full and u will like to drink water more n more.