Why Does My Tv Turn Off When I Turn On The Vacuum Or When I Turn On A Portable Ac

Why does my air conditioner cut on and off frequently?

Normal ACs (non inverter) work in the following wayThe AC compressor runs continuously till set temperature is reached in the roomThe compressor then switches off, but the blower fan in the wall mounter unit keeps runningWhen temperature of room rises then compressor starts running againAnd the process is repeated.... as long as you keep AC runningNow if you feel that your AC keeps switching off and on very frequently check the followingIf there is voltage fluctuation in your area then the compressor may keep shutting don on large voltage swingsSolution: Get a StabilizerYou have set the temperature setting too high. Max temp suggested for ACs is 25 degree Celsius,  any higher will mean the compressor shuts down often. Remember every compressor shutdown and startup draws a high starting current Set AC temperatures between 22 and 24 degrees CelsiusThe thermostat/ Temperature sensor is faultyGet unit inspected by Authorized technicianThere is dust buildup on the outer unit / compressor unit. The dust buildup may cause overheating by preventing efficient heat exchange, This may lead to overheating of compressor and it shuts down to, prevent damage to itselfGet unit serviced by Authorized technicianThe fan motor of the outer unit is not working properlyGet unit inspected by Authorized technicianRemember to get the AC serviced at least thrice a year to ensure smooth operationCool Thoughts... Cool Life !!!

When the compressor of my A/C starts, the lights dim for a second. Is this going to damage my computer, which is connected in the same room?

Both answers are correct - the biggest indicator of a problem would be the amount of time the lights dim for. If it's merely a flicker, you are probably ok as it is just the voltage dip of the motor starting. If it lasts longer than that some investigation is called for as there could potentially be a problem with something in your electrical system.

Why would a TV turn off and on by itself?

Okay, I am not sure that this is the reason why your television turns itself on and off, but this is what happened to me.For a short time, I suspected that someone was coming into my house during the day while I was working. Why? Because the television would periodically be on or set to a channel that I would never watch. I was, at that time, leaving the patio sliding door open so that my dog could go in and out during the day as she needed.Until one day while I was home during the day watching television. All of a sudden, the tv started changing channels and turning itself on and off. What was occuring was that at that particular time of the day, sunlight was hitting the remote sensor on the television. With a tree moving in front of the light when there was enough of a breeze to cast shadows causing the tv to turn off and on and switch channels!Not sure that this is what is happening with yours, but it was a relief to know that it wasn't someone coming into my home!BTW, if someone had been coming into my home, my dog would have probably welcomed him/her! Not much of a watchdog at all!

HELP! My room is burning hot, how can I cool it down?

You have a lot of heat sources in your room.

Evepourative coolers are not effective in small rooms; they do cool somewhat, but increase the humidity which offsets any cooling.

Dehumidifiers actually cause heat gain - raises temperature (air out is hotter than air going in).

The 3 fans are producing heat.
Possible solution

Turn off the ceiling fan, Dehumidifier, and Evapourative Cooler

Only open your bedroom door a crack

Do not know the type of window, but if it slides up to open (sash window) or opens out at the bottom (awning window);
open it about 2 to 4 inches

Turn the 2 small desk fans around to blow air out the open window

This should draw air into your room from the rest of the house if the 2 small fans are powerful enough to create a slight vacuum in your room.

An alternative to the two small fans is to purchase a window fan(best are the ones with 2 fans in the unit) they fit in the opening created by open up the window. there are 2 controls on the unit, one for each fan. You can have both fans blowing the air out or have one blow air out and the other blow air in.

Hope this helps

Good Luck and pleasent dreams

The tv set in your living room runs on ___ current?


I plugged in a 110v device into a 220v plug, is it still useable?

Can you do it? Yes.Will the device be usable? Probably not.You might get a beautiful puff of smoke. Or a lovely fire.The other way round, 220V device into a 110V, will more likely just not function at all, but the electronics will not be damaged.The different plug types usually prevent you from even being able to plug the wrong plug into the wrong socket.Check on the back of the device - it might have 220/110V written , in which case it can happily be plugged into either source and function correctly. Most devices that are powered by a switch-mode power supply (SMPS) are flexible for both types (usually these are desktop computers, laptops, chargers, printers, screens, etc).Regardless, always check on the back label before sticking anything where it might not belong.

What appliances can you run with a 4000 watt generator?

I'm going to presume you're asking concerning powering a house, if you are talking about what appliances it can run individually, it could probably run any one appliance.If you are setting it up to supply your home's power you are going to immediately lose 1200-1500W to your refrigerator.  If you have two, then you've lost about half the generator already.If you have central air plugged into it, you're probably going to be browning out or failing at this point, so let's presume we're not running central air.  Turn on your clothes dryer or electric oven -- and you're probably going to be in trouble again, so try not to turn those on.  If your furnace is running you will probably lose another 1000W just for the blowers to move the heat around your house.  Expect a lot of draw coming off of random incidentals that you might not think about.  Alarm clocks, the wifi router, charging bricks for your phone etc, those will all still be drawing current even if you don't remember them, so unplug what you aren't using.  If you have any desktop computers running, they can steal up to 500W from you a piece.After that the next biggest things are going to be anything with a heating element in it.  Heaters, irons, coffee machines, ovens, toasters, dishwashers.  Any of those are going to take over 1/5 of a 5kw generator, so you'll want to be sparing with those.   Aside from that, it's going to be small potatos compared to 5kw.  TVs will generally use less than 400W, and light bulbs will generally be 100W or under.  You could reasonably be watching TV with the lights on in a couple rooms or so without trouble.Check out this link to get estimates on appliances:Power consumption of household appliances