Why Does Nearly Everything

Why does nearly everything get old so fast for me?

I want to know if most people are like this also, just out of curiosity. Fire example I get tired of clothes after I wear them one time they're not special anymore or like I will love,a new hairstyle for 5 seconds and then literally hate it. Really it has to do with material our superficial stuff for me. I have BDD and as in my example, tried to put my hair different and I liked it at first but then thought it made me look ugly. I really struggle to like anything out of my comfort zone for more than an hour, its weird. Or I will think I look nice for awhile but then I just hate everything about the way I look after some time & the further it is out of my comfort zone (if its something new) the more I will dislike it.

I just realized this trait and want to know why this happens or what you even call it.

Anyone know?

Why was nearly everything invented by a man?

I think you need to do some serious research. Have you heard of Marie Curee, Florence Nightingale.

and a few more from more recent times:
Computer software - Grace Hopper. ...
Caller ID and call waiting - Dr Shirley Ann Jackson. ...
Windscreen wiper - Mary Anderson. ...
Space station batteries - Olga D Gonzalez-Sanabria. ...
Dishwasher - Josephine Cochrane. ...
Home security system - Marie Van Brittan Brown

and these a just American ones, there are many more

Why do i cry over nearly EVERYTHING? :(?

Your hormones are flying all over the place at this time of the month, it'll pass in a few days :)
Don't worry, so many women go through this!

Why does bacon pair so well with nearly everything?

There’s a saying that goes, “Everything tastes better with bacon!” It is a bit of exaggeration but not too much. Human taste buds have evolved over the millenia, but certain nutritional needs have changed only slightly. Salt is an essential element for mammals, and bacon has that. To reach a sense of satiation, fat must be included in the food to provide the fullness and richness that is inherent. As omnivores, humans eat fruits, vegetables, grains, and meat. The meat part of the diet provides the most fat and fullness. Bacon has that. I can imagine that humans first learned to cook by accident, having a chunk of freshly killed meat left next to a roaring fire and then abandoned temporarily over some emergency, only to return to meat treated to heat of the fire. The smoky taste hit taste buds with a smack and cooking was on! Bacon done well is smoked, then cooked done, and the fat and flavor add to the many dishes it is combined with. From salads, to mac & cheese, to omelets, to topping a cheeseburger, bacon adds salt, fat, and a unique flavor that is both delightful and somewhat primitive. And if one doesn’t add bacon, then the drippings are needed. As a good Southerner, I don’t make cornbread without first preheating the skillet in the oven with a good dollop of bacon drippings from a pint mason jar I keep sealed in the refrigerator. Likewise good collards, or spinach, or mixed green. Bacon drippings take much of the acidic bite out of kale. I add some to green beans, and use some with butter when doing sauteed mushrooms or cooking eggs. The extra fat provides that savory addition that leads to satiation. In a nutshell, bacon goes good with so many foods simply because it just tastes so damn good!

Why does bowlroll have passwords on nearly everything?

Passwords keep people out of places they aren't supposed to be in. That's why they're there.

Why does America have a national day for nearly everything?

There are many days, but most are not holidays.Here are the Bank Holidays:Jan 1New Year's DayMondayJan 15Martin Luther King DayMondayFeb 19Presidents' DayMondayApr 1EasterSundayMay 28Memorial DayMondayJul 4Independence DayWednesdaySep 3Labor DayMondayOct 8Columbus DayMondayNov 12Veterans Day(observed. varies by bank)MondayNov 22ThanksgivingThursdayDec 24Christmas EveMondayDec 25Christmas DayTuesdayDec 31New Year's EveMonday

Why is it that I can “copy” nearly everything someone else can do?

I give up. Why?

Why does nearly everything in the solar system spin counter clockwise?

Conservation of angular momentum.The solar system was just a big cloud of stellar dust in its (much, much) younger years, particles swirling this way and that, clumping and crashing, orbiting the center of mass.But as theae particles and clumps collided, their momentums canceling into one direction of rotation, the overall rotation of the entire cloud. The objects moving ‘up’ collided with the objects moving ‘down’, the ‘clockwise’ with the ‘counterclockwise’, until only one direction of rotation (or at this point, revolution) had any momentum left.This of course isn't a perfect system, which is why we have planets like Uranus, which rotates on its side. This likely happened when a massive object, which had not yet been ‘equalized’ with the rest of the solar system’s object’s momentum, collided with Uranus, knocking it around and ‘equalizing’ with Uranus’s momentum. Even the Earth likely experienced this, which may be why we have a 23.5 degree tilt (which causes seasons), and even our moon, which may have been the debris from that collision.Really simply, think of a bunch of car crashes. Cars 1 and 2 were both the same model, going in opposite directions at the same speed, and so stop each other perfectly. Car 3 was a little bigger and/or going faster than car 4, so it pushes car 4 backwards a bit. Blow that up to a much larger scale, and crash the crashes together, and you'll have yourself a solar system.

Why does my girlfriend make everything my fault?

For the past week or so, we have been in constant fights. The thing that bugs me, is that she blames me for nearly everything that happens. I never raise my voice (i naturally have a low and calm voice), and let her say whatever she feels that needs to be said. I always attempt to talk about everything sensibly and calmly, but things never work that way.

She always says I have an attitude, which I honestly don't. She says that I always bring her down which seems really unlikely to me if I encourage her to finish school, or if something happens to her that greatly makes her happy and i voice to her how happy I am for her, or I am always there when she needs to talk or something.

She cusses and gets angry far more than I do, She has an attitude almost everyday. Everything has to be her way and if I even slightly disagree, she throws a huge fit and says things like "i am not the one who has an attitude, so you need to calm down." or always something that involves me being the culprit. As an example, a few hours ago she picked me up to go run errands with her. Well I had a huge headache and can't really think about things, let alone talk.
She got irritated that I wasn't talking very much and stated, "well if I knew you weren't going to say anything I would have just left you at your house" and then got all irritated and pissy and refused to talk to the rest of the day. Then after which, said she was done with us.

How can any of this always be my fault. I am a complete loss here.

Why do I suddenly feel bored by nearly everything?

Boredom is a protective cover for deeper scarier feelings like fear, anger, and sadness.If you experience degrees of boredom (as you say nearly everything), then I’d suggest taking the most boring and finding what feelings you are covering. What’s triggering the most boring things? Where did this boredom come from and when did it begin?Most important is to talk to others about this and not keep it to yourself. You have made a good start by disclosing your problem on Quora. Now it’s time to take the next step.Best is to join a peer group which is non-clinical and made up of people who experience or have experienced similar problems. There is no pressure and no advice given unless asked for.Other than that, there are friends and relatives who are good listeners—compassionate and empathetic, who listen without judging. These qualities also might be held by a good professional person, like a therapist or counsellor.I hope you found my answer useful and not too boring.