Why Does Nobody Answer My Question

Why does nobody answer my question about what is the total voltage of some batteries with unequal voltage connected parallel?

I have worked on Active Balancing Battery Management System hence I consider myself to be an apt person to answer the question.Well !! Well !! Well !! ….So you are thinking( or let us say imagining ) of connecting two batteries of unequal voltage in parallel. Which means that you are waiting for sparking show.As the internal resistance of a battery is quite low ( refer any datasheet ), even a small potential difference will lead to a considerable amount of circulating current flowing from high Emf battery towards lower Emf battery. Hence effort of High potential battery is somehow wasted in charing the Low potential battery to an equilibrium terminal voltage.Terminal voltage is given by a very famous formula (Millman’s Theorem)Where,E : denotes the EMF of batteryR: denotes internal resistance of battery( Measurement of both the quantities is done using some standard tests)Even two similar batteries of the same manufacturer have considerable amount of variation of the above mentioned parameters, which is mentioned on the datasheet and is kept under a prescribed manufacturing variation limit.Also, if terminal voltage of two batteries are equal, they don't remain so in the process of discharging (or charging ), hence proper safety and balancing circuit must be employed for a battery pack ( series, parallel or both).Various balancing techniques are employed, Passive( use of extreal resistance ) being cheap, simple and popular & Active( use of pulse transformer or mutually coupled coil set) being complex, efficient but costly.

Why does no one answer my questions?

I see some STUPID questions being asked around here and I see a 100 answers for them (even though it might be a repeat), I ask a genuine and new question and no one bothers answering or maybe just one person.

When I ask a question, I want to know the beliefs of a multitude of people and although I am grateful for the people who answer my questions, I need more input!

So this is more of a question on how I can get more people to participate in answering my questions.

How come nobody answered my question?

It is a very broad question and you don't define your terms. What do you mean by best and worst? All parts of the country are not the same and all people are not the same. The jazz age between WWI and the beginning of the depression was probably a great time to be a black musician in a big city but it probably wasn't so great for a share cropper in the deep south. On the other hand a black musician could make a lot of money but would only be allowed to spend it in certain places. He still couldn't vote and could easily be arrested on bogus charges. If he got sick he could die in the ambulance on the way to a hospital that would accept colored people. Now a black person can go to any hospital but he might be turned away if he doesn't have insurance.
The late 1950s and early 1960s at the height of the civil rights movement was a dreadful time in many ways. People were killed and in other ways brutalized while marching and demonstrating for equal rights but it was a time of immense pride and solidarity. When you ask about a good time, do you mean the safest, the happiest, the time when a black person could make the most money, the time when families were closest, the time when black people had the most rights, when educational levels were the highest, when peoples' health was the best? Do you mean the time that produced the most or best writers and artists? These things didn't all happen for all people at the same times in all places. So that is why hardly anyone answered your question. It was much to broad to allow for a good answer.

Why does no one answer my questions??

Possibly because no one has a good answer for you.

How come nobody answers my questions?

People don't know how to answer your questions.

Why does nobody answer my questions on yahoo answers?

I ask pretty normal questions. I normally ask questions looking for advice or an opinion. But i always get like 1 answer sometimes no one answers yet I see posts with over a 100 answers. And I'm not on private mode or anything like that (I'm not even sure that's possible).

Why nobody answers my questions anymore