Why Does Obama Despise Our Constitutional Republic


Should the Constitution be seen as a conservative reaction to the Revolution, an enshrinement of revolutionary principles, or both? What was most truly original about the Constitution? Be specific. =]

Question about the Constitution?

The wisdom of the founding fathers. They set up a government that gave the people the basic rights they needed to thrive. They set up a republic that has kept the government from destroying the rights of the people.(Many think, myself included, that the government has now reached to far and that is why we are having so many problems today) They made it a document that could be amended to provide for future problems that they could not see. But mostly because it was based on the belief that people can govern themselves if the government does not get in the way of the people. They gave us freedom to worship God and gave us the basic rights that every person needs in order to become the very best they could be and that caused this country to become a beacon of hope for the entire world.

Why does the Constitution work? was written by a large group of educated, experienced men who had just fought fiercly to create the nation they would lay the foundation for, from a variety of backgrounds and of varying perspectives, and were given the time to argue and compromise until a body of laws could be enacted that were flexible enough to stand the test of time, and prevent future tyrannies from usruping the greater good.

Why didn't the Clinton or Obama administrations move to eliminate the Electoral College?

The Electoral College is part of our Constitutional structure. Eliminating it requires amending the constitution. That can be accomplished two ways. The first is by having an amendment proposed by two thirds of both house of Congress. It is then ratified only when three fourths of the state legislatures affirm it. Every amendment has been made using this method.The second method is through a Convention of states that proposes amendments which would again be ratified by three fourths of the state legislatures. The delegates to a convention of states would be selected by state legislatures or by popular vote. The method of electing the delegates would be up to the state. at the Contitutional Convention each state cast one vote regardless of the size of the state or the size of its delegation.If you look closely you will see the same “theme” present in our bicameral legislative body, the Electoral College, the allocation of two senators per state, the convention of states, and the amendment ratification process. That “theme” is the retention of state sovereignty. And the notion the national government serves the states.So, you might notice presidents have no formal role in amending the constitution. Proposed amendments do not require a president’s signature. A president cannot veto a proposed amendment. And the president plays no role on the selection of delegates nor the operation of a convention of states.

What can you do to keep our republic alive and well?

This is a good question i'd like to hear answers from these childish & miserable whiners on this section. Who spend their time sitting behind their computer screens thinking of more pointless things to say.

They must be living off of social security or something. Maybe unemployment ? I wonder how they spend so much time on here typing.. absolutely nothing. Could they possibly have a life of any sort ?

EDIT: the person below me is my prime example.
i see him (or whatever it is) on here every time i sign on leaving the same bs as the usual.

Why does the liberal media and politicians hate the military. ?

Excellent question. The liberal media and the liberals hate the military only when it's promoting American values of liberty and justice. When the military is promoting injustice and tyranny or destabilizing the middle east, the liberals adore the military.

Given any 2 options, the liberals will always justify the most immoral of the two. Morality seen from a Christian perspective, that is.

All liberal thought, policy, values and beliefs are based on specific, fundamental, and very alluring lies. All liberal rhetoric is justification of those lies, there are no exceptions. Most often the lies come in the form of changing the meanings of ideas concepts or in redefining words.

You will notice Obama never calls for "liberty" in the middle east, he always promotes "democracy" which, in the middle east means mob rule by Sharia law. Hey, it's democracy, right? Liberals never promote liberty which is what our nation is founded on. We don't live in a democracy for very good reasons. we live in a republic because the founding fathers all read Plato's republic. They were well aware of the evils of democracy.

Obama never uses the word "victory" this emboldens the enemy who see his lack of resolve to eradicate regimes which sponsor terrorism.

Obama never uses the word terrorist because to Obama and the liberal loons, one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter. Wrong!! Terrorists are terrorists and Sharia law and obtained over the bodies of deliberately murdered, innocent, women and children is not freedom.

Why can Obama and the executive branch now usurp the Congress and appropriate funds for job creation?

Using the return on bailout funds Obama has decided to use that money to create a jobs program without the approval of the Congress.

Can the Executive branch now invest that money and use the returns anyway they see fit without Congressional approval?

If so, is this a danger to our Republic?

People seem to be obsessed with hating Donald Trump. Why do they expend so much energy hating him and not simply ignore him?

Sadly, there are many people who need somebody to hate, to feel superior to. And there are too many people who cannot abide an opinion that’s not their own. In a Constitutional Republic (that’s us) people are supposed to able to dispassionately discuss issues of concern. Sometimes the discussions get passionate. Nevertheless, we’re supposed to debate the issues and then take our opionions to the ballot box, electing officials in accordance with the Constitution of the United States of America. Some of us get the candidates we voted for, some of us don’t. Those of us who don’t are supposed to have faith that all will go well with the officials who were duly and lawfully elected. If they do not perform to our expectations, we can vote them out of office in the next election. In the meantime, we are supposed to give them a chance to do their job. To get behind The President because he is Our President.Then, there are the crybabies who throw a tantrum if they don’t get their way…

In what specific ways do conservatives believe that liberal values or actions violate the constitution?

usually conservatives see you in violation of the constitution when the liberal realizes that the constitution grants freedoms and protections to ALL people and the conservative thinks it doesn't mean freedoms or rights to gays or blacks or immigrants or atheists or people who like purple hair, take your pick conservatives are usually intolerant of contradictory views