Why Does Obama Keep Appointing Incompetents To Head Federal Agencies

Why is the “mainstream” media attacking Trump for visiting Louisiana when Obama is doing nothing but playing golf as reported by the same media?

It’s ridiculous this need of people demanding the appearance of concern rather than the actual fact of useful help. People certainly can’t be relied upon to understand that undramatic behind-the-scenes emails, texts, and phone calls that muster resources and coordinate the actions of thousands of emergency workers is more doing something than showing up with a truck and handing out Play-Doh® to people who’ve just lost everything.I’m sure the people who received their emergency Trump kit feel gratitude for how much Trump appeared to care about their plight, so much so that he showed up in person to shake their hands and offer sympathies. Even if Trump only stopped for 15 minutes at each spot, long enough for the cameras to get their shots.It boggles my mind that these people would say something like, “We lost everything, but we knew you would come. This makes it all worthwhile.”[1]Really? It was worth losing your home and everything in it so that Trump could come to town and sign your hat? That’s what your life has come down to in the end?Even former Democratic senator Mary Landrieu, who is supporting Clinton, said, “I want to thank Mr. Trump for coming” because “he brought attention to our state, and we need that now.”[2]Which is ridiculous. I don’t live in the U.S. and even I’ve been hearing about the flooding everyday for the past week. The media is doing a bang up job of shining a light and bringing attention to the state and the struggles there. Those of you in Louisiana may not realise that because you’re sitting in the middle of a crisis, but rest assured, you DID NOT need Donald Trump to go there for the rest of us to know what was going on.What’s going on here is the need for those in distress to feel that outsiders, the rest of the country — the ones whose opinions they don’t otherwise care about when things are going well — are actually thinking of them, praying for them, sending them emergency supplies, helping them rebuild their homes……and coming to town to take selfies with them, I guess. I guess that’s ultimately what’s most important to people when they’re in distress.Not ever having lost my home, I can’t know what it’s like for Louisianans. I imagine the last thing I’d want is to shake hands with and get an autograph from a politician, but what do I know?~Footnotes[1] Louisianan: 'We lost everything,' but Trump's visit 'makes it all worthwhile'[2] Obama’s flood of hypocrisy opens the door for Trump

Has President Trump strengthened the executive branch relative to the other branches?

No, I think he’s weakened it significantly, mostly through either failing to fill key positions in nearly every executive agency or appointing people who are clearly too corrupt and/or incompetent to effectively run them.As for the office of the president, well, he’s a laughing stock to the rest of the (non-fascist-leaning) world. We have no moral standing any more. We have proven that our word is no good; no intelligent government will ever negotiate with us again. We are actively working to destabilize alliances and organizations that have been in place for 70 years. We are cozying up to an aggressive and highly untrustworthy Russian leader. We are trying to turn the clock back 50, 100, 150 years in all kinds of ways. All of that stems from the executive branch.Now, at the same time, the other branches have also gotten weaker. Congress is a shit show, dominated by Trumpsterites and buffoons. SCOTUS is about to stumble down that same path. But the damage to the executive has been worse. It will be decades before we recover, if we recover at all.

Was the Reagan Administration the most corrupt ever?

Bush is following in Reagan's footsteps.
When do us citizens count ????
Thanks for all the info'.