Why Does Obama Want Another Five Billion When Not A Single Cent Is Allocated To Secure The Border

What are the problems that India is facing?

Have you seen this movieZootopia - WikipediaRough plot of movie - Predators are convicted for crimes, their boss tries to find the reason behind it and tries to rectify it as prey are in living in state of terror due to savage behavior of predators. However, it was proved beyond reasonable doubt that predators are the real culprit and should be treated accordingly.Plot twist - it was all a well executed plan of a a diminutive sheep and predators were framed and whole lot of Predators were blamed for the crimes they did not commit voluntarily.Now do you see a rough similarity between this movie and current scenario of India??They do not miss any chance to malign one of the oldest religion and can even correlate a heinous crime with religion.None of them were concerned about the justice. A few of them had to be in news because why not, it is a good thing to be in news before your movie is released.In India if you want to be famous, bash Hinduism, use words fascism, Hindu terror, next thing you know you are on a news channel.In below snap if you can see rape is compared with Krishna Leela. They surprise you every time you think they can not sink any lower.Meanwhile our so called “fascist hindutva promoting government” did this-https://timesofindia.indiatimes....PS- You are entitled to your views, if you don’t think this answer makes sense use down vote button.