Why Does Rick Perry Say Stupid Stuff Like We Should Keep Sending Ground Troops To Iraq On The Table

Out of the two US presidential candidates which one do you think is worse, Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton?

Strange as it may sound, the question evokes in me a conflict between my gut and my heart. My gut reaction is the country is going into a period of anarchy where the better angels of our nature are betrayed and lost from sight. In that country, I suppose someone like Donald Trump is the better president, although I’m at a loss to say why.I don’t see Trump holding the country together, unifying or building. He seems intent on doing the exact opposite. I do see his movement as a reaction to the excesses of political correctness but for all the rhetoric, that seems trivial.Hillary I see as the president if I feel the country will last another hundred years. That there will be a United States to lead the world further in the directions of the Founders and the Age of Reason. That may sound opposite or obtuse to some who’ve internalized the rhetoric of Originalists, but I feel and think it’s accurate.The conflict between these two impressions sorrows me overall.

History of barack obama?

Illinois right?

As someone economically conservative but socially liberal, whom should I support, Democrats or Republicans?

Others have claimed your views are libertarian. This isn't completely accurate. The views you mentioned certainly lean libertarian but the libertarian position on these subjects is more nuanced.You say you support gay marriage. Many religious Republicans would seek to prevent homosexuals from ever marrying. Many Democrats don't just support gay marriage they want to use law to force people to accept it and even force participation in gay weddings. Libertarians question why the government is regulating marriage at all. Many people don't realize that prior to the mid 19th century marriage did not require a license and the state's only interest was in documenting dates marriages were established or disolved. The first states that required licensure did so to criminalize interracial marriages, a practice now ruled unconstitutional.As for antidiscrimination, most libertarians feel antidiscrimination laws should apply only to government because it has been the worst offender. It was not business owners that made an exception for slavery in the constitution or enacted laws requiring free states to return escaped slaves to their owners or passed Jim Crow laws that made it illegal for black Americans to drink from the same water fountains, eat at the same tables or sit in the same section of a bus as a white person. These were all actions of government.It should be noted that consumers are allowed to discriminate against businesses for any reason whatsoever. Anyone suggesting a consumer should be compelled to purchase from a business because it is owned by a protected class would be verbally attacked by both parties. Why shouldn't business owners have the same freedom consumers do?Make no mistake. Discrimination is childish and counterproductive and any business owner would be risking profit loss by engaging in it. But it is systemic discrimination by government that causes the most harm.Neither of the two major political parties is blameless when it comes to violating the natural rights of individuals. In fact I'd go so far as to say that the institution of government is little more than violence and theft perpetrated under the guise of moral necessity. A growing number of libertarians share this view.