Why Does Some Crappy Circumstances Or Unidentified Forces Always Brings Me Down

My boyfriend forced me to..?

If he will force you to kiss him, what makes you think that he won't force you to do something more later? That's not love or respect, honey. From the time I was in junior high to the time I started teaching it, I've heard and seen guys do some terrible things to girls who took it because they thought it was love. I want you to take yourself out of the situation and think about how you would feel if a guy had done that to one of your friends. Do you feel anger?

Any time someone does something to you physically that is against your will, it is an assault. You need to get as far away from him as you can.

If you have a good support system at home, it is ok to tell your parents so they know what's going on. They might even be angry, but they will always love you and where there is love, there is forgiveness.

But please understand that it is not in your best interest to stay with a boy who doesn't respect your right to say no.

My mum pinns me down to take stratteta, i hate it?

please help, im 14 and my mum forces me to take sratteta, its really bad, its got side affects to me, please help, i want to be a normal person, who doesent take medicines, and tbhi used to take it like 3 months ago and stopped and having it again, btw, does anyone know whenever i take it, when i sleep my sleep is VERY LONG, and have nighmares

Does drivers license suspension from child support make any sense!?!?!?

Wow, just as I thought! You got pitchfork mobs that "still" can’t see the illogic in this law. And it’s obvious that those of you touting the title “deadbeat parent” have a very narrow minded view of parents with financial difficulties or unusual circumstances, do you “really” think it’s because "none" of those parent doesn’t care!?!

carterch, Lia, JNS, school marm, prego, fourofsi & anyone else agreeing with them:
This proves how easily conclusive some are in thinking this issue is just a one-way street, oh and “carterh” what makes you thinks it’s just men??

Baby Poots, Professo, carmelia:
I commend you on your wisdom and logic on this subject, hopefully the above will get some insight!

And just for the record for those who assumed that I was the one with the issue were WRONG! (Refer to statement of being easily assumptive!) I agree in non-custodial parents in paying child support but the “manner” in which the law and said amount to be paid has been way out of line.

What are some ways to take away headaches without taking pills?

Lately, I've been getting major headaches. Every time I take some pills to deal with the pain. My concern is that this will have a bad circumstance, since I am doing this on a daily basis. What are some best ways to get rid of major headaches without taking pills? Thanks so much for the help.

My nephew throws tantrums! Help?

My 16 month old nephew has started throwing terrible tantrums, screaming, hitting, kicking, biting, pulling my hair, throwing toys at me, etc. I have no children and have suddenly been thrown into being his care taker. He was fine two weeks and now all this is going down. Why? And what do I do to stop him? I talk to him sternly, and take away the object he threw, or will put him in his crib or something, I have noticed that when he visits his gram, she will give him a cookie when he does this, and as he is not my child she will not listen to me when I tell her that is just encouraging him to act out. I just need help from someone who has been through this.

To all men who masturbate and looks at pornographic materials...?

Your talk let's realize that sex is a bad fact for you and so any consideration just is prejudiced now.
It's not my intent to persuade you that masturbation isn't a sin because my creed is different, but as some factual scientific information affirm sex is good and healthy.
Besides, you're confounding Karma with material and earthly causality happening to you consequentially because Karma only refers to the Soul and Saṃsāra (or Rede for Wicca). In fact, yours only is a petty personal circumstance due to some change you're noting particularly, while in the meanwhile others "bad" event also are happening without masturbating, surely. If true, teens masturbating constantly and more times in a day even shouldn't go out then - being in danger!
Sorry, but you just should be more realistic and objective!