Why Does The American Left Especially The Mainstream Media Hate The Jews So Much

Why is there so much hate in america?

Obama class warfare. It is a tactic of the left to create rifts between different groups.

Why do some Europeans hate the Jews (still)?

From my observations and debates I have had with many people here in Spain I can say that I have almost always observed the most dislike of jews by those that are ¡left wing. Thats right, the left wing, but why?Observe the following picture below:I typed in google; ``Israelíes matan palestinos´´(Israelis kill palestinians), this sort of images are incredibly common in TV and appear for the most part in Spanish Mainstream Media and also in many other European nations media thus for better or for worse many Europeans get the idea that Israel is bad whilst the Palestinians are all innocent and nice, look at them Israelis beating a child!! And him looking up and smiling at the camera so the whole World can see how evil Israel is!!Thus most simple minds conclude; Israel= Bad, Palestinians= GoodOf course that terrorist HAMAS rockets are launched from the Gaza Strip is mentioned as well yet in truth the above pictures where you see a child being mistreated by ``Israeli Soldiers´´ sticks more in our minds, forget the fact that the terrorist attack the Israeli frontier with rockets and that the after effect is usually a bombardment of the area by the Israelis and thus you see this:Followed by the Israeli reaction to defend itself and shoot missiles at the origin of the attack…which of course causes collateral damages such as the one bellow.Most of the time the only image you will see in the European media is that of Palestinians bravely fighting well armed soldiers with rocks or the one where you see the dead toddler after an Israeli bombardment.So next time you wonder why Europeans hate jews think of how clever the Hamas terrorists are, how they are using Israels own strenghts against them through the media which of course only offers one side of the conflict to which most people outside the Middle East are completely unaware of.

Why are so many Jewish-Americans left-leaning in their politics?

Many persecuted minority groups tend to be more left-leaning because of two reasons, and it’s normally a combination of both of these.Firstly, minority groups such as Jewish people have historically alway been persecuted and been at the receiving end of nationalist hate and imperial power and thus tend to be more counter-hegemonic to the current order and associate more with the ‘rebels’ or the ‘outsiders’ as opposed to the capitalist establishment.Secondly, it’s also normally a tradition within the families of these groups. Jewish people will likely have relations to Jewish relatives who were mistreated and persecuted by capitalist, colonial powers and the far-right. This history will usually be passed down just as mot working-class voters these days probably come from a working-class household whom had always voted (for instance in the UK), Labour or a left-wing equivalent.Of course this doesn’t ring true for all cases. in the UK the Labour Party is the go-to left-wing party but doesn’t get many votes from the Jewish community because of hints of anti-Zionism and because there’s a lot of pro-Palestine lefties within the movement.This and the publicity centred around people like Ken Livingstone who monumentally cocked up by mentioning Hitler in one of his speeches…So it wouldn’t be true to say that Jewish voters will always be left-wing. Then again it wouldn’t necessarily mean that Jewish people are particularly right-wing either.It’s just more likely that those coming from a background of persecution will likely not side with the party that’s actively persecuting foreigners and immigrants.In the US this is particularly true because the Republicans have a strong association with fundamentalist groups and xenophobia (such as the KKK) whilst the Conservatives in the UK have no such relation. The Republicans aren’t helped by the fact that their leader was endorsed by said groups - there are many genuine Republicans who despise this though and I imagine they left for the Libertarian Party…

Why is the Israeli media allowed to broadcast anti-American sentiment?

If you look at Jpost's website, their hate filled propaganda is littered with articles bashing America for one thing or another.

If any American newspaper were to publish an article even remotely critical of Israel, the Israel lobby would be up in arms. Israel's ambassador might even intervene like Michael Oren did with the 60 Minutes story about Palestinian Christians.

So why aren't any organizations in Israel giving the Israeli media a hard time about posting anti-American articles just like American Jewish organizations bully critics of Israel in the American media?

What reasons do people give for hating Jews?

Thanks to Quora, we don’t have to speculate about why “some people” hate Jews. “Those” people have thoughtfully provided themselves and their “research” as examples and object lessons……James Howe makes the standard case that Jews control all the wealth. Little known fact, supplied by James: Jews are so sly and manipulative that they financed the Roman conquest of….(wait for it)….themselves!Sumit Roy Who believes ---without a shred of irony---that Jews bring hatred upon themselves because of “their Ghetto outlook. Jews fail to ‘get culturally assimilated to the local culture.’ ”At the same time—and despite Jews’ distance from other peoples’ culture--Jews still manage to create a “globalist culture where they gradually control government bodies, banks, financial institutions and media propaganda.”Bill Robertson You might think that successive generations of Czars, Czarists, Communists, Fascists, Stalin, Nazi’s and Nazi sympathizers—-to say nothing of 140 Million Russians— could screw up a country for 100 years all by themselves.You would be wrong. It was the Jews. As Bill points out, Jews—-when they’re not running their Global Banks and lending money—are all dedicated Communists who are largely responsible for all that ails Russia.Harv Little A Christian who believes in both a “religion of loving not hating” and Nazi propagandaAnonymous who is against both Money Lending and Communism.Albrecht Rodenbach, an intellectual who doesn’t trust any books written in the last hundred years---and, mind you, a man who believes that Jews have many fine qualities—points out that Jews regrettably, have “a mixture of cultural and genetic differences [that] resulted in Jews gradually taking over control of every economy where they're given equal rights.”Kaname Fujiwara A man who believes that the world hates Jews because of Israel’s treatment of Palestinians: “the world” being a place with great fondness and notable sympathy for Middle Eastern Muslims.But that’s just recent history. Kaname also points out that the Catholic Church took a principled stand —between Crusades---against usury and he is justifiably outraged that the Jews defied the Church’s teaching on the subject.

Why are leftist anti-white attacks ignored by the media?

What a bunch of slimy hypocrites those people are. And they want to call white people racist. I hope they all burn in hell.

Are there instances of self-hate among Israeli Jews?

Definitely. In fact I would say that general mainstream society supports jews to become self-hating. Whenever Israel is shown in the media, it's shown as evil so jews then become ashamed of the jewish state (because the mainstream society has advanced the ridiculous notion that diaspora jews are responsible for Israel's actions). The term "zionism" originally a term to denote the jewish struggle for equality and self determination (essentially a jewish civil rights movement) has been hijacked to mean imperialism, oppression and geonocide. Add to that that whenever a person is mentioned in the media is jewish it's always when they do something bad, especially when it's associated with a negative jewish stereotype, for example when Bernie Madoff happened, the media wouldn't shut up about the fact that he was jewish (because somehow that's a relevant issue in their minds), which adds to jews feeling ashamed of being jewish, however, if we look at the many jewish role models in the world (activists, successful business people, scientists, celebrities, etc) the media goes out of it's way to hide their judaism so that most people will never know that they're jewish. So the media makes us feel ashamed of being jewish while at the same time providing us no positive jewish role models. Actually I was wrong, the media does provide us with jewish role models, self-hating jews. We're told that the only good jew is one who hates his/her heritage. So we just come out feeling negative about the whole thing. After all this it's a wonder that MOST jews aren't self hating. But is it really surprising after all this that self-hatred is fairly common amongst the jewish community?

Why did John Mccain hate Donald Trump?

Trump does not have the interest of the country in mind or heart. Trumps heart is only on himself.

Why do most Republicans hate Muslims?

We don't know who the Muslims coming into the country are and the CIA and Homeland Security can't vet them. There will be terrorists in the mix. Do you want to risk another 9/11? And as far as the military goes, let us not forget the Muslim who killed a bunch of soldiers at Fort Hood. The powers that be on that base were so busy bending over backward to be PC, they ignored all the warning signs and red flags about that guy. The liberal mainstream media couldn't sweep that under the rug fast enough. It's time to get real. A jihad has been declared on the West and we need to acknowledge that and start doing something about it to protect ourselves.