Why Does The Right Run Candidates Who Are Rinos Now Mccain And Romney Last And No Conservative

How big a slap in the face to far right Conservatives will it be if Christie gets nominated in 4 years....?

The far right would be pretty ticked off!! LOL
As a Liberal, Christie would be a Republican I would actually consider voting for.

How much heartburn does Mitt Romney running against Obama give the average Liberal Kool Aid drinking member?

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Why are so many liberals who hated McCain and Romney claiming they are "good guys" now that Trump is in?

John McCain and the so called Republicans from Maine and Alaska are not real Republicans. You can't be a Republican and be for larger and larger government. It's impossible. You can't be a Republican and be ok with moving the country towards single payer healthcare and want to mandate your constituents to buy services that they don't want.These three imposters are RINOsRepublican In Name Only. Democrats were decimated because of Obamacare. Once again, the poor get help the middle class can't get. The Democratic Party moved so far left, the left blue collar workers behind. Transgender issues were more important to them than their old base is. Not much union money going to Democratic leaders any more. So they moved on.The truth is, the RINOs are only worried about their own re-election. Apparently it's ok to repeatedly lie to get re-elected. They not only voted to repeatedly repeal Obamacare many times, this time…when it counted they cowarded and showed their ass. So much for honesty. These three senators just went back on their promises to the American people.The American people that actually have to buy this crap by mandate are getting fucked once again to bankroll the lazy or wellfare cheaters who will never play by the rules. They play the system.My best friend and his wife played the system. They didn't want to pay what we have to here in Michigan. They decided that if she quit her job, they could qualify for the Medicaid expansion. So that's what they did. Now, they pay pennies on the dollar, both her and her two sons who are 18 and 19 go to a pain doctor every month with their new health care. Then all three get 180 strong pain pills after their new doctor gives them each a prescription which is filled by Medicaid. Not 1 dollar in copay.Now, Medicaid has paid for them to go see a specialist doctor at great expense, paid to fill the prescription at great expense, and even paid for a ride for them to run to the doctor.Are you ready for the big reveal?Each sells their pain pills to a drug dealer. He gives them $1400 each for their pills, which was paid for by the taxpayer.NOT THE DAMN GOVERNMENT.US.In the Pontiac Michigan area, thousands of people are doing this, because they really don't WANT this shit. I'm gonna start playing the system. I'm sure as fuck not ever going to buy anything that this government orders me to buy. The Democrats love these three traitors because they are traitors. You know the dems. The end always justified the means.

Why are there no moderate Republican candidates? They all seem to be evangelically Christian, anti-abortion, and pro-gun ownership. What am I missing?

I'm going to answer you as a conservative 46-year old lifelong Republican. The base of the Republican party (not to be confused with Trump supporters) want a conservative standard-bearer for precisely the reasons you mention. They feel that during the last two cycles the Republican party has nominated men that were more centrist than conservative. John McCain's nickname is "the maverick" because of his propensity to go against his own party and Romney was governor of the most liberal state in the union. Conservatives feel that these moderates fail to draw bright line distinctions between the two parties and their agendas. The saying goes, "if Americans are given a choice between a liberal Democrat and Republican impostor they will go for the genuine article." Furthermore if you go to the previous two cycles the part nominated George W. Bush, which may be seen as very conservative internationally but is seen somewhat as a traitor to the conservative movement. His agenda became derailed after 9/11 and the subsequent wars with a focus on foreign policy while spending and debt continued to increase.  In essence, George W. Bush begat Barack Obama. So the solution, at least to most Republicans in the base, is to nominate a "true conservative". Someone who believes in the country's first principles. Part of that, by the way, is a belief that our rights come from God not from government. Limited government is enshrined in our founding documents and conservatives don't want anymore presidents who slowly but surely grow the government and thus shrink individual rights. As for guns that's a whole other can of worms. The framers of our constitution had just fought a revolution against their OWN government, the BRITISH government with their OWN ARMS. They felt that the very nature of government was to grow at the expense of individual rights and wanted to ensure that their heirs had recourse to arms in the future. An armed populace is a final backstop against an aggressive overreaching government. You may think that sounds crazy but we're only a few decades past major genocides of unarmed civilian populations.

How Can McCain Supporters Convince Cons To Vote For Him?

Honestly I don't know who these people are that are voting for the Republican Candidates at all these primaries. Where are all the normal conservatives. Where are all the conservatives that listen to talk radio? Where are all the conservatives that voted for Bush in 2004?

How can Rudy be out and MCCAIN of all people be the front-runner?

I don't mind Romney, but with McCain's record, I can't see voting for him unless he is against Hillary. I'm beginning to hope that Ron Paul runs on a 3rd party.

Anyway, getting back to my question, if you are a McCain supporter, what can you say about him to a conservative that will get us to sway in his direction?

If Donald Trump didn't enter the Republican primary, which candidate(s) would his support have gone to? Who would be the Republican nominee?

There are many sects of the Republican party we have to think aboutThere’s the moderate/center-right wing, like Lindsey Graham or John Kasich.Or there are more constitutionalist Christian conservatives like Ted Cruz.There are the libertarians like Rand Paul and Justin Amash.It’s really difficult to see, because there is at least one sect in the GOP that hates each of those people.Trumpians don’t very much like John Kasich or Lindsey Graham.Libertarians aren’t too aligned with people like Ted Cruz.And the traditional religious right aren’t too aligned with libertarians like Rand Paul.And I mean, there aren’t too many standing out Republicans that would be good for president right now.Hell, a lot of Republican’s that voted for Trump aren’t super satisfied with the president’s work either.I mean, if we don’t count Trump (or Pence because that would be too easy), I would probably put the primary at a race between Paul Ryan (who will lose), Ted Cruz, and Rand Paul.It seems like those three are the most prominent figures in the GOP right now—leading their different sects—and I can see either Ted Cruz or Rand Paul winning it.

If Republicans are voting strictly along party lines, doesn’t it make more sense to nominate someone other than Trump to be the 2020 GOP candidate?

If one were thinking clearly, which one clearly is, then one would nominate someone in the Republican Party. However, it appears that the Republican Party has decided to go for the Party Of The Damned, by not only nominating someone who isn’t a true Republican, but who also isn’t a Christian in the least sense of the word. And, who doesn’t mind leading the country into a regressive state.It seems that the Evangelicals have forgone their soul for the lure of the shiny object of power, and seem to be OK with it. I heard someone mutter under their breath about The Imperius Curse but I won’t swear to it.It would answer many questions, though.

What and who are the RINO Republicans?

Usage of the term RINO varies. But at its core is Reagan’s division of people: Some people think Government is the solution. Some people think Government is the problem.Constantly from 1932 to 2016 leaders of both political parties have favored the government as the solution to every real and imagined problem. The sole exception is the grand compromise between Reagan and Tip O’Neil, which clouded the division.Consistently, the Republican voters have believed that the Central government has a limited role in a few specific areas. But the Feds are not the solution to every real or imagined problem.Thus there has been a big split between the Republican voter and the Republican party leaders since 1932.The difference between RINOs and leftist Democrats is the speed with which government expands. Obama/ Schumer/ Pelosi wanted government to expand rapidly. McCain wanted it to expand at a moderate pace, thus the term moderate.Trump is a populist. He is neither a RINO, nor a Republican in the mold of the Republican base. Also, like most politicians, Trump is an opportunist, and like Bill Clinton and most winners, Trump is a pragmatist.

Don't you agree with Ann Coulter?

I do. She said she would never vote for Liberal J. Mccain and neither will I. He is for abortion, keeping illigel aliens here, and who know what else since he lied to Mr. Romney's face last night. Huckabee needs to get out . He is just splitting the vote.Romney for president.