Why Does This Girl Try To Be A Better Singer Than Me When She Knows She Can

Why is this girl so much better than me?

First of all she is not better than you. She might be tricking people or not. She probably studies a lot or inherits from her parents. I think she compliments people so they can like her for making them feel better or not. The video game thing, I think she knows what boys are doing now-a-days and would like to let the boys feel what they do... you know what I mean? The singing thing, she probably took singing lessons or not. They cost 40,000 dollars each year. I know this because a professor from one of my state universities came to tell us about this in choir/chorus. And she taught us a simple things to make ourselves a better singer. Anyway, it does not matter how rich she is. I have things to say that will make you better than her, if you want... But, not turn you into someone else.
Participate in class, people will start noticing you participating and this will help with self-esteem. The more you participate, the more people will notice that you will become a good leader. something like that. I heard this in a good radio show. Like, let's say sports, you are the leader of the baseball team.
Do not show jealousy to her. She will think you do not like yourself and that will make her much happier. You will become less happy and lose self-esteem.
If you want to become smarter, study more. In Harry Potter, Hermione(one of Harry's friend) reads the school books and studies and participates in class. And she is the smartest witch in Harry's year. By just doing this simple thing!
Do not show yourself with your head down, it will make people think you are weak.
The things I'm saying are NOT meant to hurt you.
Did you know that, if you are nice to the people you do not get well with. They will return you the same thing. I heard this by a good radio show.
Be strong and don't show tears!
We can e-mail each other, I have other things to say. And I'm going through hard stuff too, you know.

How can I not be jealous of a girl who sings better than me (please read the whole thing!!)?

Hey, so I am 13 and in 8th grade. Singing is my number one passion and it always makes me happy. At school in Chorus we get to pick a song to sing solo. I sang my song yesterday and I thought I did ok at it. Then this girl who I admit is an amazing singer sang a song from 'Les Mis' and she seriously blew me away! But the thing is I am very jealous of her singing. She can sing anything and everyone thinks she is amazing. Like me and my friends were walking home from school the day after a band concert (which she sang in, aswell as myself and some other girls) and my other two friends said to her "Mya you did AMAZING last night singing you are the best singer in our school, your going to sooo be famous someday." And they didnt say anything about me singing. At all. That really kind of upset me because its not like I need to be told I was amazing, even if they said 'good job' or something would have been fine. Anyway, i know she is a better singer than me but I am really jealous because I really want to be in the music industry as a singing/recording artist but I feel like if my friends dont even tell me I am good then I wont make it.

I still have some confidence though because one of my old bestfriends (an aqquaintence now I geuss) came up to me after the concert and said I did really well. So did another girl in the chorus who isnt really my friend but we talk sometimes. I have also been told by my old voice teacher that I had a 'natrually pretty voice' (not at all trying to brag) and my new voice teacher said after I finished singing my song last week that '*mynamehere* Is in The HOUSE'! lol which is a compliment.

So do you think that there is anyway that I can not be jealous of this girl, and still have confidence to (try) to make it in the music industry?

Thanks so much, you can't even imagine how much this helps! Sorry for all the informattion <3

I try telling my girlfriend she's beautiful, but she thinks she's ugly and I'm just saying it when I don’t mean it. How can I make her believe me?

I'm a girl, and I can tell you right away to avoid Bill Taylor's answer because it comes from an ignorant, sexist old man and it's a load of bull crap. Also avoid posting photos of her on social media because she likely does not want them there, it could upset her and make her feel worse about her appearance if she is already unhappy with it. (even if the caption is full of compliments, like I'll explain in a moment, it doesn't matter.) It's also illegal to use or post images of a person without their consent. The real answer is because most girls have low self esteem when it comes to appearance, some more than others and some are more vocal about it than others. But in reality, there is pretty much NOTHING you can do to change her mind. This isn't to say she'll have the same opinion of herself forever, but she has to realize she's beautiful for herself. And even a thousand men telling her that she's beautiful every day won't do anything but make it worse. If you really want to make her feel beautiful then stop telling her she is and SHOW her that she is. Listen to her, and do it gladly. Care about her passions. Support her. Be there for her- but don't give her advice unless she asks for it. Basically, just show you care. Because telling her she's physically beautiful likely just reminds her of her insecurities. If you show her you love her for her, her likes her dislikes, her personality, it shows that you care about who she really is. Bringing up a girl's appearance all the time and complimenting her only based on her body seems to me like it's all you care about. Not the person inside of it. If you can't truly do that then maybe she isn't the one for you at all. Even though this won't likely change how she feels about her appearance, it shows her she doesn't have to worry about looking like a model because you care about her personality, and the way she looks is just a bonus.

Do girls like men singing to them?

awwww thats sweet of course girls do its the thought that counts and thats a difference and not many men do that so don't worry its a true blessing to have some guys out there do that for their girl friends its a really sweet thing to do..... :)

Do Some Guys like Girls that can Sing?

I Have a great voice, so I was thinking of joining the talent show to improve my attractiveness at my school, but i'm shy, so I was wondering if I should, and will the boy I like maybe like me a little bit more???


THX ^_^ <3