Why Does This Happen When I Eat Spicy Food

What happens when you eat too much spicy food?

my mom eats jalenpinos EVERYSINGLE day. if there is none in the fridge she will grb the next spicy thing.
hot sauce and hot chili peppers.
what happens if she eats too much spicy food?
does it hurt her internal organs or something?

Why do tears come to our eyes when you eat spicy food?

What actually happens when we eat spicy hot food is that the body releases pain chemicals called prostaglandins which is the reason why hot foods like Chili tastes hot. When we feel pain our eyes water, we do not fully understand why we cry when in pain as other animals do this but this is what is happening As we eat more spicy foods our bodies reduces the number of nerve cells sensitive to these pain chemicals are reduced which is why some people can tolerate very hot chillies and others can't. And also, some foods (onions especially) contain sulfur. When you cut them, the sulfur is released into the air and the Hydrogen sulfide gas that results gets into your eyes and mixes with the water in your tears to become sulfuric acid. You tear up to dilute the acid to protect your eye.

What happens if I eat spicy food when I have chicken pox?

Yes you can, if you can.There are similar vesicles on your mucus membrane as they are on skin. You may see some in mouth or throat. Most such vesicles burst open and make ulcer like lesions. You can imagine the pain when spicy food comes in contact.This is the reason of avoiding spicy food.

Do you get itchy when eating spicy foods?

No. obviously you're allergic. I do that when I eat bananas. Its not severe so I eat them anyway.

Why does my mouth water after eating spicy food?

I'm eating papaya salad, which is can be very spicy depending on how many peppers you put in it, and after I take a few bites I stop to take a breath and cool off but I can feel saliva starting to drip out of my mouth... Why does that happen?

What will happen if you eat spicy things when you are on your period?

Generally, spicy food will not effect your period. It may cause urinary tract infections in those people who are sensitive whether you are on your period or not. On the other hand, it would be advisable to drink plenty of water and avoid too many sweets on your period. A lack of water can lead to spotty irregular periods and extra sugar in the blood can feed yeasts causing yeast infections.

Why does eating spicy food give me the hiccups?

It's you...

"Hiccups are known to develop often in specific situations, such as eating too quickly, taking a cold drink while eating a hot meal, eating very hot or spicy food, laughing vigorously or coughing, drinking an alcoholic beverage to excess, crying out loud (sobbing causes air to enter the stomach), some smoking situations where abnormal inhalation can occur (in tobacco or other smoke like cannabis, perhaps triggered by precursors to coughing, or in the case of cannabis, by precursors to laughter), or electrolyte imbalance. Hiccups may be caused by pressure to the phrenic nerve by other anatomical structures, or rarely by tumors and certain kidney disease. It is reported that 30% of chemotherapy patients suffer singultus as a side effect of treatment. (American Cancer Society)

One possible beneficial effect of hiccups is to dislodge foreign pieces of food, which have become stuck in the esophagus, or which are traveling too slowly. When a piece of food is swallowed that is too large for the natural peristalsis of the esophagus to move the food quickly into the stomach, it applies pressure on the phrenic nerve, invoking the hiccup reflex. This causes the diaphragm to contract, creating a vacuum in the thoracic cavity, which creates a region of low pressure on the side of the lump of food nearest the stomach, and a region of high pressure on the side of the lump of food nearest the mouth. This lungs differential across the food creates a force, which assists peristalsis. In humans, gravity partially assists peristalsis, but in quadrupeds and many marine vertebrates, their oesophagi run roughly perpendicular to the force of gravity, so that gravity provides little assistance. The hiccup mechanism likely evolved as an aid to peristalsis in our ancestors. It only now appears to offer little benefit, as humans are upright and gravity assists peristalsis, making it very unlikely for food to become lodged in the esophagus."

So there!

Best wishes!

What does eating spicy food do to our brain?

In general, hot, spicy foods are stimulants. They stimulate the circulation and raise body temperature. If you are living in a hot climate, the increase in body temperature can make you feel cooler by diminishing the difference between you and the surrounding air and by inducing sweating, which cools the body when the perspiration evaporates. Peppery foods are also believed to stimulate the appetite by setting off the flow of saliva and gastric juices, a nutritionally important effect for people in tropical areas where the oppressive heat acts as an appetite suppressant. And, anecdotally at least, they act as an overall stimulant, producing a titillating, awakening effect and increasing the acuity of the senses.