Why Girls Like Twilight . Its Just A Crap

Why are Twilight fangirls so dumb?

i have a theory. the book wasn't meant to be read by high schoolers, but by 5th graders. because it's such an easy read and it's barely mature the 5th graders getting ready to attend middle school need a self esteem boost so they read this giant book with giant words and feel better about themselves and more mature. but thennn a sped in 8th grade got a hold of it and got it all popular. now all the teen agers think that theyre the smartest thing ever because they read this giant book. i honestly used to read it and like it until i read some real books and i tried re reading the books for the upcoming movie and i COULD NOT read it. i literally picked it up and read the first word and put it down, and i tried reading some more so i read 20 pages and i felt brain dead. but when ever i see people reading it, i know that theyre not very smart, so i think its a gift to the intellectuals because we know who's who. but it confounds me that there are upperclassmen who cant even read it. ughhh i hate that shitttt

EDIT: i just read that people said we dont know the fans....uhm we go to f**king school dumb asses, we KNOW who the fan fans are and the people who like the book are. you guys think we dont go to school or something? we'r hating the book and everyone who likes it. idiots.

Why is hating on Twilight, Justin Bieber, Jonas Brothers, and other such groups so popular?

Because they honestly do suck.Bieber actually does have a degree of musical talent, but is being managed in such a way that the products he produces (musically speaking) are vapid, unoriginal, and boring.The JoBros are an act put together and packaged by Disney. I can only point to ONE such act that ever went on to have artistic legitimacy, and proven talent: Justin Timberlake. The other acts are all lame because their songs are such that they're based on demographics and marketing data rather than what's artistically valid or what people will actually LIKE. Position them as hip, and the kids will go along, that's Disney's strategy. Should the act be female, Disney will exploit and promote the hell out of her until she turns 18, and then she's on her own...and girl after girl who's been used and thrown away in this manner has gone on to self-destruct in some way (Lindsay Lohan, Britney Spears, and Miley Cyrus is headed there, too.) I have the Disney Channel on parental block at my house because so much of what they're marketing as "cool and wholesome for kids" is predictable, vapid, cookie-cutter CRAP.Regarding Twilight. The books are terrible, and the movies are worse. Stephanie Meyer (with her not very veiled, unrealistic abstinence agenda) has set back women in literature 200 years. Seriously. Jane Austen characters had better character. My entire opinion on Twilight is explained quite effectively in this article by The Oatmeal:  I am very lucky in that when one asks my 16yo daughter whether she's "Team Edward" or "Team Jacob," she rolls her eyes and says she's "Team Guy Who Almost Hit Bella With a Car." She gets it, and I'm proud of her for it.

Is Twilight a "fat girl" book/movie?


Sorry sorry.

Lol I think you're pretty much right. Girls that are lonely and have obviously never hung out with a guy in real life before (because they'd realize how unrealistic Edward is...) definitely love the book because they like to imagine themselves as Bella.

I mean look at MEYER. She CLEARLY is meant to be "Bella." She created this world for her fake self for the lack of s3x in her real life relationship.

LOL jk i read that on the best website ever (it's in my profile 'About Me' space so check out the link!)

But yeah in general and in a less mean way you're correct. Of all my friends, it's the ones with the least confidence, lack of romance, and low self esteem that are obsessed with these terrible books.

But they ALSO don't read OTHER books so really, they can't compare Twilight to GOOD literature and realize how bad it is so that might be another factor too.

Uhh so yeah, basically they want that "fantasy" to be real...

OH and if anyone wants a few laughs, check out: The Bella Cullen Project on itunes!

Some fangirls made a BAND and got on ITUNES with their crappy (super crappy) Twilight-themed songs. It's crazy.

Why do you like TWILIGHT?

I like it?
I really wasn't aware that I like reading about emotionally abusive, overly controlling boyfriends, boys who break into girl's homes to watch them sleep before they have even a single conversation, pushover, "doormat" girlfriends, powerful misogynistic themes that totally undermine everything non-fictitious women have been working on for decades, jealous, predictable boys, fair weather friends, people with inexplicable - and abused and unearned - popularity, police chiefs who are so terrible at their jobs they can't tell when someone breaks into their homes every single night, romances based on nothing other than the appearance and smell of the involved people rather than personalities, incredibly bland conversations that no one in their right mind would ever actually hold, parents who can't parent worth a crap, stereotypical 'small town' environments and high school teenagers who act more like kindergarteners. Not to mention the writing style; I didn't realize that I enjoyed crappy, third-grade writing with cheesy, unbelievable "romance" scenes written in first person with a main character based on the author who only goes for the hottest guys around rather than the guys who are actually nice to her and terrible narration that so clearly reveals the underlying brattiness and the enormous ego of the narrator.
You learn something new every day.

EDIT: I'm one of the smartest people on Yahoo!? *gets all teary eyed* Seriously, though, it's not intelligence. It's just common sense. o_O (That and I've been in an abusive relationship before... So I see through Eddie's sparkling skin. Maybe having been in a relationship at all is key to understanding and disliking this book. Hm. *ponders*)

EDIT 2: : ) - "Why can't you just accept that there will always be more twilight fans than twilight haters?"
Ahah, I love that argument.
You realize people said the same thing about slavery, right?

What kind of movie is Twilight?

Its just crap, crap that gives women with no intelligence orgasms....

Is It Ok for guys to like Twilight? and not be gay?

Omg, are you serious? You think that just because you're different, other guys are gonna think you're gay?

Okay, well, let me give you some info. Ask yourself this: How many girls worldwide are in love with Twilight? Got the answer?? I do: A LOT! OVERLY MORE THAN HALF! So if you like Twilight, so many girls are going to be able to bond with you dude! :) If a guy likes a chick flick like Twilight, all the girls are going to want to talk to you about it, discuss it with you.. you can even be taken along by ur future twi-hard gf to one of the Breaking Dawn movies! :D:D

Think about it, Twilight Hater, or someone who likes the movie because they enjoy it and it makes them happy? Stupid d!ckheads (Twilight Haters) with no life, nothing to do with their time and most of all - no heart and no respect to those who love it? Or.. a guy who can spread out with their genre in movies, go to romances and have a girlfriend who won't be so grumpy all their time with rude remarks about how "gay" Twilight is.


you know what, you're awesome for liking it. You're AWESOME! i LoVE you for being different! :D:D:D:D::D:D ILy