Why Have I Been Feeling Ultra-lazy Lately

I've been feeling very lazy lately?

I'm a college student and normally I'm very motivated to do my best and go above and beyond expectations to make sure I do well. This year, however, I'm having trouble focusing and I can't seem to get myself to care very much about school work. I'm not skipping classes or anything (but I want to) and I'm doing my school work (though I normally turn in Arabic homework late). I don't know what's wrong. I feel like I should be really excited about school this year, and I'm just not. I still want to learn, but I just don't want to learn what I'm currently supposed to be learning.I'm in my last year of university and I more work than ever before (six classes, one audit, and a thesis to write) so I really can't afford to be lazy this year. Anyone have any suggestions as to what my problem could be or how I could fix it?

(example of laziness -- I've been in the library for an hour and I've only bought music on itunes, surfed the web, checked my e-mail, and asked this question. I haven't actually done anything.)

Why have I been feeling so lazy and bloated here lately?

Here lately i have just been feeling so LAZY and EXHAUSTED, I have also been feeling bloated where i can barely even suck in. Also I have been wanting to eat more then usual. Im pretty sure im not pregnant I don't feel pregnant anyway. My husband and i have been using condoms (spermicide condoms) every time ever since we had our son who is now 8 months old. There has only been 2 times that we have not used a condom but he did pull out, The first time was in the month of Febuary but I have had periods since then and then like 2 weeks ago we had sex with out a condom but again he pulled out and that night I had just got off my period.

Could I just be extremely tired? I am non stop my schedule is get up by 6 am get me and my son ready me for work him for Nanny's, work 8am-4pm with special needs kids all day(im a lifeskills teacher), get the baby,clean up the house,cook dinner,feed the baby,clean up the kitchen after dinner,play with the baby give him and myself showers,get the baby's diaper bag ready for the next day, then bed by 10 pm, then up to feed my son anywhere from 2-4 am then back up again( here lately though my son has been waking more frequently then usual because he is teething). I try using the weekends to do things around the house but the last few days I have not been motivated to do anything specially since we were busy with easter all weekend long. My laundry is stacked high waiting to be folded but I just have had no energy to do it lol. Why is this? Is it normal did I just need rest? Do you ever feel lazy and bloated and just wanting to eat more then usual? My house is a mess and I need to get motivated, I hate clutter and messy houses lol but right now I have not cared and then when I get ready to go to bed and see how messy my house is I get aggervated. Also I am wanting to lose some weight and start dieting and exercising but here lately I have not been motivated to get started on that so if you have any good suggestions or diet and exercising ideas taht will fit into my schedule feel free to share them with me.

I have being feeling dizzy lately,?

Could be any number of reasons, like an inner ear infection. Your best bet would be to go see your doctor. A few months ago, I felt unbalanced like I was on a boat. Turns out I had labyrinthitis. Motion sickness medication helped.

Why am i feeling dizzy lately?

Well, you haven't really given very much information, so it's difficult to try to come up with a comfortable answer.
So let's deal with the items you've mentioned. One at a time.
First, the dizziness. A lot of things can cause it, including poor hydration, cardiac dysfunction, blood sugar issues, all kinds of other things. First site tells about it, along with vertigo, one of its close cousins.

The weakness could be from poor hydration or any number of other conditions, such as blood sugar issues again. And you have had poor sleep for the last couple weeks. You certainly know what's going on with you personally than I do. You have certainly got several issues going.

But I do find the comment about crying for no reason very interesting. If it is indeed just starting to pour out tears, with no apparent reason, it could suggest a possible answer to the dizziness issue.

There is a muscle in the neck that can get tight and cause all kinds of problems. The second site shows its location, as well as a short list of symptoms when it has trouble. Including dizziness and balance problems.

Third site gives a bigger list of problems, including lacrimation. Like when the eyes just start pouring out tears for no apparent reason. And if only one of the muscles is tight, one eye can be dry while the other one is putting out the tears.

But what to do about it? Can't massage it, and probably not very effective anyway. Ahh, it's time to learn the Sternocleidomastoid Stretch. The last site shows in a video how to do it. And if you have any difficulty doing the stretch, you'll know that you are closer to the answer.

Why have i been feeling so unmotivated lately?

I sounds like your a little low, depressed. But don't worry its very common. Your not alone. I used to feel like I was different and out of place when I was told this. But I have grasped the concept that there are thousands of teenagers just like you who are feeling like you do. Sometimes it takes someone to say it to you before you realize that is why you feel like this. People often feel depressed when a traumatic event has happened or they are grieving or a loved one is suffering with an illness but this was the not the case for me. I just simply have imbalanced chemicals in my brain. I can't help it. This could be the case for you. The way you are now is the way I was a year ago. I haven't got better, in fact I got worse. I didn't get help until a teacher noticed my self harm. I now speak to a school nurse. I am no better but I am still here thanks to her. We have come to the conclusion that I might have to get medication from a doctor which is a big deal for me. Maybe you could speak to a school nurse too? Talk about how you feel and how you could resolve it. Nothing worked for me so medication is now the last option for me. But everybody is different. Your Mum could be right. I am dating a boy at the moment and its amazing how much difference it makes. Also the fact that you talked to your mum about this is a huge and amazing step. Many teenagers can't speak to there parents about these sort of things. Especially me. The only reason why I started getting help with the school nurse was because my teachers actually threatened to tell my parents that I self harm because they knew I didn't want them to know, unless I got help from the school nurse. I was a mess then. Now I can control my anxiety attacks myself and I don't cry as much. It takes time and you have to be patient. It won't go away immediately like you might want it to. If you need to chat just email me: Also I recommend to visit This website made me realise that mental health issues is nothing to be ashamed about and they are right. There is nothing to be ashamed about. You can't help it. Best of luck.

When we feel emotion is lacking and wonder why,  we are actually questioning the  substance of the feeling with which we usually identify, I find it helps to understand the phenomena in terms of a parallel comparison with an internal inquisition.  Familiarity is a common effect,  caused by taking everything for granted, the mind becomes blasé factoring in a chemistry to match, although probably that is a symptom not the cause, why do we take things for granted ?.When you can answer that,  its unlikely  the phenomenon would continue as strongly,  because feeling follows thought patterns which become opinion.Of course  "if"  were not able to control our feeling by opinion, legal development controlling the individual would still in its infancy.All we have to do is develop though patterns that outlaw taking things for granted.After all how could interest drop off suddenly and reoccur when no  stimulation is administered, one alternate answer  to the one that I am offerring is that the subconscious mind could be fishing for a new intention, but even so this is another good reason to hold the inquisition.I have yet meet one person who would want their feeling to be defined  by anything other than conscious decision, a lot of people assert that feeling for a particular thing or way of  life is innate and match consciousness to it, whenever possible.We all do that, to a certain extent and innate feeling certainly does exist, but revision and change is usual, maybe even the greater purpose, but for now we just want to eliminate taking things for granted.Knowing what we want and why is best understood and defined by questioning, "deferring wanting" unnecessary things, and mental exercise memorising abstract meanings logically associated with reasoning, and trying them out on other people.

Why have i been feeling really dizzy lately?!?

High blood pressure, low blood pressure, sinus infections, middle ear swelling up and other things can cause dizziness. Is it all the time, or just when you go from sitting to standing? What makes it worse. Anything make it better? Are you eating well? Being hungry or undernourished can make you dizzy too. I imagine if you stay up too much or on the internet to much can make you dizzy.
You can try drinking lots of water so that you pee clear or almost clear urine to be sure you are hydrated. You can eat. You can spend a day off the computer and see how you feel. If dizziness doesn't go away in a day or so, you should go to a clinic and get checked out.

Also, earwax can build up and press on eardrum and hence, middle ear parts and give dizziness and vertigo. Ears, nose, throat specialist can check for wax and get it out. I did this recently myself.

Why have I been feeling really dizzy lately?

I'm 13, 5'7 and 107 pounds. I have been feeling so dizzy lately that often when I'm walking I have to stop and grab a hold of something. I eat, people say it's because I am too thin but I eat a lot actually. It worries me, I'm apprehensive about it and it's very annoying too. It's as if theres an earthquake happening in my head and I really hate this!
Has this happened to anyone? Does anyone have any advice? Ten points best answer.

I believe you need some time for relaxation.As being ambitious, we try to utilize each and every second we have and eventually it leads to “OVERTIME OF MIND”.I know the feeling when we used to work like crazy for our goal and suddenly we stop like we used to, we lose our motive, We feel that we are not working or we become lazy or we do not have such potential to work like previously.If you want to win the long race, it is necessary to take some small breaks when you are tired.I suggest you to enjoy the nature around you or give some time to your family or loved ones including friends and Quora.Try something new which you really enjoy and not related to your work or life goal.It will give you inner satisfaction, even a small thing like playing badminton or going for jogging to nearest park or watching some nice TV series. (suggestion: F.R.I.E.N.D.S sitcom)If you do not feel well, you won’t be able to perform well.I suggest to add something new in your life, small change will create huge effect and will refresh to make you back to your ambition.Time is precious value it but do not forget to enjoy the life and the things you have achieved till now.I would love to hear from you if any of this works.Do not forget we are human beings not machine.

I've been feeling nauseous and light headed lately, why?

I believe I might have answered a previous question of yours. The symptoms you are exhibiting could mean that your blood pressure is low. I'd talk to your general practitioner.