Why I Feel Connected To Wolves If I Am Human

Do i have a connection with wolves?

Okay well during the past 4 months any dream i have had always involved a wolf, the wolf is a reddish dark brown colour. The most vivid dream i have had is where i actually was the wolf and i could feel everything, my tail, my hind legs, the way i ran, i could even feel my pads hitting the ground. How on earth would i know how it felt to be a wolf? Sometimes i get aggressive and violence entertains me but not in a way that i want to hurt anyone i usually just enjoy watching it. I love running, i'm a very fast runner and the feeling of freedom i get when i run is amazing. My friends have said that i act like a wolf and sometimes when i'm angry i even look like one. Animals even act strange around me for god sake. The most weirdest thing is that on a night wheres theres a full moon i feel incredibly energetic and hyperactive. After thinking about it a lot i concluded that i must have been a wolf in my past life but i cannot be sure. Please i wish for no silly comments or insults as i am very serious about it.
Thank you

I have a weird connection with wolves?

This is probably more of a spiritual question than a science question. As you probably know, native americans had special spiritual connections that they felt with certain animals, and that's why they named themselves after animals.

If you feel especially drawn to wolves, or identify with them, then maybe you should get involved in wolf conservation. I don't think it would be difficult to get into, if you're willing to do it as a volunteer. This would allow you to explore your feeling of connection further, and maybe figure out if it's actually a special gift of purpose for you. :o) Maybe you have some unfulfilled destiny as a hero for wolves whose habitat is being destroyed(?)

These are just a few possibilities I found. I don't know where you live, or I could try to find wolf volunteer opportunities near you.

I feel like I am a wolf trapped in a human body.?

Am I a wolf trapped in a human body?
A little about myself:

I am 15 years old.
I love the dark, It makes me feel safe.
Dogs love me, They feel comforted by me.
I understand canine body language... and most of the time what they are thinking of doing.
I look people directly in the eye and they look away first.
I love to run at night.
When I see the moon, all I want to do it howl (I actually went to the top of a high hill nearby just to howl my heart out without people hearing) and when I cannot howl I feel really sad.
I feel excited and different on a full moon, I have no need to keep track of the lunar cycle anymore because I can just feel it in my gut when there is a full moon.
I growl at people when I'm angry or pissed off.
When taken by surprise, I make a sharp yip/bark noise.
I roll around and wrestle/play fight with my sisters.
I sleep on top of the duvet, curled up in a weird ball/heap.
I find the floor to be comfy to sleep on.
I can sleep almost anywhere.
I bite people softly on the neck and other places when I need comfort.
I lick people a lot, sometimes without meaning to (if they get near my face) It's a reflex.
I nuzzle into people.
I bite people hard (I can make them bleed easily)
I have really good hearing and I'm good at spotting living creatures and things that most people cant see, I can pick out smells of some ingredients in food.
My eyes change colour according to my mood.
Dark brown = Miserable or Indifferent.
Light Brown = Average.
Hazel = (Don't get this much, not sure what it means)
Golden = Very Happy... (I get this a LOT.)

I sleep a lot but I can easily stay awake for more than 24 hours.
I fall asleep really quickly, whenever I want.

I dream things and they happen (De ja vu)

And probably more stuff... but that's all I can think of so far... :/ I'll add any more if I can think of any.

Is this normal?

I have a strange connection with canines.

I have never felt human?

Hi I'm 14 years old and for a really long time I have never felt human. I always felt more. I sometimes feel like an animal trapped inside of a human body. I have always felt like an animal, more speaking a wolf. I feel like I'm loosing my mind. I don't feel human. I howl. Like wolf howl n I growl. I can also bark. If I bark at my house they think its the dog. Some things that my mom has told me, makes me seem like a dog or wolf. I want to know what is wrong with me. I don't feel human. My anger is hard to control. Its like trying to control a wild beast. I don't know what to do. I don't want to talk to my family because they would think I'm crazy. I don't feel human. I feel more than human. Like I'm supposed to be something else. Please help!

Could a person ACTUALLY be raised by wolves?

Feral children, also known as wild children or wolf children, are children who've grown up with minimal human contact, or even none at all. They may have been raised by animals (often wolves) or somehow survived on their own. In some cases, children are confined and denied normal social interaction with other people.

Why do I feel a strong connection to the stars and the moon?

A2A, thanks Crystal.Well I’m hoping your strong connection is not to just the stars and moon. The sun (a star), earth and the other planets may be offended for being left out.Saying just the stars and moon makes your question lean towards astrology and lunacy. The astrological signs do not tell you what kind of person you are. The moon does not incite riots or any other behaviour. The stars and the moon do not give supernatural powers or take away any supernatural powers.They are awesome just as what they are. Celestial bodies flying around, acting according to the laws of physics, putting on a spectacular show.You should feel a strong connection, cause you are a part of it all.Be kind to yourself…

Why do wolves attack dogs?

Wolves will attack dogs if they feel the dogs are encroaching on their territory or otherwise offering the wolf a threat or not submitting properly.That means if a hunter takes their dogs into the range of a wolf pack, the wolf may ignore the hunter to attack the dogs. That’s how a number of wolf “attacks” on humans have occurred - when the hunter tries to save his dog from a wolf who considers it an invader.From the wolf’s point of view, this is another wolf on their home ground and trying to poach. They are defending their home and resources.From the hunter’s point of view, this is a valuable and often beloved dog being attacked by a wild animal. They are defending their dog.Dogs may also have the wrong body language. Some breeds have tails that naturally sit high and curled over the back, which can be read as dominating by wolves when the dog is attempting to submit:(The Lodge of Šung'manitu-Išna...A Tribute to the Oglala Lakota People)(Image: Patterjack Dog Breed Information and Pictures)Wolves will not attack every dog, as we know they can interbreed, but they will attack if they feel the dog has threatened, attacked, or intruded.How a Wolf Named Romeo Won Hearts in an Alaska SuburbThis is quite rare though.So wolves attack dogs for the same reason they attack other wolves, because they see them as a threat, or an intruder, or because they want them to submit.

Is it possible for a human to turn into a wolf?

No, it's not possible for humans to turn into wolves. Werewolves do not exist in reality. However, there is an actual medical condition called Lycanthropy, where people believe they have turned into, or regularly transform into, other animals (most notably wolves). The condition either gave rise to or was inspired by the mythical werewolf.  Humans who suffer from this condition take on the perceived behavior of animals and start to growl, move on all fours, rip their clothes, and even attack and kill human babies. They start to hallucinate and  develop non-real memories that they recollect lucidly after they are "cured". Their behavior is influenced by the type of animal they think they are and how much they know about the animal. Lycanthropy is a form of schizophrenia. The man who thinks he is a wolf will just look like a very scary human to us. The Beast of Gévaudan you were reading about was most definitely a wild wolf crossed with other types of large feral wolves and/or dogs. The silver bullet myth associated with the werewolf was born after the killing of this wolf. In fact, the presence of a silver bullet itself seems to have been ambiguous in written records.